Happy Birthday, Jamie Walker!
- Heart of Midlothian FC (7 months ago)
\"We can\'t always control our circumstances, but we can control our reactions to our circumstances.\"
Today, we wish
- HendersonvilleChurch (7 months ago)
HERD Chronicles
Happy Birthday Jamie Walker. He went 7-2 with a 3.87 ERA for the 2001
- HERD Chronicles (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jamie Walker, a Scottish footballer who plays for Heart of Midlothian in the Scottish Premiership
- Jamz100.1FM (7 months ago)
Luke Gordon 51
Happy birthday Jamie Walker
- Luke Gordon 51 (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Jamie Walker, Ron Nischwitz and to the late Boots Poffenberger, Louis Brower and Bert Cole.
- DailyFungo (6 months ago)
Xmas flaxon jackson
hey guys! Want to wish my best friend Jamie Walker a happy 24th bday, his move from UK to US changed my life 4ever
- Xmas flaxon jackson (7 months ago)