Happy Birthday
Eleanor Lucy V. \"Ellie\" Kendrick is an English actress best known for playing Anne Frank in 2009 The
- spacewoman reporter (7 months ago)
Richard Crane (1918 1969)
Sandra Bernhard (1955)
Colin Quinn (1959)
Ellie Kendrick (1990)
- Eric (7 months ago)
6th June
Happy Birthday to Amelia Flanagan, David Blunkett, Sandra Bernhard, Brandon Thomas Lee,
- maddie (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to our members and fantastic actors Jason Isaacs, Ellie Kendrick and Danny Webb who all celebrate their birthdays today!
- BECS (7 months ago)
IMDb. June 6th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Aubrey Anderson-Emmons, Max Casella, Ellie Kendrick, Danny Strong, Abbie Cobb, Diana Prince.
- GSmith (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Jason Isaacs, Paul Giamatti, Robert Englund, Sonya Walger, Danny Strong, Ellie Kendrick, Harvey Fierstein & Danny Webb!
- Rinsessa (7 months ago)
Top story Festivals: Happy Birthday: Ellie Kendrick | WILDsound Writing and Fil see more
- j:mag (7 months ago)
Matthew Toffolo
Happy Birthday: Ellie Kendrick
- Matthew Toffolo (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Paul Giamatti, Jason Isaacs, Ellie Kendrick and anyone else born today.
- SHR M Cubed (7 months ago)
Sarah A. Perino
Tomarow, June 6th, is Ellie Kendrick\'s birthday. Please wish her a Happy one... if you didn\'t already:) might make her day!
- Sarah A. Perino (7 months ago)
Ellie Kendrick
\" :HAPPY BIRTHDAY SATURDAY ELEANOR LUCY \'ELLIE\' KENDRICK !!!!\" Cheers to that! Be sure to join the this month!
- Ellie Kendrick (7 months ago)