Welcome to Daddy Yankee's Birthday Celebration Page
Daddy Yankee got 1928 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
Balloons are draggable. 50 per page | Page 1/39 Next »
birthday balloon

birthday balloon

Gaby De Figueroa
Happy birthday - Gaby De Figueroa (4 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday - Virginia (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Wanda I Collazo Oliveras
Happy Birthday! - Wanda I Collazo Oliveras (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Lee Hardwick
Happy birthday - Lee Hardwick (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Marycruz Navarro
Happy birthday bendiciones - Marycruz Navarro (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Astrid Carolina Paiba Carreño
Feliz happy birthday mi cantante favorito - Astrid Carolina Paiba Carreño (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Dtb - Kiara99 (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Erika Patzi Rada
Happy birthday, the Big Boss!! - Erika Patzi Rada (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - Manuel (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday God bless u . - @damaris_rosaly (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Elena Adelina
Happy birthday,Daddy! - Elena Adelina (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday!!!!! - Karen (4 weeks ago)
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Becky Vega
Happy birthday Yankee! - Becky Vega (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Yuli Calixto
Mil abrazos Daddy y mil bendiciones Que nuestro Señor te siga cuidando y protegiendo. Happy Bi - Yuli Calixto (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Lydselle Roman
Happy happy Birthday! Felicidades y muchas bendiciones! - Lydselle Roman (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Lydselle Roman
Happy happy Birthday! Felicidades y muchas bendiciones! - Lydselle Roman (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Salma Miroslava Guerrero Cardenas
Happy Birthday!!!! Mis mejores deseos por siempre & para siempre... Grande eres & siempre serás - Salma Miroslava Guerrero Cardenas (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Salma Miroslava Guerrero Cardenas
Happy Birthday!!!! Mis mejores deseos por siempre & para siempre... Grande eres & siempre serás - Salma Miroslava Guerrero Cardenas (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Goat - Mang0 (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Goat - Mang0 (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Milo & DY have the same birthdays feb3rd Happy Belated Birthday! Te deseo de lo mejor, campeón. - ️️PAM (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Milo & DY have the same birthdays feb3rd Happy Belated Birthday! Te deseo de lo mejor, campeón. - ️️PAM (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Mark Elias Blondie
Happy birthday Daddy Yankee, your Fan Mark. - Mark Elias Blondie (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Mark Elias Blondie
Happy birthday Daddy Yankee, your Fan Mark. - Mark Elias Blondie (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to daddy Yankee! - Eli (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to daddy Yankee! - Eli (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

JMC Cooperation
Congratulations in the celebration in the special edition. Happy Birthday to the Master of Latin Popu - JMC Cooperation (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Daddy Yankee - itsamarieee (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday - स्टेफ़नी (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Enyer Torres
Happy Birthday The Big Boss - Enyer Torres (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday DY - Brenda (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Geneve Steaverson
Happy Bday Big Boss ¡que tire pa lante! - Geneve Steaverson (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

メリッサ ❤️
Happy Birthday - メリッサ ❤️ (1 month ago)
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Carlos Lloret Jr
Happy birthday Daddy Yankee - Carlos Lloret Jr (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday - ChenChen (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Angelica Graterol
Happy birthday - Angelica Graterol (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Dalicis Rodriguez
Happy birthday God bless you - Dalicis Rodriguez (1 month ago)
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Aylen Arias Pérez
Happy birthday - Aylen Arias Pérez (1 month ago)
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Happy birthday - Tyshepugh (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

belkin mendoza
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee! Felices 47 años, eres un gran artista y una persona increíble, Dios te bendiga siempr - belkin mendoza (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Vicente Andrade
Happy birthday - Vicente Andrade (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Brenda I Valdez
Happy birthday to this papi chulo - Brenda I Valdez (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Andres Gutiérrez
Muchas Felicitaciones en su día The Big Boss El rey Siga siendo el mejor del Reggaetón, - Andres Gutiérrez (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to daddy Yankee - ALEANICE DE LEON MALDONADO (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday - Mookz_Universe (1 month ago)
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Milen Diaz★
Happy Birthday mi amor - Milen Diaz★ (1 month ago)
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Cynthia Ruiz
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MF GOAT! - Cynthia Ruiz (1 month ago)
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jhosmeli robles
Happy birthday jefe, mi idolo por siempre - jhosmeli robles (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Iris Mua
Happy Birthday - Iris Mua (1 month ago)

48 years old (Born on February 03, 1977)

Happy Birthday, Daddy Yankee! May your day be filled with more energy than "Gasolina" and smoother moves than all of us trying to dance reggaeton at parties. You've given the world countless hits that keep our playlists alive—your beats are timeless, just like you!

From pioneering reggaeton worldwide to making history as a global icon, you've shown everyone how it's done. Your recent farewell tour reminded fans everywhere why you're still El Jefe—the undisputed king who never runs out of gasolina on stage or in life. Keep shining bright; age is only another chart you'll top effortlessly!

Daddy Yankee's Best Moments

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Listen to DURA on my playlist !!!
Happy 46th birthday to the iconic Daddy Yankee.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday Even though it doesn\t matter because you never age.
Happy birthday Daddy Yankee! Check out our recent feature on the rapper
Happy Birthday We love you!
Happy Birthday ¡Te deseamos lo mejor en este día!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Turn up for Puerto Rico!  via
Happy 41st birthday to \"Despacito\" singer
Happy 46th Birthday     Daddy Yankee
 ¡Happy BDay para el duro del reggaetón! Que sigan los éxitos
Happy Birthday Big Boss! Have a great day!  celebrating with your new hit
Happy birthday We\re celebrating with his \"Chronicles\" episode. Watch it here!
Happy Birthday   Sikiri
Happy Birthday to the one and only, the big boss
Not Maluma wishing happy birthday to Daddy Yankee but not Shakira
Happy Birthday ¡Te deseamos lo mejor en este día tan especial!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to the one and only birthday
¡Bella noticia!  Happy Birthday ¡Te deseamos lo mejor en este regio día!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee ! And celebrate with us
Happy birthday  beast of beat!
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee
Who s this? DA-DDY YAN-KEE! Happy Birthday to El Cangri,
Happy birthday to Puerto Rican international icon and legend, Daddy Yankee. : |
It\s Gasolina on repeat all day  Join us in wishing a happy 46th BIRTHDAY today!
Yo naci un 3 de febrero renaci un 6 de enero   el objeto de mi inspiracion
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARA TII      Dios Te Bendiga  Saludos desde
Happy birthday para myyy daddy kingg
 Happy BirthDay  Que Dios Te Bendiga Hoy Y Siempre Y Que Te Regale Muchos Años Mas Love U
Happy Birthday Here are 8 of his biggest moves >>
Happy Birthday a mi ídolo.
Espero q la hayas pasado genial Happy birthday
 ...happy birthday. De parte de tu Familia de
Happy Birthday a mí cantante fav.     que Dios te llene de muchísima más bendiciones
 Happy Birthday! have a blast!
Happy birthday to sexy reggeton Singer boricua Daddy Yankee
Happy Birthday to Daddy Yankee   About:
Feliz Cumpleaños/ Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday with love from me and
Happy birthday to the only person I\ll willingly call daddy
Happy birthday Muchas bendiciones.
Happy birthday Show him some love by checking out the video!
  Beautiful words Natti. Happy Birthday Big Boss!
Happy birthday
Happy birthday my King
2 3        44       HAPPY BIRTHDAY
El Big Boss está de cumple Happy birthday,  ¡Salud y vida!
Happy Birthday  My Love
Happy Birthday   al mejor de todos los tiempos
  Happy Birthday desde Perú. soy una gran Yankee fan.
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday Whats your favorite Daddy Yankee song?
Anyway, Happy Birthday to my favvv since I was 6 years old
Happy bday   Les dedico mi ipad
Happy birthday a mi Daddy Yankee , excelente ser humano, humidad pura love you..
Happy birthday DADDY YANKEE
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee amor mio que cumplas muchos años mas  ya quiero verte pronto
   happy birthday 6 years
Happy birthday to daddy yankee he turns 46 today    feliz cumpleaños a daddy yankee hoy cumple 46
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee
Happy birthday to our king, Daddy Yankee!
Happy birthday, Daddy Yankee
WELCOME FEBRUARY  faltan 4 dias, bueno 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY February and birthday cake, and gozadera
Happy Birthday
 Happy Birthday Cangri inmenso amor. Orgullo dy!! hasta el ultimo momento el rey del movimiento <3 <3
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday to Daddy Yankee, who turns 38 today!
 Check this out jefe! Made by Cris Yankee Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday I love u for all for the joy u bring my heart w/ur music
Happy Birthday    Le doy gracias a dios por a ver creado a un gran ser humano como tu! Te amo!
Latin singer/rapper turns 38! Happy Birthday to the star!
Happy birthday to you   Love you so so so so so much !!! God bless you papi !Have a good birthday
Feliz cumpleaños al mejor cantante del genero del reggaeton,  HAPPY BIRTHDAY cangri
 feliciidadess.... Te amo, happy birthday, eres el mejor THE BIG BOSS <3 <3
  Happy birthday a mi favorito hasta que yo muera
Happy Birthday mi amor   Te Amo y te deseo nada mas que lo mejor.  DTB
February 3rd, wish Happy Birthday to Puerto Rican reggaeton artist, singer-songwriter,
Happy Birthday Feliz Cumpleaños DY un honor ser parte de tu equipo
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee! Talento de Barrio / Straight from the Barrio
Happy Birthday Daddy!
 Happy Birthday!! Hope you have an awesome day!! :) :)
Happy Birthday
 te amo con todo mi Happy birthday boss!
A los 13 tuve mi primer amor, ahora lo sigue siendo, eres grande happy birthday
Happy Birthday al  te desean la familia de
Happy Birthday! Al Big Boss
Happy 38th B-day Daddy Yankee! Check out 7 types of guys based on his songs. By
Happy Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY al KING BOSS  del Reggeaton e genere Urbano! ! Da parte della ITALIA!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pami boss Que dios te siga regalando muchísimos años más mi amor.SALUD Y VIDA
HAPPY BIRTHDAY eres el mejor  sorpresita del  te amamos
Happy Birthday :3 Daddy *-* Dios Te Bendigaa Eres el Mejor
Happy birthday, Here are 10 things to know about the king of reggaeton:
Happy birthday to the boss
Happy birthday LEGEND !
 Happy birthday ! Que Dios te siga bendiciendo
 Best Man The best singer of reggaetón The most wonderful man......
Happy birthday Raymond Ayala:*
 Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to the greatest person in music of all time!
Bendiciones y q esta noche la disfrutes junto a tu hermosa familia happy birthday
Happy birthday and many more are
Happy birthday te desea el te amamos salud y vida jefe
Happy birthday daddy yankee. Enjoy ur day boss.
Happy birthday to one of my favorite singer from Puerto Rico Daddy Yankee. Feliz cumpleanos Daddy Yankee.
Happy Birthday i love you
 Happy Birthday Amor De Mi Vida       Te Amoo
Happy 40th Birthday     To Latin Artist
Happy Birthday to rappers &
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday
 happy birthday mi corazon que dios te me de mucha vida salud
Happy birthday to my fav
Wish a happy birthday to juliojones_11, daddy_yankee, SeanKingston and more!
 Happy Birthday. It\s my birthday too homie!!
Happy Birthday
 Happy Birthday King .. 
Por muchos años mas de vida y éxitos
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee
Never forget. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
Happy Birthday to our reggaeton king, ¡Despacito!
Billboard : billboardlatin: Happy birthday Daddy_Yankee!
Por más sonrisas y abrazos así.. Happy birthday my Ray    Te amo incondicionalmente
Vevo : Happy birthday to the big boss daddy_yankee!   What are your top three favori
Happy Birthday from your friends at Plush Studios.
Happy birthday papi, gracias por tanto perreo.
 happy birthday hope you enjoyyour day
Happy Birthday Boss! Gracias por tanta alegria e inspiración!
Happy Birthday to Ramón Luis Ayala Rodríguez aka Daddy Yankee!
 -- Happy Birthday, Daddy Yankee!
Happy birthday
 Happy Birthday of all successes
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY    celebrando tu cumpleaños con have a great birthday today
Happy birthday The king of reggaeton and latín music
Forever Raymond!!!!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday !
 Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday para mi hija daylin y para el boss dios los bendiga
Happy Birthday to the love of my life
 Happy Birthday!!!! Desde Chicago Felicidades !!
¡Happy Birthday Boss!
Happy Birthday al cangri, al big boss, al DY
Zumba Happy Bday!!
Happy 41st Birthday to My Papi
Happy birthday    .
 Happy birthday daddy yankee
 Happy birthday t
 Happy Birthday my king DADDY YANKEE.  God bless you Bigg Boss.We love you.        .
Join us in wishing a happy birthday to Daddy Yankee!
Happy Birthday al king de reggaetón   !  ( :
Happy birthday to the king
Happy Birthday to
Happy birthday to  We ll be playing today to celebrate!
Happy birthday Tómalo
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee!
Happy birthday to a legend and one of my favorite artist
Happy Bday My Bro
Happy Birthday ! Stream now!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday !!
Happy birthday a mi ídolo, el Big Boss !! Al único que sigo desde que estaba chuiquita!
  Happy birthday baby Yankee
 Happy Birthday Big Boss
February 3:Happy 43rd birthday to singer,Daddy Yankee(\"Despacito\")
Happy bday boss
Happy birthday el grande
Happy Birthday to the BIG BOSS
Wish you a very happy birthday mr. Yankee
Happy birthday hermanito bello
Happy Birthday to the one and only DY
Reggaeton singer is 44. Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday
 Happy birthday boss
DADDY YANKEE will always have a special place in my heart Happy birthday to the king of Reggaeton!!!!
Happy birthday daddy yankee
Happy Birthday !
Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee  via Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful soul of music Daddy Yankee, born on 3 Feb 1997.
Happy birthday, jefe!
Happy Birthday, Daddy Yankee Visit our website to try the Beta App!
Happy Birthday Daddy Yankee
(Ramón Luis Ayala Rodríguez)
Happy Birthday,
Happy birthday to my boss man
Happy birthday para mi gran rey estoy agradecida de haberte conocido
Happy 44th birthday to Daddy Yankee
Happy Birthday to My favorit singer
Happy Birthday
daddy yankee album 0
daddy yankee 2013 1
daddy yankee wallpaper 2
daddy yankee wallpaper 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Daddy, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.