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Waywords Studio
Is our tenuous identity, then, determined internally or by our institutionalized performances?
Happy birthday, Ju
- Waywords Studio (11 months ago)
Irene Montero
Happy birthday Judith Butler, thanks for sharing it with us
- Irene Montero (11 months ago)
Aulonë Kadriu
Democracy does not speak in unison; its tunes are dissonant, and necessarily so. It is not a predictable process;
- Aulonë Kadriu (11 months ago)
The social construction del género.
Happy Birthday Judith Butler.
- ChileChamborote (11 months ago)
Free Musick @
Happy birthday to Judith Butler tomorrow when it comes
- Free Musick @ (12 months ago)
Nicholas Birns
I misread Happy Birthday, Justin Bieber as Happy Birthday, Judith Butler.
- Nicholas Birns (11 months ago)
Jewish Women\'s Archive
Happy birthday to the incomparable Judith Butler!! Butler s groundbreaking work brings Jewish thought to bear on th
- Jewish Women\'s Archive (11 months ago)
Verso Books
Happy birthday Judith Butler!
- Verso Books (11 months ago)
After years of not looking at Butlers \"gender trouble\" - I started rereading her work today and looked her up on Wi
- Hannah van Reeth (12 months ago)
Helena Celle
Happy birthday to Chris Chan, Zdzis aw Beksi ski, Earl Sweatshirt, Steve Jobs, the drummer from Dir en Grey, Junior
- Helena Celle (12 months ago)
North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to Alain Prost, Judith Butler, Eddie Murray, Paula Zahn, Sammy Kershaw, Mark Moses, Beth Broderick and Mike Whitney.
- North Trenton (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Judith Butler, Johannes Clauberg, and Max Black! (1/2)
- Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (11 months ago)
History | Sexuality | Law
Happy Birthday to the thinker who set our thinking in motion. Thank you for queering our ruminations, Judith Butle
- History | Sexuality | Law (11 months ago)
Stamatina Liosi
Happy birthday to Judith Butler! Some philosophers stay always young!
- Stamatina Liosi (12 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
And Happy Birthday to Alain Prost, Judith Butler, Eddie Murray, Paula Zahn, Sammy Kershaw, Mark Moses, Beth Broderick and Mike Whitney.
- Teewhy Nyema (11 months ago)
Dzisiaj wa ny dzie . Urodziny Judith Butler. Wbrew ró nym nieporozumieniom Butler nie negowa a istnienia p ci biolo
- T. K. Neuropkin (11 months ago)
Anita Leirfall
Hegel for our Times | IAI TV
Happy Birthday Judith Butler ( Hear the political philosopher and gender
- Anita Leirfall (11 months ago)
Dr Ashley Morgan
Happy Birthday Judith Butler. Still one of the most \'difficult\' academics to read - in my opinion.
Remessage for eve
- Dr Ashley Morgan (11 months ago)
Institute of Art and Ideas
Happy Birthday Judith Butler ( Here the political philosopher and gender theorist explains how Hegel
- Institute of Art and Ideas (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced the fields of third-wave fem
- PhilosophersApp (11 months ago)
all sociology
Happy birthday to Judith Butler who turns 64 today! more:
- all sociology (12 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
And Happy Birthday to Alain Prost, Judith Butler, Eddie Murray, Paula Zahn, Sammy Kershaw, Mark Moses, Beth Broderick and Mike Whitney.
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (11 months ago)
TURNS OUT IT\'S ALSO JUDITH BUTLER\'S BDAY TODAY ???? what r the odds also i didn\'t know she was a pisces that makes me really happy
- Evo (11 months ago)
to gender theorist and philosopher Judith Butler (
- The Gay Almanac (12 months ago)
Happy birthday to Judith Butler, who I owe a significant amount of my academic/philosophical interests to, and is j
- kylefranciswilliams (11 months ago)
UCBerkeley Comp Lit
Happy birthday to Comp Lit prof Judith Butler! Fun fact she was our inaugural keynote speaker
- UCBerkeley Comp Lit (11 months ago)
\"\'Woman\' itself is a term in process, a becoming...that cannot rightfully be said to originate or to end.\" Happy Bi
- The Ascent of Woman (11 months ago)
Here\'s wishing a happy birthday to both Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Judith Butler!
- Afterall (11 months ago)