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TOI Student
Rattlesnakes would be a lot more dangerous if they didn\'t have the rattle. Louis Sachar, Holes
Happy Birthday to
- TOI Student (11 months ago)
Alredered Mixed Media
- Alredered Mixed Media (11 months ago)
Writer\'s Relief
Happy birthday to American young-adult mystery-comedy Louis Sachar! He is best known for the Wayside School
- Writer\'s Relief (11 months ago)
VMS Library
Happy Birthday to authors Lois Lowry (\"The Giver\", \"Number the Stars\", and more) and Louis Sachar (\"Holes\", \"Fuzzy
- VMS Library (11 months ago)
Katherine Witt
Happy birthday to author Louis Sachar!
- Katherine Witt (11 months ago)
Friends of WHLibrary
Happy Birthday, Louis Sachar. Scholarship pupil Tamaya & Marshall walk to their posh school together. Then they pa
- Friends of WHLibrary (11 months ago)
Matthew Seltzer
Happy 68th Birthday to Holes Author Louis Sachar! I was obsessed with the book and movie Holes as a kid!
- Matthew Seltzer (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Children\'s Author Louis Sachar! can t believe how lucky I am to have found a friend like you. You ma
- (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Podcast
Happy birthday to young adult fiction author Louis Sachar. He wrote Holes and we hope he has a hole lot of fun
- Happy Birthday Podcast (11 months ago)
Hardesty Library
Happy Birthday to Louis Sachar, born on March 20, 1954! Visit the website to check out these and othe
- Hardesty Library (11 months ago)
Read USA
Happy Birthday Louis Sachar!
- Read USA (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Louis Sachar, author of Holes!
- OCLS (11 months ago)
Mrs. Emily Kulas
Happy Birthday, Louis Sachar! I\'m not saying it\'s going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that\'s no reason
- Mrs. Emily Kulas (11 months ago)
WGC Central Library
Happy Birthday to Louis Sachar! Thomas
Stanley Yelnats family is full of bad luck. He
- WGC Central Library (11 months ago)
First Book Marketplace
Join us in wishing Louis Sachar a very happy birthday!
Accidentally built sideways and standing thirty stories hi
- First Book Marketplace (11 months ago)
Washington Irving
Happy Birthday to Louis Sachar, author of Holes and other beloved YA classics!
- Washington Irving (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to children & young adult author, Louis Sachar. Sachar has written 25 books. His most famous is \"Hol
- ARSL (11 months ago)
jasmine @ cloud of doom ⛈️
Happy birthday louis sachar :)
- jasmine @ cloud of doom ⛈️ (11 months ago)
Eric VanRaepenbusch
Happy Birthday, Louis Sachar! (March 20)
I didn\'t know there was a new WAYSIDE SCHOOL book!! WOW!
- Eric VanRaepenbusch (11 months ago)
The Kew Bookshop
\"Nothing in life is easy. But that s no reason to give up. You ll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set y
- The Kew Bookshop (11 months ago)
Sheri Murphy
Happy Birthday, Louis Sachar, kidlit author who is best known for the WAYSIDE SCHOOL SERIES and HOLES. The latter w
- Sheri Murphy (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to author Louis Sachar! Writer of one of our favourite tales, Holes and so many more.
Check out h
- VIRL (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday! Did you know Holes has been named as one of the all time top children\'s novels by School Library Jo
- IFRT (11 months ago)
On this day a legend was born. Happy bday, Louis Sachar. (oh and also me 15 years ago but that\'s not important)
- Skinnybones (11 months ago)
East Meadow Reference
Happy 65th Birthday to East Meadow born Louis Sachar!!!!
- East Meadow Reference (11 months ago)
It\'s time for our second celebration of the day as we wish Louis Sachar a very happy birthday!
- WriteStoryBooks (11 months ago)
Winterset Library
Happy Birthday Louis Sachar! When you spend your whole life living in a hole, the only way you can go is up. H
- Winterset Library (11 months ago)
Listening Library
Wish a big happy birthday to Louis Sachar, author of HOLES! To celebrate, hear an excerpt of the audiobook and revi
- Listening Library (11 months ago)
Katie Jayne
Today is Louis Sachar birthday, the author of Holes A book for teens some say however with it\'s
- Katie Jayne (11 months ago)
McQuade Library (MC)
Happy Birthday to Lois Lowry and Louis Sachar. Find out why the books below were banned/co
- McQuade Library (MC) (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Louis Sachar!
- SaladoPublicLibrary (11 months ago)
March 20, 1954: Happy birthday Newbery Award author Louis Sachar
- BullardCommLibrary (11 months ago)
FedUni Library
Happy birthday to Louis Sachar, beloved author of \'Sideways Stories from Wayside School\' and \'Holes\'
- FedUni Library (11 months ago)
Rereading HOLES for Middle Readers Group. Even on read still almost missed subway stop! Happy bday Louis Sachar! -Karen
- Kidsmomo (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Louis Sachar! While Holes will always be a favorite, the award-winning author\'s
- SSJCPL (11 months ago)
Puyallup Library
Happy Birthday, Louis Sachar! Enjoying an onion today?
- Puyallup Library (11 months ago)
Schools Library
Happy Birthday to Louis Sachar, born today in 1954. If you have seen the film and loved it, you will love...
- Schools Library (11 months ago)
On The Red Carpet
Happy Birthday to Holes writer Louis Sachar!
- On The Red Carpet (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Louis Sachar. Check these out:
- MVCL (11 months ago)
Laura Roberts
Happy Birthday to Louis Sachar, born today in 1954, author of Sideways Stories from Wayside School:
- Laura Roberts (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to children\'s writer Louis Sachar (March 20, 1954), author of the 1998 novel \"Holes\" et al.
- Book_Addict (11 months ago)
M Jerry Weiss Center
Happy Birthday Louis Sachar! Have you read his award winning novel Holes? You must read this book! You will be glad!
- M Jerry Weiss Center (11 months ago)
Mar 20th Happy Birthday to author Louis Sachar!
- FAME (11 months ago)
Books for Keeps
Happy Birthday to author Louis Sachar! Sachar has written some of our favorite middle grade books, including the...
- Books for Keeps (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to one of our favourites, the magnificent Louis Sachar, who turns 63 today!
- BookTrust (11 months ago)
Reading Resources
Happy birthday to Louis Sachar! Master storyteller and writing genius...
- Reading Resources (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Louis Sachar! Celebrate by reading Holes or Small Steps.
- youngreadershelf (11 months ago)
Scholastic Teachers
Happy birthday, Louis Sachar! Celebrate the author with lesson to dig deeper into the themes of his novel Holes.
- Scholastic Teachers (11 months ago)
happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Louis Sachar! American writer of children\'s books
- happy bday authors♪♫ (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Louis Sachar!
- ROOM33RAPTORS (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Louis Sachar will celebrate his 71 years old birthday in 11 days! Send your greetings to him now!
Acclaimed children's author of the Sideways Stories from Wayside School book series. He is also known for his 1998 book, Holes, which won both the U.S. National Book Award and the Newbery Medal.