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From youtube, you have saved my life ur videos make my day
- Chainzthewolf (4 years ago)
Naomi (@DerangeD_Lani)
I watch his videos EVERYDAY and i still cant get enough of him!!!
Delirious you inspired me to pursue being a youtuber I cant thank you enough, I hope I'm almost as funny as you and that you retweet me @DerangeD_Lani
- Naomi (@DerangeD_Lani) (7 years ago)
Nauthiz gaming
Happy 36th Birthday H2O Delirious!!! Sorry I forgot your birthday too
- Nauthiz gaming (9 months ago)
ki• sad era
- ki• sad era (10 months ago)
Creator of funny gaming related content who is affiliated with the VanossGaming team. His enormously popular channel ranked him among the top 200 most subscribed channels on YouTube.