Happy 55th Birthday
Kelly Reno is a former child actor, who was cast at age 11 in the role of Alec Ramsey, the you
- Space-reporter-news (7 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
June 19 Happy Belated Birthday part 2: Kelly Reno, Eric Schweig, Mia Sara, Chris Larkin, Lara Spencer,
- Kenneth Johnson (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Kelly Reno!
- Elise (7 months ago)
IMDb. June 19th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Derren Nesbitt, Lesley Nicol, Kelly Reno, Bumper Robinson, Chris Larkin, Gabriella Wright, Pier Angeli.
- GSmith (7 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Kelly Reno will celebrate his 59 years old birthday in 4 months and 18 days! Send your greetings to him now!