Welcome to Bill Nye's Birthday Celebration Page
Bill Nye got 1197 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Chasa Gang
Happy birthday Bill Nye via - Chasa Gang (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

ellie ramos
A happy 17th birthday to me... and also to my birthday buddies mr. bill nye the science guy and jimi hendrix - ellie ramos (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Bill Nye, born November 27, 1955. - Today In Nerd History (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Maximus Effort Commissions Open 3/5 slots
It occurred to me that today wasn t just my birthday today there are apparently many people that were born today, B - Maximus Effort Commissions Open 3/5 slots (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Bill Nye the science guy! - WBTV News (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Darcy Gagnon
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye the Science Guy! - Darcy Gagnon (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL NYE - Noeltm (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

number one auto fan
happy birthday bill nye - number one auto fan (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

number one marth fan
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL NYE !! - number one marth fan (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Amanda L.
It\'s Bruce Lee\'s, Jimi Hendrix\'s and Bill Nye\'s Birthday Today on November 27. Bruce Lee would have turned 82. RIP - Amanda L. (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Webby Awards
Happy birthday, \"Thanks. Science is our future.\" 5-Word Speech by Bill Nye, accepting the Webby Pe - The Webby Awards (3 months ago)
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Sonic Editor | Formerly - JP |
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy - Sonic Editor | Formerly - JP | (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Bill Nye! - WKYT (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Bill Nye! Bill Nye voiced himself in the Scooby-Doo! and Guess Who? episode Space Station Scooby! - ScoobyAddict (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jason Fields
Happy Birthday Bill Nye my very first science teacher I had as a 8;year old - Jason Fields (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

charlie ¹⁷ ♡ ⁹¹ ☃️
Happy birthday blackbear and jimi hendrix also bill nye - charlie ¹⁷ ♡ ⁹¹ ☃️ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

charlie ¹⁷ ♡ ⁹¹
Happy birthday blackbear and jimi hendrix also bill nye - charlie ¹⁷ ♡ ⁹¹ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

charlie ¹⁷ ♡ ⁹¹ ME DAY !
Happy birthday blackbear and jimi hendrix also bill nye - charlie ¹⁷ ♡ ⁹¹ ME DAY ! (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Bill Nye! - FOX19 NOW (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Join us in wishing a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to William Sanford Nye aka Bill Nye the Science Guy, who is 67 years old t - KENS 5 (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Maria Lisignoli
BILL BILL BILL BILL... BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY! Happy 67th birthday to favorite former coworker! - Maria Lisignoli (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

john slotkin
Happy birthday Kathryn, Bigelow 71 Bill Nye 67 Fisher Stevens 59 Robin Givens 58 Jaleel white 46 Alison pill 37 Michael Rispoli 62. - john slotkin (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

\"SCIENCE RULES\" Happy Birthday, Bill Nye the Science Guy! - WAVE (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

KWTX News 10
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye! - KWTX News 10 (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Daniel Short
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye and Willie Bloomquist. All were also born/lived in my home state of Washington! - Daniel Short (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

DeAndre Lee Martin Williams
- DeAndre Lee Martin Williams (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Bill Nye! - unicronicron (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dominic Ayers
Happy Birthday Bill Nye - Dominic Ayers (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Geek Girl Authority
Happy Birthday to the man who single-handedly made us fall in love with science - Bill Nye! - Geek Girl Authority (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Bruce Lee and Bill Nye - JustRen (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Chip Witch
Sagittarius Report Sagittarius Jimi Hendrix is 80 today! Happy Birthday! Sagittarius Bill N - The Chip Witch (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (Justin Thomas)
Happy 67th Birthday To The Star Of The Disney Program Bill Nye The Science Guy And Also Voiced Himself On - Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (Justin Thomas) (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Bill Nye - . (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

SnowManiaPh | ✨ Snow Labo.S2 ✨
Fun fact: Abe-chan shares the same birthday as Bill Nye, the Science Guy! Happy birthday, Abe-chan! We are - SnowManiaPh | ✨ Snow Labo.S2 ✨ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Horned Ape
Happy birthday Bill Nye - The Horned Ape (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Cody Hartley
Happy Birthday Gary my birthdays later in the month! Same day as Bruce Lee, Jimmi Hendrix, Bill Nye, and - Cody Hartley (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pluton Biosciences
Happy belated birthday to The Science Guy who turned 66 on Nov. 27! Flashback to 2018 when Nye attended t - Pluton Biosciences (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tasha’s left boob
Happy Birthday Bill nye science I m so funneh - Tasha’s left boob (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Bill Nye I want u to know I had the phattest crush on you in elementary school - kai (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Oscar G. (おすかー)
I loved watching Bill Nye The Science Guy when I was growing up, I now watch it with my children. Happy birthday Bi - Oscar G. (おすかー) (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Maverick, MPA
Bill Nye s Birthday is the day after mines! is a Sagittarius like me Happy Birthday! - Maverick, MPA (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Bill Nye - Jay (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL NYE (link below) - chio (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Good Luck Sock
Happy 66th Birthday, Bill Nye! Available in Women\'s sizing at ° ° ° ° ° - Good Luck Sock (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Bruce Lee ( Jimi Hendrix ( , and Bill Nye ( - Pavel (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

jo luvs em 7
Happy birthday to Bill Nye - jo luvs em 7 (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Bill Nye who turns 66 today! - Space-reporter-news (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ring Master Rattle
Happy Birthday to those November 27ths out there Many of you are able to push boundaries back while being great at - Ring Master Rattle (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday bill nye i bet these photos are for him - mar ISA DAY (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday bill nye i bet these photos are for him - marie JULES DAY (3 months ago)

69 years old (Born on November 27, 1955)

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Bill Nye's Best Moments

Today is the birthday of Bill Nye (left), American engineer, educator, and television host. Happy birthday, Bill!
Today in Geek History: Happy Birthday Bill Nye! The Science Guy turns 60 today. BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL!
Happy birthday Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix and Bill Nye. Three god\s born today.
SCIENCE RULES! Happy Birthday to a true legend: Bill Nye
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye! He is 65 years old today!
Happy birthday to Bill Nye, yet another one of my childhood heroes, who turned 60 today!
Science rules, and so does this guy   Happy birthday, Bill Nye The Science Guy!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy
Happy 60th birthday to the stellar Bill Nye!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye!
Happy 65th birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy 65th birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy birthday via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye
Happy birthday to my CRAZYYYY roommate  thanks for being my singing buddy and tell Bill Nye I said hi
Happy Birthday to the man with a higher IQ than Bill Nye
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye the science guy!
Whattup Bill Nye, happy birthday Brad
Happy 65th birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy!
 Happy Birthday to legendary science icon Bill Nye\s special worm child
Happy Birthday to everyone s favorite
A true legend was born today, happy birthday Bill Nye
Happy birthday! Even though you dress like Bill Nye the science guy, youre still a pretty cool guy
Hbd will but more importantly happy birthday to Bill nye
Happy belated (yesterday!) birthday to Bill Nye, \77
 Bill Nye the Science Happy Birthday Guy, Bill. Bill!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY! What is your favorite Bill Nye science fact or trick?
A very happy birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy! Thank you for keeping us curious about the world around us.
Happy birthday to Bill Nye this Thanksgiving! video:
Hey ! Here\s an happy birthday from Bill Nye ! See you in 37 days ! Love you !
Happy birthday bill nye
Happy bday Thanks for being the best climate spokesman against science skeptics.
Happy birthday to my best science teacher, Bill Nye!
Happy birthday to Bill Nye the science guy! Bill Bill Bill Bill
Happy birthday Bill Nye
Remember when teachers would roll the TV in the classroom for this? Happy Birthday Bill Nye!
Happy Birthday to WSF friend and participant, Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy birthday, Bill Nye!!
Happy birthday Bill Nye
  Happy 59th Birthday to Bill Nye birthday mah nigga
Happy Birthday Bill Nye -
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye to wish him a fantastic 59th birthday!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Today (November 27) is Bill Nye\s 60th birthday. Happy birthday . !!
Happy birthday you are a very  blessed person cause you were born on the same day as bill nye
Happy Birthday,
Happy 60th Birthday, Bill Nye!Nye began his career in Seattle at...
It\s bill nye\s bday c\mon people lets get hyped about this!! happy birthday dog!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye, The Science Guy
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISSY hope you\re listening to some drizzy, watching bill nye, and eating chips and dip
Science is the best idea humans have ever had. 
Happy birthday Bill Nye.
Photo: Rex Rystedt
Happy birthday Check out this article about the history of beer from Bill Nye!
Happy birthday bill nye!!!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye!
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye!
Happy birthday to 
Bill Nye, the science guy ....born November 27, 1955
Happy birthday to Bill Nye the science guy and Bill Nye the science guy ONLY
\"Bill, Bill, Bill...\" Happy Birthday to Bill Nye!

\"The Science Guy\" turns 65 today.
Bill Nye \"The Science Guy\" is 65.
Happy Birthday Bill Nye \"The Science The Guy\" (
Happy Birthday Bill nye science  I m so funneh
\"SCIENCE RULES\" Happy Birthday, Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy Birthday! Bill Nye - TV Show Host from United States(DC), Birth sign Sagittarius
Happy Birthday to my boss, mentor and friend, Bill Nye This quality of leadership changes the world!
On behave of Reddit, I would like to wish Bill Nye "The Science Guy" a happy 59th Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye!
Happy birthday to Bill Nye He s a Guardian 4 who strives to build a better world with knowledge.
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye!!
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye, our favourite childhood scientist!
Happy 59th Birthday to Bill Nye The Science Guy! Shop Collectibles:
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye the Dancing (?) Guy  via
Happy birthday, Bill Nye Watch him demo a scale model of the solar system:
Happy birthday Bill Nye
Happy birthday Bill Nye Only 31 martian years old! Heres to 31 more!
Happy birthday to my main man, bill nye
Happy birthday to my boy Bill Nye
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy.
H. A. P. P. Y B. I. R. T. H. D. A. Y
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy, who turns 60 today!
Happy birthday to secret engineer, Bill Nye, aka The Science Guy
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
 Happy 60th Birthday to Bill Nye - The Science Guy!

Today\s Topic: songs about scientific stuff
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Happy Birthday! via
Happy Bday to a Legend, one of my all time favs, Mr Jimi Hendrix

PS - Also, Bruce Lee, Howie Mandel and Bill Nye!
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Happy Birthday! via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Happy Birthday! via
\"Everyone you meet will know something you don\t\" - Happy Birthday Bill Nye
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy bday to the homie since elementary!  Its Bill Nye\s birthday too so get hype!!!
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Happy Birthday! via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday to our childhood scientist on TV. Bill Nye. :P Born November 27, 1955. He is now 60 years old.
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Today in Geek History: Happy Birthday Bill Nye! The Science Guy turns 60 today. BILL ...
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Happy Birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy via
Bill Nye the Science Guy, Happy Birthday! via
Happy birthday bill nye!!
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye \The Science Guy\ who turns 62 today!
Happy birthday to me andddd Bill Nye!!!!!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye
Happy birthday, Bill Nye!
Happy 62nd Birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye!
Happy birthday Bill Nye -- a huge influence on a generation of young
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye, \"The Science Guy\" born November 27th, 1955, in Washington, D.C.
Happy Birthday Bill Nye!
Today s is Bill Nye The Science Guy! Happy Birthday!
Have a happy birthday, . I miss Bill Nye the Science Guy at Epcot. Dinosaurs ARE cool.
 - Happy birthday, BillNye
Haaaay Happy Birthday Bill. Bill Nye the science guy bill bill bill. Gotta love this man
Advice to the  from Bill Nye,
Happy 63rd Birthday
Advice to the Young Scientists from Bill Scaince communicator
Happy 63rd Birthday, Bill
\"The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it.\" Happy birthday Bill Nye.
Happy birthday to myself and Bill Nye
Happy birthday, Bill Nye! The popular scientist was born on this day in 1955.
Happy 63rd birthday to Bill Nye ( that \"Science Guy\" and star of NYE HARD! *cough*

\"Yippie Kai Yay!\"
In honor of Bill Nye s bday here s a pic from the 5th time I met him. Happy birthday to the loml
Happy 63rd birthday to Bill Nye today!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye, Bruce Lee, and Jimi Hendrix
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye!
Bill Nye, you light my fire. Happy birthday to the one and the only!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye!!!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye!
Happy Birthday Bill Nye
Happy 64th Birthday to Bill Nye! Best known for hosting Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Happy 65th Birthday to The host of my childhood show, Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye.
Happy birthday Bill Nye
 Happy Birthday Mr. Bill Nye!!!! You are a wonderful, incredible person.
Happy 65th birthday to Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye who turns 65 today!
Lets wish tomorrow a Happy Birthday to Bill Nye
Happy Birthday Bill Nye The Science Guy!
Happy birthday, Bill Nye -
you\re our kind of guy!
Bill Nye the Science Guy turns 66 today! Happy Birthday!! Dave Kotinsky / Stringer - Getty
Today in Writing History - November 27

Happy birthday Bill Nye the Science Guy (1955)!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Bill Nye \"The Science Guy\" is celebrating his 66th birthday today!
Happy birthday Bruce Lee and Bill Nye
Happy Birthday to Bill Nye!
Happy birthday Bill Nye!
Happy Birthday, Bill Nye!
bill nye debate 0
bill nye 2013 1
young bill nye 2
Bill Nye sexy 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Bill, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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