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Since you and I were born the same year, I wanted to give you accolades for each year that you’re here sharing yourself and your smile with everyone.
- Judith (1 year ago)
Meet and discuss with Mark Harmon.
Come to France for example.
Happy birthday / Health and happiness
- Aurore (5 years ago)
Happy birthday in heaven Thomas Dudley Harmon. \"Old 98\" Los Angeles Rams, military pilot, actor, and sports broadca
- Honest☘️Larry (4 months ago)
Genuinely French soaps and accessories
I think they are confusing with Mark harmon whose birthday was on the 6th when you posted this on Sept
- Genuinely French soaps and accessories (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Gary Cole! The only person who could take over from Mark Harmon without ruining the sho
- BlockbusterHour (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday! If your is September 2nd, then you share it with Keanu Reeves, Salma Hayek, and Mark Ha
- imnotthatoldami_og (4 months ago)
Joanne Francis
Happy B-lated Birthday Mark Harmon
- Joanne Francis (4 months ago)
Jennifer Scott
Happy Birthday to Mark Harmon. :)
- Jennifer Scott (4 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Mark Harmon .
- Robert P Coronado (4 months ago)
Angela Violanti Keppel
I almost forgot to wish my fake dad a happy birthday today!! Happy 71st birthday Mark Harmon, you\'re my favorite.
- Angela Violanti Keppel (4 months ago)
Jeanette Pruka
Happy Birthday Mark Harmon!! Hope you have a great day!!
- Jeanette Pruka (4 months ago)
E.W. “Doc” Parris
Happy 70th Birthday to Mark Harmon who was at his best in the relatively small but memorable role of Secret Service
- E.W. “Doc” Parris (4 months ago)
Happy birthday Mark Harmon. My favorite film with Harmon so far is The last supper.
- jhpcine (4 months ago)