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Milligan 8
Best Who Story Ever!
- Milligan 8 (10 months ago)
DWO Minecraft
Happy birthday to Louise Jameson, who played the strong-willed, intelligent, and fearless Leela!
- DWO Minecraft (10 months ago)
Colin Baker
It is the eternally glorious Louise Jameson s birthday today. Happy birthday dear friend!
- Colin Baker (10 months ago)
Richy Who
Happy birthday Louise Jameson
- Richy Who (10 months ago)
Jay Gent
Happy birthday Louise Jameson, one of my favourite actors and always so warm and friendly at events
- Jay Gent (10 months ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to English actress Louise Jameson, born April 20, 1951, who played Leela on Doctor Who, opposite Tom
- Killer Cosmonaut (10 months ago)
Simon Riches
Wishing a very happy birthday to Louise Jameson
- Simon Riches (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Louise Jameson!! Leela is my favorite Classic companion! She totally rocks!
- Amy (10 months ago)
Time For A Film
Wishing Louise Jameson a very Happy 72nd Birthday. Here with James Hazeldine in The Omega Factor.
- Time For A Film (10 months ago)
Ronald Lacey Fans
Happy birthday Louise Jameson, BOTD in 1951. Here she is as maid \'Betty\' in the low-budget Mike Raven horror Discip
- Ronald Lacey Fans (10 months ago)
Happy 72nd birthday to actress Louise Jameson.
From Leela the companion of Doctor Who to
Mary in the TV series Emmerdale.
- SimonB (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Sophia Jones Hammersley, Andy Serkis, Ryan O\'Neal, George Takei, Tan France, Nicho
- BRMGradio (10 months ago)
Jeremy M.Miller, Esq
Louise Jameson is 71 today, Happy Birthday Louise.
- Jeremy M.Miller, Esq (10 months ago)
Little Who Girl
Happy Birthday to the Sevateem warrior & companion to the Fourth Doctor, Leela, aka the fabulous Louise Jameson
- Little Who Girl (10 months ago)
Andrew Stocker
Happy Birthday to dear Louise Jameson
- Andrew Stocker (10 months ago)
Dave Kitteridge
Happy Birthday to Louise Jameson, 71 today
- Dave Kitteridge (10 months ago)
LOUISE JAMESON Happy birthday
Doctor Who 1977-78 Eastenders 1998-00
Emmerdale 1973 2022 Tenko 1981-82
Doctors 2
- PETER OXLEY (10 months ago)
Malisa Foster 44 #the 14th Doctor
Happy 70th Birthday, Louise Jameson! Hope yours was a wonderful day.
- Malisa Foster 44 #the 14th Doctor (10 months ago)
Rev’d Rick ✝️
Happy birthday to Louise Jameson from one of your many fans.
- Rev’d Rick ✝️ (10 months ago)
Wishing Louise Jameson a very happy birthday.
- JACKIE CAPES (10 months ago)
The City Of Jeff
Yay! Louise Jameson Day!!
The talent of Louise is limitless and damn we were lucky to have her as the magnificent
- The City Of Jeff (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Louise Jameson who turns 70 today! Pictured here as The Doctor\'s Companion Leela.
- Space-reporter-news (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Louise Jameson, born today in 1951. Jameson is an English actress, with a wide variety of televis
- Vault0 (10 months ago)
Daniel McGachey
Happy birthday to the brilliant Louise Jameson.
- Daniel McGachey (10 months ago)
Ben Lindsay
Happy birthday to the fantastic Louise Jameson!
Leela was one of the best companions. Never screaming and jumping
- Ben Lindsay (10 months ago)
Saucy Seventies Adventures
Happy 70th Birthday to Louise Jameson, who played Leela in Dr Who. Here\'s Leela in doll form.
- Saucy Seventies Adventures (10 months ago)
Doctor Who
A very happy 70th birthday to Louise Jameson, who played the Fourth Doctor\'s friend Leela!
- Doctor Who (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Louise Jameson - have a wonderful day !
- ADRIAN SALMON (10 months ago)
Happy 70th Birthday to Louise Jameson!
- melissa (10 months ago)
Summer Harlequin
Happy birthday to the amazing Louise Jameson
- Summer Harlequin (10 months ago)
Dominic G. Martin
Happy birthday to the wonderful Louise Jameson! One of the shining gems of the Tom Baker era and of Doctor Who as a
- Dominic G. Martin (10 months ago)
Doinkadect Klomberbatch
Imagine if Leela had returned in Logopolis. That would ve normalised companions returning and we d have got more of
- Doinkadect Klomberbatch (10 months ago)
Zoe\'s feather boa 5K
A very happy 70th birthday to Louise Jameson!
I\'ve met her at signings twice and she\'s absolutely lovely.
- Zoe\'s feather boa 5K (10 months ago)
Bohemian Timelord
Happy Birthday Louise Jameson
- Bohemian Timelord (10 months ago)
lil romana
Happy birthday to the queen herself, Louise Jameson I\'m sorry you always looked so cold on that police box show.
- lil romana (10 months ago)
Today we celebrate the Birthday of Louise Jameson who played Tom Baker\'s companion Leela in Here are fo
- Pan (10 months ago)
A very Happy Birthday recently,3 days ago on Monday, 20th April 2020, to Louise Jameson, who played Leela,warrior w
- Phillip Nicholls (10 months ago)
DW Club of Victoria
A very Happy Birthday,3 days ago on Monday, 20th April 2020, to Louise Jameson,turned 69 who played Leela,warrior w
- DW Club of Victoria (10 months ago)
Lewis Achenbach
When I m drawing Louise Jameson and her gaze meets mine, I can t barely keep
- Lewis Achenbach (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Louise Jameson will celebrate her 74 years old birthday in 1 month and 8 days! Send your greetings to her now!