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Crystal Luscan
Good afternoon, Happy Birthday to the Church of Satan!!!!!!!! Thank you Anton LaVey you gave me so much. I would like to have met you!!!
- Crystal Luscan (10 months ago)
Lanzifer Longinus
- Lanzifer Longinus (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Anton LaVey April 11 1930
- LA RAMS HOLLYWOOD (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Anton LaVey
- laissez le Rev rouler (11 months ago)
Jude Atwood
Happy birthday to Anton LaVey and Joel Grey!
- Jude Atwood (11 months ago)
David Brownlee
A Happy Birthday to our first Magus and founder of Satanism, Anton LaVey. His diabolical influence will live on for
- David Brownlee (11 months ago)
the SATANIC JEW! i am niveK nija
Happy Birthday to the founder of Modern Satanism, Anton Szandor LaVey!
He was born 11 April (1930-1997)
Back in 1
- the SATANIC JEW! i am niveK nija (11 months ago)
Techie Taco
Just found out I share the same birthday as Jeremy Clarkson, the founder of the satanic church Anton Lavey, mother
- Techie Taco (11 months ago)
HaroldMaiden A.C.A.B
Happy Birthday Anton Lavey
- HaroldMaiden A.C.A.B (11 months ago)
Dr Miranda Corcoran
Happy birthday to the Church of Satan. Founded by Anton LaVey on 1966, the church turns 55 tonight.
- Dr Miranda Corcoran (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Anton LaVey!
April 11, 1930
LaVey presented Satanism not as the practice of evil or as the worship
- RYZIN (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Anton LaVey
- Bisque (11 months ago)
Truth\" never set anyone free. It is only *doubt* which will bring mental emancipation.
-Anton LaVey
Happy 91st birthday to a real one.
- BRI LUNA (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Anton LaVey!
- DMJ6 (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Anton LaVey, founder of satanism
- ᵏᵃʸˡᵃ (11 months ago)
Peg Aloi
Happy Birthday to Anton LaVey, founder of The Church of Satan in 1966.
- Peg Aloi (11 months ago)
Happy belated birthday to Anton LaVey.
- 72 (11 months ago)
Happy belated birthday to Anton LaVey.
- Iluminacao (11 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Nicholas F. Brady, Walter Kruger, Anton LaVey (d. 1997), Lewis Jones, Joel Grey, Tony Brown, Mark
- North Trenton (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to the legendary Anton LaVey. Father of Satanism, the black pope, among San Francisco s finest peop
- Morningstvr (11 months ago)
gristle licker
Birthday happy to anton lavey
- gristle licker (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Anton LaVey who founded the Church of Satan in 1966, who would have been 90 years old today.
- u.v.ray (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to the late Anton LaVey. i don\'t agree with everything the Church of Satan stands for anymore (espec
- Martha (11 months ago)
Building 666
Happy Birthday Magus Anton Lavey - HAIL LAVEY! HAIL SATAN! there is only one!
- Building 666 (11 months ago)
Marilyn Manson Hollywood
Happy Birthday Anton LaVey
- Marilyn Manson Hollywood (11 months ago)
Scandinavia 1020 (Scandy)
Happy Birthday Mr. Anton LaVey!
- Scandinavia 1020 (Scandy) (11 months ago)
i\'m fucking dead.
Happy birthday! 53 years ago was born the \"It has been said, \'the truth will make men free.\' The
- i\'m fucking dead. (10 months ago)
I got a noose around my neck
Happy birthday! 53 years ago was born the \"It has been said, \'the truth will make men free.\' The
- I got a noose around my neck (10 months ago)
Rev. M.A.Mandrake
Happy Easter! Just days after the late Anton LaVey\'s 89th birthday & before the
- Rev. M.A.Mandrake (10 months ago)
Evan Larkin
I m getting to this late because I ve been celebrating my own vital existence, but happy birthday, Anton LaVey! Felix Natalis! Hail Satan!
- Evan Larkin (11 months ago)
Purple Lemon Man
Yo not a meme but happy birthday to Anton LaVey
- Purple Lemon Man (11 months ago)
シャア • アズナブル
Happy birthday to anton lavey
- シャア • アズナブル (11 months ago)
MSN-04 Sazabi
Happy birthday to anton lavey
- MSN-04 Sazabi (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Anton LaVey (April 11, 1930) Satanis: The Devil\'s Mass (1970)
documentary fi
- FREAK SCENE フサオ (11 months ago)
Eric Westbrook
Happy birthday, Anton LaVey
- Eric Westbrook (11 months ago)
Dale Hanson
Hail to The Man himself, and happy birthday to Anton LaVey. Remember to be treated to mental, emotional, and physic
- Dale Hanson (11 months ago)
Femto ☿
Happy birthday Anton LaVey
- Femto ☿ (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Anton LaVey!
- BirthdayMan (11 months ago)
David Ingram
Happy Birthday, Anton LaVey!
Thank you for you life-embracing philosophy. Hail ASL!
Ever Forward.
- David Ingram (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Anton LaVey! Ave!
- Satan\'sLilBiscuit (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Anton LaVey! Ave!
- Biscuit (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Anton LaVey!
- PebbleYeet (11 months ago)