Happy birthday to Stanislav Ianevski, who played Did you know that he was supposed to appear in Deathl
- Harry Potter Quizzes (8 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
I wish you a wonderful birthday! Stanislav Ianevski (Movie Actor), 35 years old.
You re older today than yesterday
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (8 months ago)
Evelyne De Zilah
Happy Birthday, Stanislav Ianevski.
- Evelyne De Zilah (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Viktor Krum himself, Stanislav Ianevski
- Barnsey (8 months ago)
Praise The Mutants!
Happy birthday to the one and only, Stanislav Ianevski.
- Praise The Mutants! (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to the one and only, Stanislav Ianevski.
- Miguel. (8 months ago)
Harry Potter Facts and Stuff
Happy 33rd Birthday to Stanislav Ianevski! He portrayed the Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum.
- Harry Potter Facts and Stuff (8 months ago)
CF Slug Club
Happy Birthday to Stanislav Ianevski who played Viktor Krum in Goblet of Fire!
- CF Slug Club (8 months ago)