Welcome to Mike Myers's Birthday Celebration Page
Mike Myers got 667 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Renee Downing
Loved you on SNL and "So I Married An Axe Murderer," I really appreciated the love you showed for Buffalo, NY recently. - Renee Downing (2 years ago)
birthday balloon

G Amazing
"Oh yeah" -Cat in the Hat You are a wonderful actor. - G Amazing (7 years ago)
birthday balloon

Nikio greenix kun 218
Happy birthday, Mike Myers!!! :D - Nikio greenix kun 218 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

✧ Brooke ও ✧
I\'m sorry I forgot about your birthday mike myers happy borf - ✧ Brooke ও ✧ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brooke ও
I\'m sorry I forgot about your birthday mike myers happy borf - Brooke ও (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hansom Ransom
Happy belated birthday Mike Myers - Hansom Ransom (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

A happy 60th birthday from yesterday to the Canadian actor Mike Myers who has played in films such as Shrek the cat - movietelevisionandactorfan (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bob Durrenberger
A Belated Happy Birthday to Mike Myers. Once at FotoKem, Burbank, I walked up to a poster of an AUSTIN POWERS movi - Bob Durrenberger (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Mike Myers. - MonaTweets (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Corro Vera
Happy 60th Birthday to Mike Myers ( - David Corro Vera (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Liam Casey Dexter (LD1998)
He also appeared in music videos including \"Beautiful Stranger\" by Madonna from 1999, \"Boys\" by Britney Spears feat - Liam Casey Dexter (LD1998) (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Mike Myers who turns 60 today! Pictured here with Dana Carvey in Wayne\'s World (1992). - SillElliS (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the GOAT and star of the funniest movie of all time, Mike Myers! - Sebastian (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Magic Matthew
Shrek: Good luck you two. And Happy Birthday to Mike Myers ( A.K.A. Austin Pow - Magic Matthew (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jayden ジェイデン
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!! - Jayden ジェイデン (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jayden ジェイデン (Preparing for FFXVI)
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!! - Jayden ジェイデン (Preparing for FFXVI) (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

WITN Headlines
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers! - WITN Headlines (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

a daily cinephile
Happy birthday mike myers shrek (2001) the cat in the hat (2003) bohemian rhapsody (2018) amsterdam (2022) - a daily cinephile (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Memory Lane
Happy birthday Mike Myers, actor/screenwriter, 60 - Memory Lane (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Talking Energies
Happy Birthday 5/25 Mike Myers Octavia Spencer Ian Mckellen Ray Stevenson Leslie Ug - Talking Energies (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Totally Boomer
(5.25) Happy Boomer Birthday to Actor/Writer Mike Myers - Totally Boomer (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Phil Simpkins at Arro Social
Happy 60th Birthday Mike Myers! Austin Powers and Shrek will always remain my go-to movies. Wishing you good - Phil Simpkins at Arro Social (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Damier Williams
Happy birthday, Mike Myers. - Damier Williams (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

entertainally ✨️✨️✨️
Happy birthday to Mike Myers Ian McKellen Octavia Spencer Molly Sims - entertainally ✨️✨️✨️ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Mike Myers who turns 60 today!!! Party on!! - - CJAY 92 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Mike Myers. - CannibalCarWash (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

A George Harrison Fan Page
Happy 60th birthday to Mike Myers! \"[George wrote] sitting here with my Dr. Evil doll I just wanted to let you kno - A George Harrison Fan Page (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Horror Shadow99
Happy Birthday Mike Myers - Horror Shadow99 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nostalgia Talk
Happy Birthday to the irreplaceable and always funny Mike Myers! - Nostalgia Talk (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chris Quant
Happy birthday Mike Myers - Chris Quant (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stella Powers
Feliz 60 cumpleaños a Mike Myers Happy 60th Birthday Mike Myers - Stella Powers (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BDAY MIKE MYERS - 0rangeVr (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Adam Henderson
Happy 60th birthday to Mike Myers! The actor who played Shrek, Cat in the Hat, and Austin Powers! - Adam Henderson (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Netflix Canada
Happy birthday to Mike Myers, a man of 1000 faces each one better than the next - Netflix Canada (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday Mike Myers you legend - Chris (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 60th Birthday, Mike Myers Born: May 25, 1963, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ..... WAYNE\'S WORLD (1992) Movie Cast - NOSTALGIA HIT (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Here to a man that turns 60 today. Happy birthday MIKE MYERS! His Top 5 films. Lately, he does not act much, a - cinemart (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hand Channel
happy birthday mike myers the voice of shrek - Hand Channel (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Golden Globe Awards
Happy 60th birthday Mike Myers! - Golden Globe Awards (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Groovy Baby! Happy Birthday to Mike Myers, a comedic genius and a true master of his craft. - AFI (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ralph Michaels
May 25, 1963: Happy 60th birthday Mike Myers an actor, comedian, director, producer and screenwriter. He is known f - Ralph Michaels (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Cillian Murphy, Mike Myers, Joseph D. Reitman, Jamie Kennedy, - Jennifer Long ☮️ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dragon Movie Guy
Happy 60th Mike Myers!!! What\'s YOUR Movie or T.V. Show??!! - Dragon Movie Guy (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Mike Myers! _ - OneMovieToday (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 60th Birthday to our big green ogre, Mike Myers! (May 25th, 1963) - bart (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Which of his roles is your absolute favorite? Vote here: - Ranker (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

SpyHards Podcast
Happy Birthday to our favourite International Man of Mystery, Mike Myers! From three AUSTIN POWERS films, to WAYNE - SpyHards Podcast (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Reverend Paul Revere
Happy birthday, Mike! We\'re not worthy: The best and worst Mike Myers movies - Reverend Paul Revere (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

J. Morgan Harter
Tune in NOW for Wolo & Friends! and Me sitting in for Dave. On Today\'s Show: Happy Birthday Mike Mye - J. Morgan Harter (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Shrek Updates
Happy 60th birthday to Mike Myers, who voiced the titular Shrek in the Shrek movies. - Shrek Updates (9 months ago)

61 years old (Born on May 25, 1963)

Actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer; He is famous from Saturday Night Live, Austin Powers.

Appeared with Gilda Radner, in a television commercial when he was nine, he cried on the last day of the shooting. Since then, his brothers called him "s*cky Baby". Enjoyed playing the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons when he was young. He has said this give him the inspiration for his "Saturday Night Live" (1975) character, Lothar of the Hill People. His favorite sports team is the Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL), and in his movie Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), the character Mini Me is sporting a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey in the prison scene. 2000: The Hollywood Reporter reported that he was being considered for the role of Inspector Clouseau, in The Pink Panther (2006). A fan of Peter Sellers (who played Clouseau in the original film), Myers was said to be initially reluctant to do the role, but became enthused about it after meeting with Ivan Reitman (who was originally set to direct). Reitman told the Calgary Sun that the new film "won`t be a retread of the Peter Sellers versions. We want something new and fresh. Mike has to find a whole new character for Clouseau that is not Peter Sellers, but is also not Austin Powers." In March 2002, Myers withdrew from the project. Was in the band "Ming Tea" with Canadian musician/producer Christopher Ward, and singers Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs.

Mike Myers's Best Moments

Zippy Zip-a! Wishing a Happy Birthday to Dr. Evil himself, Mr. Mike Myers!
Happy 58th birthday, Mike Myers.
Beyoncé wishes Mike Myers a happy 58th birthday.
Happy birthday to the gemini voice of shrek, mike myers
Happy birthday to a groovy (and sometimes evil) Red, Mike Myers
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers!

..the comedian Mike Myers
Happy 60th birthday Mike Myers!
Happy birthday to Mike Myers, who turns 58 today! PHOTO: Shutterstock
Mike Myers, we were so busy misbehaving we forgot to wish you a very happy birthday yesterday!
Happy birthday to hockey fans and Mike Myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers!
 Happy birthday Mike Myers!
Happy birthday to the one and only Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers.
Happy Birthday to \"SuperMensch\" director Mike Myers, whom I have known since we were kids.
Happy 60th birthday to Mike Myers
Happy Birthday Mike Myers! via
Happy birthday to Mike Myers!!
Happy birthday to Mike Myers, a man of 1000 faces each one better than the next
Happy 52nd birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy birthday, Mike Myers! I\m verklempt!
May 25, Happy Birthday to Paul Weller, Frank Oz, Mike Myers, and Sir Ian McKellen.

Happy birthday to Mike Myers Was his best ever?

for Excellent
Like for It sucks dude
Happy Memorial Day weekend and happy birthday to Mike Myers! It s almost quitting time!
Happy ___ th Birthday to Mike Myers from your friends at Castle Frightenstein!!!
Happy 58th Birthday to the lovable ogre himself, Mike Myers!
Happy 59th birthday to comedian Mike Myers, possibly the most quoted man at the turn of the millennium!
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers who turns 58 today
Happy 58th birthday to Mike Myers.
Omg happy bday Mike myers
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers, you are a genius!
 Mike Myers wishes you a Happy Birthday lmao
Sí, nena, sí... 
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers!!!!!
Happy Birthday to the amazing Mike Myers
Wishing a very happy birthday to comedic icon and Inductee
Happy Birthday to Ontario\s own Mike Myers! He turns 54 today.
Big happy 54th birthday today to Mike Myers! And thank you for inspiring the name to our podcast!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy 56th birthday, Wayne!! I mean .Mike Myers
Happy birthday Mike Myers!
Zidane, Figo, Seedorf have all had the pleasure of playing with Mike Myers Happy birthday Mike
Happy birthday Mike Myers! No one better could have brought to life.
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Woah mike myers birthday happy birthday coolest guy ever
Happy 60th birthday Mike Myers, Party Time, Excellent
Happy Birthday Which of his roles is your absolute favorite?

Vote here:
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers who turns 60 today!  Pictured here with Dana Carvey in Wayne\s World (1992).
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers, who turns 52 today!
Happy birthday Mike Myers! 52 today.
Happy birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
T2 wishes a very happy birthday to the funnyman Mike Myers. We are rewatching today.
Happy birthday to a devastatingly funny actor and comedian, Emmy-winner Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers!  Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, Wayne Campbell
Happy Birthday to comic legend Share your favorite Mike Myers memories!
Happy birthday to the hilarious guy , Mike Myers :)
Happy birthday to fellow Mike Myers...Aboard HMCS Glace Bay
Happy 55th Birthday To Mike Myers The Actor Best Known For Voicing Shrek.
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy birthday to me, Sir Ian McKellan, Mike Myers and Roman Reigns
Happy birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers
Happy birthday to my favourite actor and Canadian legend Mike Myers
. Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy birthday Mike Myers (Voice of Shrek)
Happy birthday zillennial king mike myers!!!
 Happy Birthday Patti LaBelle, Octavia Spencer & Mike Myers
A very Happy Birthday today to the actor, comedian, director, producer and screenwriter Mike Myers
Happy birthday to this great actor.  Happy birthday to Mike Myers
Happy Birthday Austin Danger Powers, aka Mike Myers!
25/05 Happy Birthday! Mike Myers (59)
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy 60th Birthday Mike Myers
Happy 60th birthday to Mike Myers!

The actor who played Shrek, Cat in the Hat, and Austin Powers!
Happy birthday to Mike Myers who turns 60 today!!! Party on!! -
  Happy birthday, Mike Myers.
  Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy belated birthday Mike Myers
 Happy Birthday Mike Myers! 52 years today
Happy birthday to the legend that is Mike Myers!!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!!terkenal dg perannya sbg Austin Powers ini kini berusia 52 tahun :)
Birthdays Today, May 25:  Mike Myers, Chloe Lukasiak Brec Bassinger Happy birthday!!!!!!!
Ooh la la la! Happy to legendary rapper Lauryn Hill and comedian Mike Myers! Have a good one!
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers! Check celebrity bdays and anytime
Happy birthday Mike Myers. yeah baby!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!!terkenal dg perannya sbg Austin Powers ini kini berusia 52 tahun :)
Happy 52nd Birthday Mike Myers!
Birthdays today!  Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers! Party with Wayne and Garth by revisiting our 1992 story on
Happy 52nd birthday to Mike Myers.
Happy Birthday to...
Mike Myers, Ian McKellan & Frank Oz!
Happy 52nd Birthday to today\s über-cool celebrity w/an über-cool camera: MIKE MYERS (as Austin Powers)
   Happy birthday Mike Myers!
Happy birthday, Mike Myers! We\ve got the grooviest comedies for you:
Happy birthday \Mike Myers\!
Happy 52nd to Scarborough, ON\s own Mike Myers! Favourite character played by the birthday guy? ~Steve
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 52nd to Mike Myers!  Who is your FAV SNL alum?
Happy birthday Mike Myers.
I loved you in View from the Top.
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers, who turns 54 today!
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy Birthday: Mike Myers (And Others)
I met Mike Myers in October, and he was nice enough to shake my hand and say hello. Happy Birthday, Mike!
Happy 54th Birthday to Mike Myers! The voice of Shrek.
Happy 54th Birthday     To  ACTOR MIKE MYERS
Happy Birthday Frank Oz, Mike Myers, and
Hoy cumple 54 años Mike Myers (Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, Fat Bastard en Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers! SCHWING!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
On this day, May 25...
my another hero...Celebrate for Michael John \"Mike\" Myers.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to Shrek himself, Mike Myers. Fifty-three years young today!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy Birthday-Mike Myers
 Happy Birthday to Mike Myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers
Happy 55th birthday Mike Myers. I love to see a Dr. Evil spinoff, it should work since Cobra Kai is a monster hit.
Happy 55th birthday to Mike Myers today!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
May 25:Happy 56th birthday to actor,Mike Myers(\"Wayne\s World\")
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE MYERS - 25. May 1963.  Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers who\s now 56 years old. Do you remember this movie? 5 min to answer!
Happy birthday, Mike Myers.
Happy 50 birthday to Mike Myers. Hope that she has a wonderful birthday.
Happy birthday  Austen Powers (Mike Myers)
 A very Happy Birthday to Mike Myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers!
May 25, 1963   Mike Myers Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers!
Happy birthday mike myers my one and only
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
Happy birthday Mike Myers!!  What\s your favorite character from the birthday boy?!~
Happy 57th Birthday to 
Happy birthday to Mike Myers
Happy Birthday
Film television stage comedy actor comedian
Mike Myers
Happy Birthday to great Mike Myers
 happy birthday mike myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers
May 25: Happy birthday to Mike Myers!  The comedian... not the murderer.
 happy belated birthday to Mike Myers
Happy Birthday Mike Myers, born May 25th \63.
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)
Directed by Jay Roach

Happy birthday to Mike Myers!
Happy birthday Mike Myers
Happy Birthday dear Mike Myers!
Happy 58th Birthday Mike Myers. 

*Insert dated Austin Powers reference*
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers! Party on!
Happy birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers
Happy birthday to Mike Myers; the man, the myth, the legend
Happy birthday to actor & comedian Mike Myers!
Mike Myers -
Beyoncé wishes Mike Myers a happy 58th birthday.
Happy 58th birthday Mike Myers!!!
Happy 58th Birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday Mike Myers, Octavia Spencer, and Bill Bojangles Robinson
Happy 59th Birthday Mike Myers 

Have a top day!
Happy birthday today to Mike Myers who is 59 ... Yeah baby!
Happy birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy 59th birthday to Mike Myers!
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers
Happy Birthday to Mike Myers.
Happy 60th birthday to the one and only Mike Myers, yeahhh baby
Happy 60th birthday to the GOAT Mike Myers
Happy 60th birthday Mike Myers  ~ Wayne\s World (1992)
Happy birthday! What was your favorite Mike Myers movie?
Happy birthday to Mike Myers, who turns 60 today!
Happy 60th birthday to Mike Myers, who voiced the titular Shrek in the Shrek movies.
Happy bday Mike Myers you legend
Happy birthday Mike Myers.
Happy Birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy birthday mike myers

shrek (2001)
the cat in the hat (2003)
bohemian rhapsody (2018)
amsterdam (2022)
Happy birthday Mike Myers, actor/screenwriter, 60
Happy birthday to the GOAT and star of the funniest movie of all time, Mike Myers!
mike myers movies 0
mike myers halloween 1
mike myers wife 2
mike myers wife 3

Fun Facts About Mike Myers

His mother studied at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art before moving to Canada and raising a family.
All street signs, leading the way to Mike Myers Drive and Mike Myers Way are stolen in June 2003, shortly after official presentation. This is the second time they are stolen; the unofficial ones were taken as well.
In addition to being nominated for Worst Actor of 2004 at the Razzie awards, for his performance in The Cat in the Hat (2003), he was also suggested on the 2004 nominating ballot in the Worst Supporting Actor category for his role in View from the Top (2003). He failed to receive the Supporting Actor nomination, but got the Lead Actor nomination.
In an interview with James Lipton of the _"Inside the Actors Studio" (1994)_ , Myers stated that he met his wife in a bar after attending a hockey game where he caught a puck. Later in their relationship, they attended a hockey game and she caught a puck.
The high school he attended was Stephen Leac*ck Collegiate Institute in Scarborough.
As a teenager, he would act out his Wayne character to girls at parties.
Hosted the 1997 MTV Movie Awards (1997) (TV).
Carries a British Passport. He has said in many interviews that he regards himself as British.
His production company, Eric's Boy, is named after his father, Eric, an encyclopaedia salesman, who died on 22 November 1991 of Alzheimer's.
He received a star on the Canadian Walk of Fame in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (June 25, 2003).
Has 3 dogs named after hockey players.
There is a street named "Wayne`s World Drive" in Dr*per, Utah, which is 20 minutes south of Salt Lake City.
His parents, Eric and Alice, were British citizens, which is why Myers carries a British passport.
His performance as Dr. Evil in the "Austin Powers" movies is ranked #35 on Premiere Magazine`s 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time.
In 1993, he received a phone call from Barbra Streisand, asking him to appear as Linda Richman, opening for Streisand at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas - her first concert in 22 years.
Is a huge fan of Aerosmith. On his birthday, Aerosmith was the music guest on SNL. Mike tried desperately to meet the band but was unsuccessful. During a "Wayne's World" sketch, the band showed up (unknown to Mike) as a "birthday present".
He got hired for Second City the day he graduated from high school. He had his last exam at 9, his audition at noon, and he got hired at 3.
Frequently appears wearing his underpants in films.
Graduated high school in 1982 and was immediately accepted into Toronto's Second City Comedy ensemble.
Collects model soldiers; he finds the building and painting of the soldiers to be relaxing.
June 2000: was sued by Universal Pictures for $3.8 million for backing out of his contract to play Dieter in a feature film version of his "Saturday Night Live" (1975) recurring skit, "Sprockets". Myers was quoted to say he would refuse to honor the $20 million contract rather than "cheating moviegoers with an unacceptable script".
Has a street named after him in Scarborough, Ontario: Mike Myers Drive.
Frequently wears a Darcy Tucker #16 Toronto Maple Leafs hockey jersey.
Youngest of 3 sons.
A fan of the rock band Queen.
$10,000,000 for Shrek 2.
Supports Liverpool Football Club - his parents were from Liverpool, UK.
He is an Alumnus from the Famous Improv Olympic along with actors Vince Vaughn, late Chris Farley, Ossie Beck, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Adam McKay.
Used to take dancing lessons in Toronto.
Has said his favorite character to play in the Austin Powers movies is Dr. Evil. His least favorite to play is Fat Bastard.
In remembrance of his father, Eric, he wears the ring his father received from the Encyclopaedia Britannica corporation when he was named Salesman of the Year as his wedding band.
His character Linda Richman on "Saturday Night Live" (1975), is based on his mother-in-law, Linda Richman.
He and Ruzan are ending their marriage. [December 2005]
Owns the last letter ever written by Beatles singer George Harrison, given to him very shortly after Harrison`s death and while Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) was in production. The letter compliments him on the Austin Powers movies and asks him for a Mini Me doll. He had it framed immediately and looks at it every day, stating that its one of the most incredible things that has ever happened to him.

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Mike, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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