WOR/FM Remembers: American Bandstand announcer Charlie O\'Donnell did the morning show for us in the late 60s. Charl
- Mel A. Phillips (5 months ago)
Mark Oliveras - MIS IS NEXT!
Same Birthday as the late Wheel of Fortune announcer Charlie O Donnell + and
- Mark Oliveras - MIS IS NEXT! (5 months ago)
Mark Oliveras - Corn Fest Week!
Same Birthday as the late Wheel of Fortune announcer Charlie O Donnell + and
- Mark Oliveras - Corn Fest Week! (5 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to George Soros, Kanagaratnam Sriskandan (d. 2010), Jacques Tits, William Goldman, Dallin H. Oaks, C
- North Trenton (5 months ago)
Today would ve been Charlie O Donnell s Dale Jarrett 88th Birthday. isn t the same but I know you a
- Mark Oliveras (RILEY AND ZANE WON MIS) (5 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to George Soros, Kanagaratnam Sriskandan (d. 2010), Jacques Tits, William Goldman, Dallin H. Oaks, C
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (5 months ago)
Mark Oliveras
Happy 94th Birthday to one of my favorite game show announcers of all-time (the other being the late Charlie O Donn
- Mark Oliveras (6 months ago)
Mark Oliveras - Happy Birthday Owen Joyner
Happy 94th Birthday to one of my favorite game show announcers of all-time (the other being the late Charlie O Donn
- Mark Oliveras - Happy Birthday Owen Joyner (6 months ago)
Mary Poppins ☔
Happy Birthday, Charlie O\'Donnell!
- Mary Poppins ☔ (5 months ago)
Belated happy birthday Charlie O\'Donnell with a beautiful family picture.
- Saphira (6 months ago)
Mark Oliveras
Happy 83rd Birthday to the late, great Charlie O\'Donnell. WHEEEEEEEL OF FORTUNE!
- Mark Oliveras (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Charlie O\'Donnell!
- Kheldarn (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Charlie O'Donnell will celebrate his 93 years old birthday in 6 months and 9 days! Send your greetings to him now!