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Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins! Welcome it by celebrating your birthday with pomp and splendor.
- (10 months ago)
Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins!
- Barlow\'s Boutique (10 months ago)
Network On Air
Happy Birthday to Woman in Black actor Adrian Rawlins!
He is 65 today.
Favourite Adrian Rawlins performance?
- Network On Air (10 months ago)
Wizarding World Direct
Happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins who portrayed James Potter in the films! but it is also James Po
- Wizarding World Direct (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor Adrian Rawlins! It s birthday time again, and wow! You re a whole year older now! So clo
- (10 months ago)
Roster Con
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins ! Souvenirs / Throwback :
- Roster Con (10 months ago)
Expecto Patronum Wizarding World Fan Club
27 Mar 2021: wish a very happy 63rd birthday to Adrian Rawlins who portrayed James Potter in Harry Potter and the D
- Expecto Patronum Wizarding World Fan Club (10 months ago)
Mar 27 Happy Birthday part 1: Julian Glover, Jerry Lacy, Austin Pendleton, June Wilkinson, Michael York, Carl Weint
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (10 months ago)
Valeur Potter
Today it\'s Adrian Rawlins\'s birthday. He played James Potter. He\'s now 63 years old ! Make him happy ! Aujourd\'h
- Valeur Potter (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins, born today in 1958. Rawlins is an English actor best known in fandom for playing
- Vault0 (10 months ago)
MuggleNet: #1 Wizarding World Resource Since 1999
Wishing a very happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins, who played James Potter in the \"Potter\" films!
- MuggleNet: #1 Wizarding World Resource Since 1999 (10 months ago)
Mark Fowler
British and Irish film/TV birthdays for 27 March.
Happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins
(born 27 March 1958)
- Mark Fowler (10 months ago)
/wzd happy birthday prongs, happy birthday adrian rawlins, happy birthday james potter! pemeran karakter dan karak
- WZD ON⚡️ (10 months ago)
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- arnaud (10 months ago)
Hoje é aniversário de James Potter e Adrian Rawlins. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ao personagem e ator
- Letícia (10 months ago)
Harry Potter Quizzes
James Potter shares a birthday with Adrian Rawlins, who played him in the films!
Happy birthday to b
- Harry Potter Quizzes (10 months ago)
Ruth & Ann
HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY, PRONGS! DYK: James Potter and the actor who portrays him, Adrian Rawlins have the SAME birth
- Ruth & Ann (10 months ago)
The whole People Convention team is thrilled to wish happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins whom we had the pleasure t
- People-con (10 months ago)
Nerd Candy
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins! Harry Potters dad and the Doctor who helped the Ood!
- Nerd Candy (10 months ago)
Uma vez james potter, sempre james potter
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins
- fangirl (10 months ago)
bellis | persona
Bugün Harry Potter\'da James Potter\' canland ran Adrian Rawlins\'in do um günü.
Happy 61st Birthday.
- bellis | persona (10 months ago)
Bugün Harry Potter\'da James Potter\' canland ran Adrian Rawlins\'in do um günü.
Happy 61st Birthday.
- bellis (10 months ago)
Swish and Flick
Wait, wait, wait... Adrian Rawlins shares a birthday WITH James Potter?! WHAT? Some things are just fate Happy Bi
- Swish and Flick (10 months ago)
Potter Talk
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins who portrayed James Potter in the Harry Potter movies. Ironically, it\'s also James Po
- Potter Talk (10 months ago)
Harry Potter fans Sp
Feliz cumpleaños a Adrian Rawlins, quien interpretó a James Potter en la saga.
Feliz cumpleaños!
Reposted from
- Harry Potter fans Sp (10 months ago)
Hayatımın Günlüğü
Remessageed Harry Potter Universe ( March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Pott
- Hayatımın Günlüğü (10 months ago)
Larissa Campos
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins and James Potter
- Larissa Campos (10 months ago)
Harry Potter Universe
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- Harry Potter Universe (10 months ago)
The Leaky Cauldron
Happy Birthday to Adrian Rawlins, who shares his birthday with his character, James Potter!
- The Leaky Cauldron (10 months ago)
Harry Potter Places
Happy Birthday to James Potter AND the Potterlicious actor who played him; Adrian Rawlins! (possibly
- Harry Potter Places (10 months ago)
Chloe Louise Moore
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins
- Chloe Louise Moore (10 months ago)
Happy 60th Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! Like James Potter, Adrian Rawlins, the actor who portrayed James Potter, was a
- • (10 months ago)
MuggleNet: the World’s #1 Harry Potter site!
Happy Birthday to the man who portrayed James Potter in the Harry Potter movies, Adrian Rawlins!
- MuggleNet: the World’s #1 Harry Potter site! (10 months ago)
Io Desamparado
Until the end. Happy birthday, James Potter. (also to Adrian Rawlins, the person who portrayed Harry s dad)
- Io Desamparado (10 months ago)
Today it is the birthday of James Potter but not only he but also the actor: Adrian Rawlins! Happy birthday guys!!!
- Harry_Potter_Birthdays (10 months ago)
Cheers for Movies
Join 9 people right now at \"Happy Birthday to James Potter and Adrian Rawlins!\"
- Cheers for Movies (10 months ago)
wayne smith ϟ
Happy Birthday to James Potter and Adrian Rawlins! -
- wayne smith ϟ (10 months ago)
Harry Potter ❾¾
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- Harry Potter ❾¾ (10 months ago)
IMDb. March 27th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Adrian Rawlins, Richard Denning, Bernard Curry, Taylor Atelian, Mary Treen, Art Evans, Sybil Williams.
- GSmith (10 months ago)
& lustigerweise hat auch der Schauspieler des James Potters heute Geburtstag!
Adrian Rawlins wird 58 Jahre alt!
- AltergQs (10 months ago)
{HP daily△⃒⃘}
Happy Birthday to Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the Harry Potter series
- {HP daily△⃒⃘} (10 months ago)
Harry Potter Memory
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- Harry Potter Memory (10 months ago)
Harry Potter Quotes
Happy birthday to Adrian rawlins who played James potter and also to James potter himself!
- Harry Potter Quotes (10 months ago)
Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang
Happy Birthday James Potter ( Adrian Rawlins ). Father of Harry Potter and our mighty wizard\'s father.
- Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang (10 months ago)
Harry Potter fanpage
Coincidence is that today is also Adrian Rawlins birthday. Happy birthday dear!He played James in Harry Potter movi
- Harry Potter fanpage (10 months ago)
Alyka xoxo
PotterWorldUK \"Happy 59th Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! Like James Potter, Adrian Rawlins was also born on 27 March
- Alyka xoxo (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins. AKA James \"prongs\" Potter
- Teri (10 months ago)
Harry Potter World
Happy 59th Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! Like James Potter, Adrian Rawlins was also born on 27 March.
- Harry Potter World (10 months ago)
mad woman
Happy Birthday Michael York, Mark Cohen, Adrian Rawlins, Stephen Dillane, Paul Wickens & Patrick McCabe
- mad woman (10 months ago)
DW On This Day
Happy Birthday to Adrian Rawlins who played Dr Ryder in Planet of the Ood.
- DW On This Day (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Adrian Rawlins will celebrate his 67 years old birthday in 1 month and 24 days! Send your greetings to him now!