Happy 60th Birthday to the Retired Professional Wrestler & Football Player The Pearl River Powerhouse... Ahmed John
- Taylor Gabriel (9 months ago)
Wrestling from 80s/90s
Happy Birthday Ahmed Johnson who is 59 years old today
- Wrestling from 80s/90s (9 months ago)
Steve Lamb
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson!
- Steve Lamb (9 months ago)
WWF Wrestling
Happy Birthday to Anthony Norris aka Ahmed Johnson!
- WWF Wrestling (9 months ago)
Old School WWF Veteran Ahmed Johnson celebrates his 59th birthday today HAPPY BIRTHDAY
- WWFOldSchool.com (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson The former Intercontinental Champion turns 59 today
- AJFwrestling (9 months ago)
Marissa Hampton
Happy birthday Ahmed Johnson!!
- Marissa Hampton (9 months ago)
The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast
Happy birthday to former FWF Interstate Champion Ahmed Johnson!
Listen to Season 1 of the wherever you get you
- The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast (9 months ago)
Tony Murdock
Happy Birthday Ahmed Johnson!!!
- Tony Murdock (9 months ago)
Wrestling Birthdays
Happy birthday to Ahmed Johnson, and
- Wrestling Birthdays (9 months ago)
Nicholas Francoletti
Happy Birthday to Deandre Hopkins, Anthony Rendon, Ahmed Johnson, and Drew McIntyre!
- Nicholas Francoletti (9 months ago)
Managed the new Harlem heat aswell big t(Ahmed Johnson) and stevie ray. Happy birthday
- BlueWeegie (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Ahmed Johnson
- Brian (9 months ago)
Chupacabra チュパカブラ
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson!
- Chupacabra チュパカブラ (9 months ago)
One of my favorite black wrestlers in WWF back in the day!! UNAPOLOGETICALLY BLACK HAPPY BDAY AHMED JOHNSON
- BLACK LOVE SHOUT OUT PAGE (9 months ago)
Mark World Order Wolfpac
Happy Birthday Ahmed Johnson!
- Mark World Order Wolfpac (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ahmed Johnson
- PlushReviewsAndMore (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Ahmed Johnson
- RubiSky (9 months ago)
Huge Happy Birthday goes out to Ahmed Johnson have a great day big man from all of us here at Europe\'s Home Of Wres
- EHOWB2018 (9 months ago)
Today s wrestlers birthdays; Happy birthday to Ahmed Johnson and WWE Champ !
- Mortyjr (9 months ago)
Benjamin Emerson
Happy Birthday Jay, may Ahmed Johnson with a giant plank of wood be my gift to you good sir.
- Benjamin Emerson (8 months ago)
Lightning Jeffrey
Happy 56th B-Day to Ahmed Johnson!
- Lightning Jeffrey (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson!
- Chupacabra (9 months ago)
We see it s your birthday, Ahmed Johnson and Drew McIntyre.
Happy birthday to you.
- Allwrestling.com (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson!
- SquaredCircleExpo (9 months ago)
The Darkness And The Lightness
Happy Birthday Ahmed Johnson
- The Darkness And The Lightness (9 months ago)
Steve Corneil
Happy birthday to Anthony Norris (aka Ahmed Johnson) wherever he may be. First-ever African American WWF singles c
- Steve Corneil (9 months ago)
may-kull not mackle
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson. 1st black ic champ and only wrestler to wear knew pads on his thighs
- may-kull not mackle (8 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Sandra Bernhard, Bjorn Borg, Jimmy Jam, Steve Vai, Paul Nassif, Ahmed Johnson, Jason Isaacs, Juni
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Vincent Kennedy Alpha McMahon
- Vincent Kennedy Alpha McMahon (9 months ago)
Mark World Order
Happy Birthday Ahmed Johnson!
- Mark World Order (9 months ago)
Birthdays for June 6th : Happy Birthday to Anthony Tony Norris AKA Ahmed Johnson, Andrew McLean...
- H-Money (9 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Ahmed Johnson, Jason Isaacs, Megumi Ogata, Max Casella, Paul Giamatti, Erik Prince, James Shaffer and Matthew Shafer.
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Mike Roberts
Happy Birthday to THE MOST Forgotten Former WWE Superstar of ALL Time,
The ONE and ONLY,
Ahmed Johnson.
Today he turns 54.
- Mike Roberts (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, Ahmed Johnson.
- JustBleedMMA (9 months ago)
Heroin In The Flesh
Ahmed Johnson just wished me a Happy Birthday fuck what you\'re doing
- Heroin In The Flesh (8 months ago)
Jaan Patel
Happy 52nd Birthday Tony Norris (Ahmed Johnson) you were a powerhouse in the ring
- Jaan Patel (9 months ago)
Ring Wars
Happy Birthday to former WWF Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson (Tony Norris) who turns 52 today.
- Ring Wars (9 months ago)
Team Awesome/Lorenzo
Happy Birthday to the first Black wrestler to win a singles championship in the WWE, Ahmed Johnson! The...
- Team Awesome/Lorenzo (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Ahmed Johnson will celebrate his 55 years old birthday in 3 months and 2 days! Send your greetings to him now!