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steve krueger
Happy birthday to my first crush Karen Valentine!
- steve krueger (9 months ago)
News News News
Born Karen Valentine, American actress. She is best known for her role as
- News News News (9 months ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to American actress Karen Valentine, born May 25, 1947, who played schoolteacher Alice Johnson on R
- Killer Cosmonaut (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ian McKellen, Stacy London, Ethan Suplee, Molly Sims, Frank Oz, Karen Valentine, Mike Myers, and
- Happy Birthday (9 months ago)
W. E. Huff
Happy 75th birthday to Karen Valentine, my first celebrity crush, even at seven years old, I recognized fresh faced
- W. E. Huff (9 months ago)
HAPPY 76th BIRTHDAY, DEAR KAREN VALENTINE! American Actress is best known for her role as petite, perky student-t
- CAROLYN HAYNES—“BEWITCHED” First Class #LATimes (9 months ago)
Happy birthday TV Actress Karen Valentine! It s time to celebrate!
- (9 months ago)
The Nostalgic Podblast
Happy 76th birthday to Karen Valentine best known as Alice Johnson on Room 222 for 113 episodes, a 1969-1974 ABC TV
- The Nostalgic Podblast (9 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Karen Valentine ..Room 222
- Robert P Coronado (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Karen Valentine born on May 25, 1947. She is an American actress. She is best known for her role as
- BostonJeff60 (9 months ago)
Last night saw 1969 s Gidget Grows Up. Vintage NYC as a backdrop to a silly romantic c
- JD101161 (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Karen Valentine
- Maria (9 months ago)
Mike Wekarski
Happy Birthday wishes to Karen Valentine.
- Mike Wekarski (9 months ago)
Rebecca Clester
Actor Karen Valentine turned 75 yrs old today. Happy Birthday Karen!
- Rebecca Clester (9 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy birthday
Sir Ian McKellen 83
Frank Oz 78
Karen Valentine 75
Jacki Weaver 75
Octavia Spencer 53
- john slotkin (9 months ago)
Celluloid Days
Happy 74th birthday to the American actress, Karen Valentine who was born on this day in 1947. She is best known fo
- Celluloid Days (9 months ago)
Trevor Schmidt
Happy Birthday, Karen Valentine.
I hope you\'re having a happy 75th.
- Trevor Schmidt (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Karen Valentine who turns 74 today
- TCMFanatics (9 months ago)
May 25 Happy Birthday part 1: John Gabriel, David Burke, Jacki Weaver, Ka
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (9 months ago)
Brian A Mullin
Karen Valentine Room 222 via Happy Birthday Karen Valentine
- Brian A Mullin (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Karen Valentine is an American actress. She is best known for her role as young idealistic schoolte
- Space-reporter-news (9 months ago)
Happy 73rd Birthday to my boyhood crush, Karen Valentine.
- TheClarkophile (9 months ago)
Dave Sundstrom
Happy Birthday to Karen Valentine who was born on this day in 1947! Here are 10 Memorable Karen Valentine TV and M
- Dave Sundstrom (9 months ago)
Chicago TV Guides
Happy Birthday to Karen Valentine, born on this day in 1947 Chicago Sun-Times TV Prevue.
- Chicago TV Guides (9 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Nobuyoshi Araki, Uta Frith, Vladimir Voronin, Jessi Colter, John Palmer, Leslie Uggams, Digby And
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Old Cool Pics
Happy 73rd birthday to the timeless beauty Karen Valentine. As seen from the 70\'s when she was frequently featured
- Old Cool Pics (9 months ago)
Norman Charles
Happy Birthday, Karen Valentine!
- Norman Charles (9 months ago)
5/25/47 American actress, best known for her role as young idealistic schoolt
- CAROLYN HAYNES Author (9 months ago)
CAROLYN HAYNES Author of addictive books
5/25/47 American actress, best known for her role as young idealistic schoolt
- CAROLYN HAYNES Author of addictive books (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to ANN ROBINSON (War of the Worlds, Dragnet), LESLIE UGGAMS (Singalong with Mitch, Roots), and KAREN
- Patricia Nolan-Hall (9 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 73rd Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, The Emmy winner for ROOM 222 is 72 today.
- getTV (9 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Happy birthday, Karen Valentine. The actress, who earned an Emmy for her performance in the classic 1969-74 dream
- spacewoman reporter (9 months ago)
New Theatre & Restaurant
Happy birthday to two-time NTR actress Karen Valentine, who starred in our 1997 production of RUMORS and our 1998 p
- New Theatre & Restaurant (9 months ago)
Photo Larry ®
Happy Birthday RIP Belle Miriam Silverman(\"Beverly Sills\" 1929 2007) Claude Akins(1926 1994) Dixie Carter(1939 2010
- Photo Larry ® (9 months ago)
Louis Weingarten
Happy 72nd birthday to actress Karen Valentine!
- Louis Weingarten (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Roman Reigns (34)Mike Myers (56)Ian McKellen(80)Leslie Uggams(76)Karen Valentine(72)Ann Robinson(90)
- Kracker Jones (9 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
May 25 Happy Birthday part 1: John Gabriel, Ann Robinson, David Burke, Deanna Dunagan,
- Kenneth Johnson (9 months ago)
Karen Valentine (1947)
Frank Oz (1944)
Anne Heche (1969)
Claude Akins (1926 1994)
- Eric (9 months ago)
Hollywood US News
Happy Birthday to KAREN VALENTINE ...... and time marches on ....
- Hollywood US News (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, Karen Valentine! Our post on
- TravSD (9 months ago)
Mike Sheridan
Happy 70th Birthday, Karen Valentine! You\'re welcome, people who didn\'t realize they were old.
- Mike Sheridan (9 months ago)
Rose Marie-Official
Happy 70th Birthday wishes go out to Karen Valentine. She was one of my favorite regulars on Hollywood Squares....
- Rose Marie-Official (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the always adorable and sweet-as-American-Apple-pie actress KAREN VALENTINE, star of \"Room 222,\" c
- HerbieJPilato (9 months ago)
IMDb. May 25th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Demetri Martin, Connie Selleca, Ann Pirvu, Claude Akins, Karen Valentine, Joseph D. Reitman, Bree Bassinger
- GSmith (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Karen Valentine will celebrate her 78 years old birthday in 2 months and 22 days! Send your greetings to her now!