Happy Birthday, ! Der legendäre und Erfinder von (unter anderem )
- AMIGO Spiele (8 months ago)
James Herron
Just to find out I have the same birthday as Richard Garfield makes me happy today. Happy birthday to the man who m
- James Herron (8 months ago)
Jonathan Arnett Of The Prismari
Happy Birthday to Richard Garfield if it wasn\'t for you the game and our community that we love wouldn\'t exist
- Jonathan Arnett Of The Prismari (8 months ago)
Daily MTG History
There is a well-known silver-border card featuring creator Richard Garfield in Unhinged...
but there is more
- Daily MTG History (8 months ago)
A very happy birthday to the legendary designer of KeyForge, Richard Garfield! If you haven\'t tried KeyForge yet, y
- FFGames (8 months ago)
A happy birthday to influential game designer and combinatorial mathematician Richard Garfield. The inventor of Mag
- AcademicInfluence.com (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Richard Garfield!
- Vallurithuun (8 months ago)
Heroes INN
Happy Birthday Richard Garfield!
- Heroes INN (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to game designer Richard Garfield (June 26, 1963), creator of the 1995 card game The Great Dalmuti et al.
- Book_Addict (8 months ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, June 26, 1963 Richard Garfield, American game designer, created Magic: The Gathering was...
- Jamie Roxx (8 months ago)
MTGFinance Central
When I think of MTG, only 2 names come to mind. Richard Garfield, and . Happy birthday !
- MTGFinance Central (9 months ago)
Steve B
A national holiday in the making. Happy birthday to the one and only Richard Garfield, creator of Magic: The Gathering!
- Steve B (8 months ago)
Michael Jones
Happy birthday to the one and only Richard Garfield, creator of Magic: The Gathering!
- Michael Jones (8 months ago)
Aaron Forsythe
Happy birthday to the one and only Richard Garfield, creator of Magic: The Gathering!
- Aaron Forsythe (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to game designer Richard Garfield (June 26, 1963), creator of the 1995 card game The Great Dalmuti et al.
- Book_Addict (8 months ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today in 1963 Richard Garfield, American game designer, created Magic: The Gathering was born.
- Jamie Roxx (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Dr. Richard Garfield Ph.D., the creator of the greatest game of all time! :D
- D@^!D (8 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Richard Garfield will celebrate his 62 years old birthday in 3 months and 21 days! Send your greetings to him now!
Best known for creating the popular Magic: The Gathering card game, this designer also invented such card and board games as, respectively, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and RoboRally.