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Puerto Rico Open ⛳️
A boricua legend and a true golf lover, Chi-Chi Rodríguez. Happy Birthday! ¡A seguir bailando!
- Puerto Rico Open ⛳️ (4 months ago)
Happy 86th birthday to Chi-Chi Rodríguez! Read Jerry Casale\'s new essay and watch the documentary film!
- DEVO (4 months ago)
DEVO’s Gerald V. Casale
Happy 86th birthday to Chi-Chi Rodríguez! Read Jerry Casale\'s new essay and watch the documentary film here:
- DEVO’s Gerald V. Casale (4 months ago)
Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry)
Happy Birthday Juan Chi-Chi Rodriguez, out of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; the 1st Puerto Rican to be inducted into
- Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (4 months ago)
Wishing a happy 86th birthday to golf legend Chi-Chi Rodriguez.
- Triviazoids (4 months ago)
tim dewey
Just remembered writing this thread last year. Happy birthday to
- tim dewey (4 months ago)
Golf Hall of Fame
Happy 85th birthday wishes go out today to one of golf\'s most popular and colorful figures, Chi-Chi Rodriguez. ¡Fel
- Golf Hall of Fame (4 months ago)
Dustin Hoffmann, Iowa Ag Radio
Happy 85th Birthday to Chi-Chi Rodríguez. fans know exactly what I was doing there. If you don\'t, watch below
- Dustin Hoffmann, Iowa Ag Radio (4 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Eiji Maruyama (d. 2015), Jim Bunning (d. 2017), William P. Clark Jr (d. 2013), Diana Dors (d. 198
- Teewhy Nyema (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Juan Chi-Chi Rodriguez; 1st Puerto Rican to be inducted into World Golf Hall of Fame, 37 Professio
- Larry in Missouri (4 months ago)
Danny Torres
Feliz Cumpleaños/Happy Birthday to Boricua HOF golfer Chi-Chi Rodríguez. I asked him who was the greatest baseball
- Danny Torres (4 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Carol Fran, Chi-Chi Rodriguez, JacSue Kehoe, Charles Goodhart, Philip Kaufman and Johnny Carroll (d. 1995).
- North Trenton (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the Don of the golf green, el matador, Chi-Chi Rodriguez! Felicidades
- \'LLERO (4 months ago)
Westview Golf Club
Happy Birthday to Chi-Chi Rodríguez
- Westview Golf Club (4 months ago)
Hot Sauce
Happy Birthday to Chi-Chi Rodriguez, who turns 82 today!
- Hot Sauce (4 months ago)
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez. (Vine by
- Elizabeth (4 months ago)
Forest Hills Golf
\"Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez. \"
- Forest Hills Golf (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez!
- Thomas (4 months ago)
Jesper Parnevik
Happy birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez! He turns the big 8 0 today.
- Jesper Parnevik (4 months ago)
Happy birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez ! He turns the big 8 0 today //
- IFLGolf (4 months ago)
Golf Discount
Happy 80th Birthday to the sword dueling Chi-Chi Rodríguez !
The first Puerto Rican to be inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1992.
- Golf Discount (4 months ago)
Scott Lehman
with repostapp. Happy birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez! He turns the big 8 0
- Scott Lehman (4 months ago)
Rickard Bergquist
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez. (Vine by
- Rickard Bergquist (4 months ago)
Jason Porter
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez. (Vine by
- Jason Porter (4 months ago)
Shaun Case
Happy birthday Juan Antonio \'Chi Chi\' Rodríguez...
- Shaun Case (4 months ago)
Sun Bowl Golf
- Sun Bowl Golf (4 months ago)
GolfChannel : Today we\'re wishing a very \'Happy Birthday\' to Chi Chi Rodriguez! Career Pho
- Golf2Win (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez--golf\'s first great!
- \'LLERO (4 months ago)
Bob Menzies ⛳️
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez. (Vine by
- Bob Menzies ⛳️ (4 months ago)
Michael Clark
Happy birthday to 8-time Tour winner Chi Chi Rodriguez
- Michael Clark (4 months ago)
: Today we\'re wishing a very \'Happy Birthday\' to Chi Chi Rodriguez!
- (4 months ago)
Becoming a Golf Pro
Happy 80th Birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez. The sport that ages us all well.
- Becoming a Golf Pro (4 months ago)
Andrew Hill
happy birthday to the great chi chi Rodriguez and Bombtech ambassador!!!
- Andrew Hill (4 months ago)
Tom Jacob
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez.
- Tom Jacob (4 months ago)
Erik Compton
It\'s ok to wish Chi Chi Rodriguez Happy Birthday but, don\'t touch his clubs! Happy Birthday my friend
- Erik Compton (4 months ago)
Trending Vine Videos
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only
- Trending Vine Videos (4 months ago)
Sean McDermott
WKRP Les Nessman Chi Chi Rodriguez via Happy 80th Birthday to Chi Chi Rodriguez
- Sean McDermott (4 months ago)
Today we\'re wishing a very \'Happy Birthday\' to Chi Chi Rodriguez! by golfchannel
- QuietOnTheTee (4 months ago)
Troy Klongerbo Golf
Happy Birthday to Chi Chi Rodriguez.
- Troy Klongerbo Golf (4 months ago)
Champions Tour
Happy 80th birthday to the one and only Chi Chi Rodriguez.
- Champions Tour (4 months ago)
TAGG 200: TheAlltime
Happy Birthday
Chi Chi / Nicklaus / Hogan / Snead via
- TAGG 200: TheAlltime (4 months ago)
John T. Lynch
Happy 80th birthday to Chi Chi Rodriguez today! Many more pards!
- John T. Lynch (4 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 80th Birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez~~~AG&TD2014016 Chi Chi Rodriguez Part 1 via
- JC Allen (4 months ago)
Happy "6th" Birthday Chi Chi Rodriguez!!!!
- julierepsel (3 months ago)
Puro Golf TV
Happy 79th Birthday, Chi Chi Rodriguez!
- Puro Golf TV (4 months ago)
ChampionsTour Québec
Avec 1 jour de retard, bon anniversaire à Chi Chi Rodriguez!/Happy Birthday (a day late) to Chi Chi Rodriguez!
- ChampionsTour Québec (4 months ago)
BombTech Golf
Before I forget! Happy Birthday to a dear friend and the Legend Chi Chi Rodriguez!
Glad to have you on the team.
- BombTech Golf (4 months ago)
Golf Channel GolfChannel :
Happy 79th Birthday, Chi Chi Rodriguez! Hopefully, no painful ricochets toda...
- Sports (4 months ago)
Chris Gorczyca
Never gets old " Happy 79th Birthday, Chi Chi Rodriguez! Hopefully, no painful ricochets today:
- Chris Gorczyca (4 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Chi-Chi Rodriguez will celebrate his 90 years old birthday in 7 months and 17 days! Send your greetings to him now!