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Tooney Khan
Happy Birthday to the man that MY Jim Ross said I\'m just like! The legendary Cowboy Bill Watts.
From our renowned
- Tooney Khan (10 months ago)
Do enough good things and you might wind up in a hall of fame someday. Or you can mix in a few bad deeds and wind u
- TWScene (10 months ago)
Mr. Fair
Bill Watts still kickin ? Mad props to the Cowboy. He made the Junk Yard Dog a household name. Happy birthday!
- Mr. Fair (10 months ago)
My Wrestling videos And pics
Happy Birthday To Hall Of Famer \"Cowboy\" Bill Watts Who Turns 84 Today!
- My Wrestling videos And pics (10 months ago)
Jon Dennison
Happy birthday Cowboy Bill Watts
- Jon Dennison (10 months ago)
AWA Unleashed
Wishing a happy birthday to the legendary Bill Watts who turns 84 today!
- AWA Unleashed (10 months ago)
The Lore Of The Ring Podcast
Happy birthday, Cowboy Bill Watts!
- The Lore Of The Ring Podcast (10 months ago)
Bill Watts once told me \"you could save a lot of money with a Cumberland sausage and some cheese slices.\"
Was it Bi
- GoldenShovel (10 months ago)
Mark\'s Wrestling videos And pics
Happy Birthday To Hall Of Famer \"Cowboy\" Bill Watts Who Turns 83 Today!
- Mark\'s Wrestling videos And pics (10 months ago)
Victor Valenciano
Happy Birthday Bill Watts. Without him, the Freebirds wouldn t have existed.
- Victor Valenciano (10 months ago)
WrestleBooks would like to wish Cowboy Bill Watts a Happy 83rd Birthday.
- WrestleBooks (10 months ago)
here s a good article on watts today in the Tulsa paper.
- matt (10 months ago)
OU Sports Extra
Do enough good things and you might wind up in a hall of fame someday. Or you can mix in a few bad deeds and wind u
- OU Sports Extra (10 months ago)
David Peck
Bill Watts was pivotal in the 80 s explosion of Professional Wrestling. Wishing him a very happy 83rd birthday toda
- David Peck (10 months ago)
Larry in Missouri
Happy Birthday Cowboy Bill Watts, out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Recruited by Bud Wilkinson out of Putnam City
- Larry in Missouri (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Cowboy Bill Watts!
- Chupacabra (10 months ago)
Josh Peak
Happy Birthday to my first business mentor, Bill Watts! This man has taught me a lot more than just business, he ta
- Josh Peak (10 months ago)
Friday Night Smackdown
Happy Birthday to former pro-wrestler, Cowboy Bill Watts
- Friday Night Smackdown (10 months ago)
Ron Fuller
Happy Birthday to the \"Cowboy\" Bill Watts!
- Ron Fuller (10 months ago)
Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry)
Happy Birthday Cowboy Bill Watts, out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; recruited by Bud Wilkinson he played 2 years
- Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (10 months ago)
The Beermat
The Beermat wishes Cowboy Bill Watts a Happy Birthday
Have a good one
- The Beermat (10 months ago)
Wishing the Legendary Cowboy Bill Watts a Happy 82nd Birthday today.
- CauliflowerAlleyClub (10 months ago)
Tulsa World Sports
Do enough good things and you might wind up in a hall of fame someday. Or you can mix in a few bad deeds and wind u
- Tulsa World Sports (10 months ago)
Michael Howard
Happy 81st Birthday to Cowboy Bill Watts. The big man behind Mid-South Wrestling
- Michael Howard (10 months ago)
Hey I know you\'re a wrestling fan and thought you might enjoy this from the
- Charlie Price (10 months ago)
Cable News Watch
Happy birthday \"Cowboy\" Watts, pro wrestling hall of famer and former OU football player
- Cable News Watch (10 months ago)
Steve Maley
Happy birthday, Cowboy Bill Watts!
- Steve Maley (10 months ago)
Lavie Margolin
- Lavie Margolin (10 months ago)
Gallery: Happy birthday \"Cowboy\" Bill Watts, pro wrestling hall of famer and former OU football player
- tulsaworld (10 months ago)
Boston Wrestling MWF
Happy Birthday to the legendary \"Cowboy\" Bill Watts.
Watts was a standout football player and multi-time professio
- Boston Wrestling MWF (10 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Have a great one! Bill Watts (Wrestler), 81 years old.
On your birthday we wish for you that whatever you want most
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to \"The California Hippie\" Mike Boyette, who turns 37 today! A former 4x NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweigh
- Wrestle40 (10 months ago)
Jim Ross
Happy Birthday to my mentor, Cowboy Bill Watts, who helped launch my career in 1974.
- Jim Ross (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to former professional wrestler and promoter William F. Watts, Jr. (May 5,1939), author of The Cowb
- Book_Addict (10 months ago)
james webster
Happy Birthday to the Cowboy one of Wrestling great minds, Bill Watts
- james webster (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Dave! (Oh, and those other guys who did
- Liam Happe (10 months ago)
Bam Bam Terry Gordy former Partner IWGP and wCw World Tag Team Champions Happy BIRTHDAY RIP
- hiram (10 months ago)
Patrick McCarty
Happy belated 79th bday to one of the greatest minds in the history of pro wrestling and distant cousin of mine, Co
- Patrick McCarty (10 months ago)
Pro Wrestling Roundup
Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer \"Cowboy\" Bill Watts who turns 79 today!
- Pro Wrestling Roundup (10 months ago)
Jon Boucher
Happy Birthday to Bill Watts, who had his 79th stampede around the sun today.
- Jon Boucher (10 months ago)
History of Pro Wrestling
Happy Birthday Wishes to the Legendary Cowboy Bill Watts who turns 79 years old today..Watts was a great Wrestler a
- History of Pro Wrestling (10 months ago)
Wrestling The Way You Remember It!
Happy 79th birthday to the great Cowboy Bill Watts.
- Wrestling The Way You Remember It! (10 months ago)
Rip Rogers
Happy Birthday to the legendary Cowboy Bill Watts !!!
- Rip Rogers (10 months ago)
Kenneth L Clark
Happy birthday Cowboy Bill Watts
- Kenneth L Clark (10 months ago)