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Maria Kanno
I first saw in "Star Trek:Voyager" when I was 5 or 6 years old.
Happy Birthday!
You are my heroine.
I want to see you someday.
- Maria Kanno (6 years ago)
Adriane Zane
Happy Birthday, Kate Mulgrew!
- Adriane Zane (9 months ago)
Andrew Jacobs
Happy belated Birthday, Ms. Kate Mulgrew.
- Andrew Jacobs (10 months ago)
Vaughn S.
Liked her as Mrs. Columbo and applauded her as Janeway. Hope to see her ba
- Vaughn S. (10 months ago)
Sylvia Mohr
Happy Birthday, Kate Mulgrew! Loved you on Voyager and Ryan\'s Hope!
- Sylvia Mohr (10 months ago)
Arthur johnsoniii
Happy birthday Kate Mulgrew
- Arthur johnsoniii (10 months ago)
\"There are three things to remember about being a starship captain. Keep your shirt tucke
- JustCookIt (10 months ago)
Gloria Hass
Happy birthday Kate Mulgrew!
Loved you on Voyager!
- Gloria Hass (10 months ago)
⚡️⚡️ Diana⚡️⚡️
Happy Birthday American actress Kate Mulgrew, now 68 years old. Below, Kate as Mrs. Kate Columbo in Mrs. Columbo 19
- ⚡️⚡️ Diana⚡️⚡️ (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday American actress Kate Mulgrew, now 68 years old. Below, Kate as Mrs. Kate Columbo in Mrs. Columbo 19
- Diana (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to my favorite star trek Captain and actor, Kate Mulgrew. Wish I could have worked w
- Steven (10 months ago)
Rusty (Pro-Democracy & Pro-Vaccine) Jufiar
Happy Birthday, Michelle Pfeiffer,
Uma Thurman, & Kate Mulgrew. Sending lots of love. Enjoy your weekend.
- Rusty (Pro-Democracy & Pro-Vaccine) Jufiar (10 months ago)
Désirée Neff
Dear Kate Mulgrew! Happy Birthday, Captain! Health, love & honest friendships with good humans are
- Désirée Neff (10 months ago)
Amy Imhoff
A very happy birthday to the Admiral & reigning Queen of Kate Mulgrew! I am honored to know her and cham
- Amy Imhoff (10 months ago)
Brian Shaw
Happy Birthday, Kate Mulgrew!
- Brian Shaw (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday christian patzold and Kate Mulgrew in this month and thank you so much for all
- Tatan (10 months ago)
Samuel snyder :)
Happy birthday Kate mulgrew
- Samuel snyder :) (10 months ago)
Happy birthday, dear Kate Mulgrew. I wish you a wonderful day surrounded by your loved ones and a
- Katja (10 months ago)
Jude Edwards
Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew.
- Jude Edwards (10 months ago)
Joe McCartney
Happy Birthday wishes to Kate Mulgrew, born April 29th, 1955. Seen here as Janeway in the television series \'Star T
- Joe McCartney (10 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PRECIOUS LIL NIECE! the smol bean is one year old today, sharing her bday with no other than k
- Denise (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew
- Martha (9 months ago)
Nick Romanyk
Happy birthday I met you once at the Chicago Admirals lounge. I was running late to
- Nick Romanyk (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew. Thanks for all the fantastic work that you have done in f
- Keith (10 months ago)
Randy Dodd
Happy birthday Kate mulgrew
- Randy Dodd (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Kate Mulgrew. One of my favourite Star Trek actors for her role as Captain Katheryn Janeway in St
- Liam (10 months ago)
Anne Kiser
I remember an interview Kate Mulgrew had with Larry King, she mentioned something ab
- Anne Kiser (10 months ago)
Agent ATL
Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew; and too many more. You have given millions of people memories for L
- Agent ATL (10 months ago)
Joe Arce
Wishing Kate Mulgrew an out of this world birthday bash! Happy 67th! Photographed 4/16/2015 Chicago
- Joe Arce (10 months ago)
Bruce Aguilar
Happy birthday Kate Mulgrew!
- Bruce Aguilar (10 months ago)
The Lazy Vulcan
Two super cool Trekkies and one amazing captain! Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew!
- The Lazy Vulcan (10 months ago)
Chad A. Griffiths
Happy Birthday to Kate Mulgrew!
- Chad A. Griffiths (10 months ago)
Chad A. Griffiths is missing Mission Chicago
Happy Birthday to Kate Mulgrew!
- Chad A. Griffiths is missing Mission Chicago (10 months ago)
Ellen Algava
Happy birthday Kate Mulgrew AKA Ellen Ripley
- Ellen Algava (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my favorite one and only Kate Mulgrew I adore badass Janeway from day one!! Have
- Pensfan87 (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Kate Mulgrew.
- Dece2097 (10 months ago)
Kevin S. Mahoney
Happy Birthday to the top ranked Kate Mulgrew I\'ll never forget Major Fleming. Nice buttons, ind
- Kevin S. Mahoney (10 months ago)
Jeanne M Brightcliffe
I first saw Kate portray Mary Ryan on the soap opera Ryan s Hope. I just knew then th
- Jeanne M Brightcliffe (10 months ago)
Hew Mesmer
Happy birthday to Kate Mulgrew, a truly talented artist, whether in well-known series and movies or obscure gems.
- Hew Mesmer (10 months ago)
Lizbeth Murph
Happy birthday! I didn t know I shared her birthday Kate Mulgrew and Willie Nelson prett
- Lizbeth Murph (10 months ago)
Richy Who
Happy birthday Kate Mulgrew
- Richy Who (10 months ago)
Mike ♈
Happy birthday Kate Mulgrew.
- Mike ♈ (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman, Daniel Day-Lewis, Jerry Seinfeld, Leslie Jordan, Kate Mulgrew, an
- Happy Birthday (10 months ago)
Matthew Coburn
Happy Birthday Kate Mulgrew Captain Janeway Pete Lattimer\'s Mom
- Matthew Coburn (10 months ago)
Leo Fosse
On the sci-fi blog: Happy birthday, Kate Mulgrew, and the OMNI Future Almanac, published in 1982, predicts the worl
- Leo Fosse (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to the heart and soul of Captain Janeway, Kate Mulgrew!
- TVObsessive (10 months ago)
Star Trek Explorer
Happy Birthday, Kate Mulgrew!
- Star Trek Explorer (10 months ago)
John Lewis
Today\'s my sister\'s Bday too, happy bday Kate Mulgrew and Xtine Lewis
- John Lewis (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the Kate Mulgrew.
- SuperFamicomLuvr (10 months ago)
Star Trek Discovery Pod
Happy Birthday to our amazing Janeway, Kate Mulgrew.
- Star Trek Discovery Pod (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Kate Mulgrew will celebrate her 70 years old birthday in 1 month and 20 days! Send your greetings to her now!