I swear I got so scared when I saw Bryan Cranston trending. Like, oh god, what did he do? Did he get injured? Did h
- KryFuZe - THE SMELL OF FEAR OUT NOW! (12 months ago)
tim carls
Great pic! I m rewatching now and you just came in
- tim carls (12 months ago)
This guy\'s birthday is today, he turns 67.
Happy Birthday, BRYAN CRANSTON!
We do remember him much as this...
- cinemart (12 months ago)
Happy birthday to Bryan Cranston!
What was his most iconic role and why was it Walter White from Breaking Bad?
- WHISTLE UNCUT (12 months ago)
Chelsea Lowe
Say my name. Happy birthday, Bryan Cranston!
- Chelsea Lowe (12 months ago)
Giancarlo Esposito
I can t say and were the biggest fans of each other But I can say I m a big fan of Brya
- Giancarlo Esposito (12 months ago)
Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Bryan Cranston, born March 7, 1956.
- Today In Nerd History (12 months ago)
Happy birthday, Bryan Cranston!
Cranston and Aaron Paul\'s emotional first read-through of the Breaking Bad finale
- Cinephilia & Beyond (12 months ago)
Christian Cortave
Happy Birthday to the one and only Bryan Cranston!
- Christian Cortave (12 months ago)
Ali Siddiqui
Happy birthday Bryan Cranston.
- Ali Siddiqui (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Bryan Cranston!!
- MaMaDonnae (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the one who knocks, Bryan Cranston.
- Murray (12 months ago)
Happy birthday Bryan Cranston I love u
- k8 (12 months ago)
Gigio André
Walter White caminando para pedrero con su nueva camiseta UdeChile 2023 que le llego hoy para s
- Gigio André (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Bryan Cranston!
- Cinéphile (12 months ago)
Happy birthday to the greatest father Bryan Cranston. Why is OJ so damn expensive?
- Scramblin\'Egg (12 months ago)
The Sugar Baggy!
Happy Birthday Bryan Cranston!! Thank You for one of the greatest television characters of all time!
- The Sugar Baggy! (12 months ago)
It\'s Bryan Cranston\'s, Laura Prepon\'s and Jenna Fischer\'s Birthday Today on March 7.
Bryan Cranston turns 67.
- StokesContests.com Celebrity News (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the great Heisenberg! Bryan Cranston turns 66 today. I recently rewatched Breaking Bad and have i
- Videostream (12 months ago)