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eg anda
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Happy Birthday, Nan Goldin!
- eg anda (4 months ago)
Guggenheim Museum
Happy birthday to American photographer and activist Nan Goldin!
Her work has captured the AIDS crisis in the 1980
- Guggenheim Museum (4 months ago)
Filmmaker Magazine
Happy birthday, Nan Goldin! Incredible artist, activist, subject of Laura Poitras\'s Venice-winning doc and, here, t
- Filmmaker Magazine (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Nan Goldin Watch \"Playing House With Nan Goldin\" on NOWNESS
- NOWNESS (4 months ago)
Happy birthday, A groundbreaking photographer who has influenced subsequent generations, Nan Go
- Artspace (4 months ago)
Stedelijk Museum
We want to wish Nan Goldin a happy birthday Nan Goldin is widely known for her intimate photographs. September 20
- Stedelijk Museum (4 months ago)
Sam Samael
Happy birthday to me and to all the coolest people that i share the day with. - (Melechesh) - N
- Sam Samael (4 months ago)
Emily Hughes
A day late, but happy birthday anyway to Nan Goldin, photographer, icon, inspiration, \'for me it is not a detachmen
- Emily Hughes (4 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Marguerite Blais, Gustav Brunner, Bruce Mahler, Mike Murphy, Bertie Ahern, Norm Dube, Ray Gravell
- North Trenton (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to photographer Nan Goldin, born this day in 1953.
- mentl (4 months ago)
Happy birthday, Nan Goldin.
I hope this finds you well.
- Nancy ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE Robinson (4 months ago)
\"The camera connects me to the experience and clarifies what is going on between me and the subject. Some people be
- Metrograph (4 months ago)
Online Artist Book
Happy Birthday, Nan Goldin!
- Online Artist Book (4 months ago)
Sarah Hyde - pronouns - me me me
Happy Birthday Nan Suzanne and Philippe on the bench Tompkins Square Park NYC by NanGoldin via
- Sarah Hyde - pronouns - me me me (4 months ago)
Btw happy bday nan goldin
- amanda (4 months ago)
Mary Gregory
Happy birthday Nan Goldin Find out more about this powerful
- Mary Gregory (4 months ago)
Lucie Foundation
Happy Birthday Nan Goldin, 2014 Lucie Honoree for Achievement in Portraiture Image: Bruce on top
- Lucie Foundation (4 months ago)
Hillary Weston
Happy birthday, nan
- Hillary Weston (4 months ago)
Criterion Collection
Happy birthday, Nan Goldin! Read our new interview with the legendary photographer and filmmaker:
- Criterion Collection (4 months ago)
Women in the Arts (NMWA)
Happy birthday to photographer and activist Goldin is best known for her uncomfortably personal pho
- Women in the Arts (NMWA) (4 months ago)
Antonio Feuillebois
Happy Birthday Nancy Nan Goldin.
- Antonio Feuillebois (4 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Marguerite Blais, Gustav Brunner, Bruce Mahler, Mike Murphy, Bertie Ahern, Norm Dube, Ray Gravell
- Teewhy Nyema (4 months ago)
Amanda Jane
Happy birthday Nan Goldin
- Amanda Jane (4 months ago)
Eleni Avraam
Happy birthday to ballsy icon and inspiration Nan Goldin! Photographs taken from her masterpiece, The Ballad of
- Eleni Avraam (4 months ago)
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
Happy birthday, Nan Goldin. This photo, Self-portrait on bridge at golden river, Silver Hill (1998) was on view
- Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Goldin is known for her highly intimate photographs that often feature subj
- NatlMuseumWomenArts (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to activist and photographer Nan Goldin, a true inspiration :
- Dazed (4 months ago)
Kevin O Mooney
Happy Birthday Nan Goldin
- Kevin O Mooney (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday To celebrate, we revisit the images she shot backstage at the Homme by
- AnotherMan (4 months ago)
- Friends are the family you choose for yourself, they say.
Happy birthday Nan Goldin Nan Goldin on kunzt -
- (4 months ago)
Tate Collective
Happy birthday to photographer and activist Experience her iconic work for free at Modern \'
- Tate Collective (4 months ago)
Controversial American photographer known for works such as "The Ballad of Sexual Dependency" from 1981, "Misty and Jimmy Paulette in a Taxi, NYC," from 1991, and "The Hug, NYC," from 1980.