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Happy Birthday to actress, horror icon, and to the first Friday the 13th final girl Adrienne King who turns 62 toda
- HorrorMovieReview73 (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Adrienne King
Born July 21st 1955
- Cody (7 months ago)
william elliot
Happy birthday
Adrienne King 21/7/55
- william elliot (7 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Adrienne King .
- Robert P Coronado (7 months ago)
VIERNES 13 y le dedico este FOTOCROMO a una de sus actrices que hoy es su cumpleaños!!! Happy Birthday Adrienne Kin
- EXHUMED MOVIES zine (7 months ago)
Which one of you put Jason Voorhees in charge of wishing Adrienne King a happy birthday? This did not go over well
- kindertrauma® (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Crystal Lake s first Final Girl, Adrienne King ( Make sure to check out her off
- TheReviewThatDrippedBlood (7 months ago)
Planeta Terror Podcast
Happy birthday El día de hoy celebramos a la primera final girl de la franquicia de Viernes 13
- Planeta Terror Podcast (7 months ago)
Tommy Lee
Happy 65th birthday to Adrienne King!
- Tommy Lee (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Adrienne King is an American film, and former stuntwoman. She is best known for portraying Alice Har
- Spacereporternews (7 months ago)
Roxy G.
Happy Birthday to Adrienne King. We met her back in 2016. Such a sweetheart.
- Roxy G. (7 months ago)
Shannon Gilmore
Happy Birthday Adrienne King
She turns 65 today
- Shannon Gilmore (7 months ago)
Robert Blinkco
Happy birthday Adrienne king
- Robert Blinkco (7 months ago)
michael myers updates
Happy 59th Birthday to one of my favourite scream queens and early final girls Adrienne King. I truly wish that she
- michael myers updates (7 months ago)
The Losman
Happy Birthday to actress, artist & stuntwoman Adrienne King who appeared in 15 movies most notably in Friday the 1
- The Losman (7 months ago)
Gabriel Cash
Friday the 13th (1980)
Happy Birthday, Adrienne King!
- Gabriel Cash (7 months ago)
Happy 64th birthday to FRIDAY THE 13TH (1980 star Adrienne King (
- PopHorror (7 months ago)
The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors
Happy Birthday to Adrienne King!
- The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors (7 months ago)
Jesús Félix
Hoy cumple años Adrienne King, \'final girl\' en \"Viernes 13\", convertida ya en un icono del cine slasher.
Happy bir
- Jesús Félix (7 months ago)
House of Tortured Souls wishes Adrienne King a very Happy Birthday!
The American actress and owner/creator of Cryst
- houseoftorturedsouls (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to Adrienne King, better known as Alice Hardy from Friday the 13th 1 and 2. Adrienne has been in a f
- PVDHORROR (7 months ago)
Psychotronic Daily
Happy birthday Adrienne King who played Alice in the first two \"FRIDAY THE 13TH\" films taking out Mrs. Voorhees in
- Psychotronic Daily (7 months ago)