Welcome to Lee Majors's Birthday Celebration Page
Lee Majors got 613 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Marina Gesker
Six million dollar man. Wow youre still alive. Wonderful. Youre the best. - Marina Gesker (3 years ago)
birthday balloon

Zoltan Balint
We love you Lee Majors !! Come & see us your fanclub ! - Zoltan Balint (7 years ago)
birthday balloon

Julie Edwards
Steve Austin, the 6 Million Dollar Man Happy happy birthday Mr. Lee Majors. And many more!! - Julie Edwards (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 84th Birthday to Lee Majors,I grew up watching him on The Big Valley,The Six Million Dollar Man and The Fall - shen_027 (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

René Wenk
...happy Birthday (nachträglich, da gestern) zum 84sten B-Day Lee Majors alias Colt Seavers , der den Titelsong - René Wenk (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chris Gramke
Happy Birthday to the 6 Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors! - Chris Gramke (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dayton Ward - Insert Blue Checkmark Here
Happy 84th Birthday to The Six Million Dollar Man himself, the one and only Lee Majors! I fervently maintain that - Dayton Ward - Insert Blue Checkmark Here (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

January Hill
Happy Birthday Lee Majors - January Hill (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Amazing Pop Culture Podcast
Happy 84th birthday to Lee Majors. What s your favorite role of his? - Amazing Pop Culture Podcast (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Church Curmudgeon
Happy birthday to Lee Majors. These days, 6 million dollars is just the copay. - Church Curmudgeon (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ted Smith
Happy Birthday Shout Out Show. Kenneth Baby Face Edmonds, David Banner, Kareem Abdul Jabber, Martin Lawrence, Bokee - Ted Smith (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tracey Lynne
What ugly side? Something tells me that losing Larry\'s esteem is actually a blessing. Happy Belated B - Tracey Lynne (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 83rd birthday Lee Majors, happy birthday colonel Steve austin, love you, I ho - arefimami (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

A very happy 83rd birthday to Lee Majors. Pictured here as Steve Austin in The Six Million Dollar Man, originally b - RetroCo (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

I ᖇᗴᗩᒪᒪƳ ᗪᗝᑎ\'丅 ᑕᗩᖇᗴ, ᗪᗝ Ƴᗝᑌ?
Happy Birthday Lee Majors! (April 24, 1939) - I ᖇᗴᗩᒪᒪƳ ᗪᗝᑎ\'丅 ᑕᗩᖇᗴ, ᗪᗝ Ƴᗝᑌ? (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aaron J.
Happy birthday to Lee Majors! I liked him as Colt Seavers in \'The Fall Guy\' (1981-1986)! - Aaron J. (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lisa Eve Boden
Happy Birthday from the UK to my number one hero Lee Majors! Loved him all my life. Gutted I never go - Lisa Eve Boden (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stapled Spine Fanzine
Happy birthday to my childhood hero! \"LEE MAJORS! Aww, you\'ve been am AWFULLY good boy this year, Lee!\" - Stapled Spine Fanzine (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

shawn ogan
Happy 83rd birthday to Lee Majors! - shawn ogan (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Tinseltown Twins
Happy Birthday to TV and film lead and athlete Lee Majors (April 23, 1939 Present). \"A lot of guys think they ca - The Tinseltown Twins (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Lee Majors; Born Apr 23, 1939 (Age 83) · Wyandotte, MO - DARK VOX (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Art of the Soul
Happy birthday Six Million Dollar Man. Lee Majors 83 today - The Art of the Soul (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 83rd Birthday to Lee Majors TV\'s great action hero - TheNoirPoetographer (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nick Mellor
One of my all time favourites, happy birthday Lee Majors. - Nick Mellor (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Just said to the missus, happy birthday Lee Majors. Is he a golfer? FFS. - Jez (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Castro Dan
Happy Birthday today to Lee Majors. The one and only Colonel Austin - Castro Dan (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Will Harris in VA
Happy 83rd birthday to Random Roles alumnus Lee Majors! - Will Harris in VA (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

1980s Now
Happy (Possible) Birthday to Lee Majors (depending upon your source)! After first playing the iconic bionic man, L - 1980s Now (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 83rd Birthday Lee Majors - TheSeer7 (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dave\'s Comic Heroes Blog
A happy birthday to Lee Majors with a look at the Six Million Dollar Man in comics. - Dave\'s Comic Heroes Blog (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

valerie perrine
Happy Birthday Lee Majors!! - valerie perrine (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ray Robinson
Happy 83rd Birthday! Lee Majors - Ray Robinson (11 months ago)
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Herbie J Pilato
As the author of THE BIONIC BOOK, I wish the one and only LEE MAJORS a Happy Bionic Birthday! - Herbie J Pilato (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gemma Ingram
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors. - Gemma Ingram (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mystic Falls
Happy 83rd Birthday to Lee Majors, the $6 Million Dollar Man. Here\'s an advert for his Toy Doll from 1975 - Mystic Falls (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gruff Gushnowski
Happy Birthday Lee Majors - Gruff Gushnowski (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stars and Cars
Six Million Dollar A big Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, born 1939. ( MCA TV) - Stars and Cars (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Larry in Missouri
Happy Birthday Harvey Yeary, Lee Majors , out of Wyandotte,Michigan; best known for his portrayals as Heath Barkle - Larry in Missouri (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert L. Smoot
A Most Happy Birthday to Lee Majors. - Robert L. Smoot (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

john slotkin
Happy 83rd birthday to actor Lee Majors - john slotkin (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

peter pedro
Happy birthday Lee majors - peter pedro (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

THE FALL GUY Podcast: Happy 83rd Birthday to American film, television and voice actor LEE - RetroZest (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dave Sundstrom
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors! During the 70s and 80s, Lee starred in a couple of pretty awesome TV shows, \"The Six - Dave Sundstrom (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jeanine Nerissa Sothcott
Happy birthday to my very dear friend the legendary LEE MAJORS has a great time working with him on RENEGADES l - Jeanine Nerissa Sothcott (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Lee Majors (on the left)! - RG3 (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bryon Holz
Happy Birthday to a man who still looks like six million, Lee Majors. - Bryon Holz (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday M. Lee Majors - SH (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Van Bond
Lee Majors was proper Saturday night TV Bionic Man and The fall guy brilliant a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Van Bond (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gary fapkins
Lee majors was born Happy birthday - Gary fapkins (11 months ago)
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Darren Lake
That is one awesome photo and happy birthday lee majors - Darren Lake (11 months ago)

85 years old (Born on April 23, 1939)

Happy Birthday, Lee Majors! From outrunning explosions as Steve Austin in "The Six Million Dollar Man" to leaping from moving trucks as Colt Seavers in "The Fall Guy," you've always made danger look effortlessly cool. Honestly, we're still trying to figure out how you managed all those stunts without spilling your coffee.

Even today, your iconic slow-motion run and bionic sound effects remain timeless classics—often imitated but never duplicated. Here's hoping your birthday is filled with fewer villains and more cake; after all, you're worth far more than six million dollars to us! Keep being legendary, Lee!

Lee Majors's Best Moments

Happy 84th birthday to Lee Majors. What s your favorite role of his?
Happy Birthday to my friend Lee Majors - here we are having dinner in London last year
Happy birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy birthday to Lee Majors. These days, 6 million dollars is just the copay.
Happy Birthday Lee Majors 
79 years old today

The Six Million Dollar Man
TV Hero
Happy 81st Birthday Lee Majors!
Happy birthday to Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday to living legend LEE MAJORS seen here in our forthcoming elevated revenge thriller RENEGADES
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors who turns 79 today!
Happy 76th Bday Lee Majors aka The Fall Guy (or $6m Man) \"He\s the unknown stuntman that makes Eastwood look so fine\"
Happy Birthday Lee Majors!!
Happy birthday Lee Majors!!
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors and his bionic eye!     Lee turns 82 today, his bionic eye turns 47.
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, born on this date in 1939.
Happy birthday, Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday Lee Majors
Happy Birthday to my first TV hero, Lee Majors, may your bionics last another century.
A happy 78th birthday to the Six Million Dollar Man himself, the iconic Lee Majors.
Happy birthday to American film, television and voice actor Lee Majors, born April 23, 1939.
Happy 81st Birthday Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors and his bionic eye!
Happy 81st birthday today to the one and only Bionic Man  - Lee Majors
HAPPY 78TH BIRTHDAY to the original Steve Austin (and one of my childhood heroes) Lee Majors!
To wish Lee Majors a happy 76th birthday! 

Don\t miss him on at 9a ET!
Happy 80th birthday to Mr. Lee Majors. A bona fide legend in every sense of the word.
Happy 80th Birthday Lee Majors aka Steve Austin aka Colt Seavers !!!
A very Happy Birthday today to the actor Lee Majors
Happy birthday Lee Majors, model for the greatest doll ever
Happy 82nd birthday to Lee Majors
Happy 82nd birthday to Lee Majors!
Six Million Dollar A big Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, born 1939.

A happy birthday to Lee Majors with a look at the Six Million Dollar Man in comics.
Happy birthday Six Million Dollar Man. Lee Majors 83 today
Happy 76th Birthday to Lee Majors  ! Shop Collectibles:
Happy birthday Lee Majors!
Happy 80th Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy birthday to Lee Majors, the Six Million Dollar Man, and the man who taught me how to raise an eyebrow.
Happy Birthday to the Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors!
L Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors; Born Apr 23, 1939 
(Age 83) · Wyandotte, MO
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, the pride of Middlesboro, Kentucky.
 Lee Majors - Happy Birthday -
Happy 76th birthday to Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday to THIRD WATCH & BURN NOTICE star Cody Bell, BTD 1975. Appeared with Lee Majors on THE GAME.
Happy 80th Birthday Lee Majors ( Six million dollar man/Fall Guy/
Happy Birthday Lee Majors!  Great guy and incredible career!!!!
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors! Lindsay Wagner in this shot too.
Happy Birthday to American actor Lee Majors, born on this day in Wyandotte, Michigan in 1939.
Happy birthday Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday  Lee Majors
Happy Birthday to this great actor.  Happy Birthday to the Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors
Happy 83rd birthday to Random Roles alumnus Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors!
(April 24, 1939)
Ahh, April 23rd.
Happy 76th birthday to Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors.
Happy birthday to Lee Majors, 76 today. 
Col. Steve Austin or Colt Seavers? - TA
Happy 76th Birthday to Lee Majors! Here\s to six million more!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors, one of my favourite childhood memories!
Happy birthday Lee Majors, the bionic man and Fall Guy - 78 today! Suddenly feeling old...
Happy birthday Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors who turns 80 today! Name the movie of this shot. 5 min to answer!
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors! Born: April 23, 1939 (age 80 years)
Happy 80 th birthday , Lee Majors
Happy birthday to the legendary 
Lee Majors.
Happy birthday to Lee Majors! The one and only Bionic Man!
A very happy birthday to Mr. Lee Majors. Have a great and well deserved weekend, sir.
Happy birthday to Lee Majors. He\s been seen with Farrah, y\know.
 Wishing Lee Majors a Happy Belated Birthday. It was yesterday.
 Happy Birthday Lee Majors
Happy 83rd Birthday Lee Majors
Just said to the missus, happy birthday Lee Majors. Is he a golfer? FFS.
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors , the only and only Six Million Dollar Man!
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, T6MDM.
Happy Birthday, Harvey Lee Yeary!Better known as Lee Majors (TV actor $6,000,000 Man, The Fall Guy)
Happy Birthday to television, film and voice actor Lee Majors (born Harvey Lee Yeary April 23, 1939).
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday to actor Lee Majors
It\s your Happy Birthday today :

 Lee Majors \"The Six Million Dollar Man\", & John Hannah
The Six Million Dollar Man was Lee Majors it\s his birthday Happy Birthday Just under £65,000,000 in today\s money :)
Happy birthday Lee Majors
Happy Birthday! Lee Majors Turns 76 Today
Happy bday to 80\s TV star Lee Majors. No telling how many times his GMC Truck needed collision repair.
Happy birthday born April 23, 1939.
4-23 Happy birthday to Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday to television, film and voice actor Lee Majors (born Harvey Lee Yeary April 23, 1939).
Happy birthday to Lee Majors!
Greatness Happy Birthday Lee Majors
Happy birthday to Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, who turns 78 today!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors!
Happy 78th Birthday Lee Majors
Band wore make up on the lp cover happy birthday another slice of the dyse a surly lee majors.
Tomorrow we wish an Happy Birthday to  Lee Majors !!! Greatest Wishes Lee !!! You are great !!!!
Happy birthday Lee Majors The 6 Million Dollar Man
Big Valley\s Heath Barclay/The Six Million Dollar Man Is 79 today.

Happy Birthday to Lee Majors.
Happy Birthday to \s Lee Majors!
Happy birthday to the Six Million Dollar Fall Guy, Lee Majors!  Not all heroes wear capes.  Maybe just khaki.
Happy Birthday to the one and only Lee Majors!!!
April 23: Happy 80th birthday to actor Lee Majors (\"The Six Million Dollar Man\")
Happy Birthday Lee Majors! What\s the greatest role he\s played?
Happy birthday to Lee Majors, known for his role as the bionic Steve Austin in \"The Six Million Dollar Man\"!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors :)
Lee Majors hit the big 8-0 today, happy birthday Colt Seaver! Long live the
Happy 80th birthday, Lee Majors.
Happy 80th birthday to Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors. The man who when he ran fast, he ran slow.
Happy 80th Birthday to one of my childhood heroes - Lee Majors
Happy birthday Lee Majors
 Happy 80th birthday today to Lee Majors!
Happy birthday, Lee Majors
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!! And thanks for cooling up the bar.
Happy Birthday to the one and only Lee Majors! {1966}
Happy Birthday Lee Majors, who played Col. Steve Austin in
Happy Birthday Lee Majors
Happy birthday to the legend that is Lee Majors
Happy 81st Birthday to 
Happy Birthday Lee Majors
Happy birthday to Lee Majors, turning 81 today.  Here he is with the cast of
Happy Birthday       Lee Majors
Happy 81st Birthday to Lee Majors! Lee starred as \"Colt Seavers\" on the show \"The Fall Guy.\"
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors..  my idol...
 HaPpy Birthday Lee Majors!
¡Happy Birthday Lee Majors...
 Recap: I wished a Happy Birthday to Lee Majors and some guy spammed a bunch of nonsense in response.
Happy Birthday Lee Majors
The Six Million Dollar Man
Happy 82nd Birthday to Lee Majors!
The thinking man\s Hasselhoff.
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors, born on this day in 1939
Chicago Tribune TV Week.  April 18-24, 1982
Happy Birthday dear Lee Majors!
Happy birthday Lee Majors !
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors.
 Happy birthday Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday to Lee Majors who turns 82 today!
Happy 82nd birthday to Lee Majors! My childhood hero!!!!
Happy Birthday Lee Majors
Happy Birthday, Lee Majors!
Happy Birthday to Mister Lee Majors
(en tête d\affiche dans le film \Des nerfs d\acier\)
Happy Birthday to a man who still looks like six million, Lee Majors.
Happy birthday, Lee Majors (on the left)!
Happy 83rd Birthday to Lee Majors, the $6 Million Dollar Man. Here\s an advert for his Toy Doll from 1975
As the author of THE BIONIC BOOK, I wish the one and only LEE MAJORS a Happy Bionic Birthday!
Happy 83rd Birthday! Lee Majors
lee majors movie 0
lee majors and farrah fawcett 1
lee majors 2013 2
Lee Majors exclusive hot pic 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Lee, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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