Welcome to Sting's Birthday Celebration Page
Sting got 4068 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Michael miller
happy Halloween Today also happens to be my 39th birthday - Michael miller (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dylon Du Plooy
- Dylon Du Plooy (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Christine Hamilton
A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to have a great day from one to another. Beware the sting in t - Christine Hamilton (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

barri cae seif
Happy birthday to Sting!!! - barri cae seif (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chad Taylor
Happy Birthday! - Chad Taylor (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lucky you and Happy Birthday! Who is the guy next to Sting in the photo? - Muffie (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

A greeting card - \'Happy Birthday, Sakura\' - lay at the bottom. \"Thank you.\" she put down the gift \"There is food - dxma (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Manu Katche (Oct. 27) Peter Gabriel, Sting, Robbie Robertson - ZacateCreeker (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mark Trinkl
Happy 15th Birthday Honna! So grateful for how you are growing into a great woman of God! Finally got your sword, S - Mark Trinkl (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lee Allott
Happy Birthday . See you got it mended. Bet Sting\'s was a write off though... - Lee Allott (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Float like a butterfly but sting like a bee. . You are greatly loved. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTY TUKURA BEAUTY AT TWENTY FINE WORLD BEAUTY DAY - Turvy (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Leslie L Morgan
Love her rendition of Sting s Fragile. Happy Birthday Esperanza Spaulding - Leslie L Morgan (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Derrick A Lockley
happy bday - Derrick A Lockley (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Muhammad Bukhari
You can try and read my lyrics off this paper before I lay em, but you won t take the sting out these words befor - Muhammad Bukhari (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

OMG Happy birthday, Sting. - Amélie (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dra. Lupita Reyes
Happy Birthday Sting Panamá Love You - Dra. Lupita Reyes (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Black Hills State Athletics
HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY STING!!! In the fall of 1922, the football team began their season with a road trip for two a - Black Hills State Athletics (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

/tʰɚ pʰɪʔ/ | ⚫️
What I meant to say was that even the worst on mingus still clears the best on the beekeeper. Emphasiz - /tʰɚ pʰɪʔ/ | ⚫️ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Vegetarian Alcoholic Press
Happy bday to \'They Found a Woman\'s Body\' by !! two years ago some rawness dropped that\'ll sting for ye - Vegetarian Alcoholic Press (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! Gathering more wisdom with every passing year. That s how I like to take the sting out of my wrinkles!! - FM05 (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

jubiiibus ඞ (comms closed 3/6) ON BREAK !
Happy birthday ! i drew your original character (i hope) i always love all your work! - jubiiibus ඞ (comms closed 3/6) ON BREAK ! (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

jubiiibus ඞ (comms closed 4/6) ON BREAK !
Happy birthday ! i drew your original character (i hope) i always love all your work! - jubiiibus ඞ (comms closed 4/6) ON BREAK ! (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Hara
Happy Birthday Sting - John Hara (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

NoMad_1937 ☮️
My baby (youngest) was born on 6/14. When we told her she shared the same birthday as tRump she cried her - NoMad_1937 ☮️ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

issa villareaux
Happy birthday, Mama! Today doesn\'t really sting as much anymore. But I still miss you. Everyday. Even more so, today. - issa villareaux (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Johnny Beane
The Sunday Night Guitar ASMR Show LIVE! Happy Birthday Sting! 10/2/22 sting, \"guitar asmr\", - Johnny Beane (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dear Sting, don\'t know how, but I sing the Hungarian national anthem lately with the melo - dGloria (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Reds \'Sporto\' Bergamo
Happy Birthday to the late, great Bruno Sammartino! - Reds \'Sporto\' Bergamo (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

sting ray cool podcast
Happy heavenly birthday bernie mac - sting ray cool podcast (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert Segarra
Happy Birthday, Sting/Every Breath You Take (Mash-up) by Robert Segarra via - Robert Segarra (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

仮͙面͙ラ͙イ͙ダ͙ー͙ グ͙リ͙ッ͙タ͙ー͙
aka Gordon Sumner CBE aka Sting (V & B of The Police) Happy 71st birthday!!! 2 Oct 1951 E - 仮͙面͙ラ͙イ͙ダ͙ー͙ グ͙リ͙ッ͙タ͙ー͙ (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sting happy belated birthday 10/2 - nori (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Celebrity Cyborg Society {CCS}
Happy belated Birthday to cyb rg \'Sting\' -- born on Oct 2 in 1951. // - Celebrity Cyborg Society {CCS} (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Marshall Bell
- Marshall Bell (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Don Balmaceda
Happy birthday, Sting - here he is signing an autograph for a young Gwen Stefani - Don Balmaceda (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Sting - here he is signing an autograph for a young Gwen Stefani That\'s a really good album... - LowOrderPrimate (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Beag Horn poet-in-residence-at-home
Happy 71st Birthday to Sting for yesterday. Sorry I missed it I was on holiday in Fife - Beag Horn poet-in-residence-at-home (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mila Myshkova
Happy Birthday Sting! - Mila Myshkova (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Henry caruana
Happy birthday Gordon (Sting) washing you great day and we are waiting for more great lyrics + wonderful music - Henry caruana (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

That song is so heartbreaking. Absolutely stunning. Happy Birthday Sting - SOMEWHERE (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Sting. You thought you could fool me! - owlgarden (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

BIG Concerts
Wishing the legend a very happy birthday for yesterday! We can\'t wait to see you in South Africa in Feb 2023. - BIG Concerts (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ujyant Ramesh
Happy Birthday to literally the first ever rock artist I knew (and of course, most listened to). A single \'The Poli - Ujyant Ramesh (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alma Ortiz
Happy birthday Sting, Gandhi and Efi\'s grandfather. What happened to you this weekend? It is true, - Alma Ortiz (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

October 2nd was Sting\'s 71st birthday. Happy belated birthday. - inachans (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Prab Singh
Belated happy birthday Sting. Hope you had a great day. - Prab Singh (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!! Sting 71 - 帛 (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

J Gibson
Happy Birthday to Sting!!!! Stewart Copeland is a treasure - J Gibson (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

east matherton
Happy birthday, Sting \"The Secret Marriage\" via - east matherton (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jeff Goodwin
Happy Birthday Sting - Jeff Goodwin (5 months ago)

73 years old (Born on October 02, 1951)

Roxanne (The Police)

Sting's Best Moments

 to yesterday when it was Sting s Birthday!  Happy Birthday Photo:
Happy 71 birthday to the legendary The Police bassist and vocalist Sting!
Happy birthday to the legendary, Sting!
Happy birthday to the loml sting eucliffe   |
  Happy 67th birthday Sting
On this day, % years ago...
Happy Birthday Stingo!
Happy Sting s birthday, everyone! Make sure to needlessly sexualize a lute today.
Happy 68th Birthday to Sting, one of the most prolific songwriters ever.
Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!

Sting 71
Happy 70th birthday to What s your favorite Police or Sting solo song?
  Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to the legend, Sting!  What\s your favorite song of his? This is mine...
Happy Birthday Sting
70 today! Happy birthday Sting.
Happy birthday to Sting, 67 today!
Happy birthday !  i drew your original character (i hope) i always love all your work!
Happy birthday to the one and only Evan Michael \"sting bean\" Young
Happy Birthday  !!
Wishing Sting a very very Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Sting!
 Happy 70th birthday you beautiful beast.
 happy birthday baby
Happy Birthday Sting
Born Rocktober 2, 1951
Happy birthday, Sting - here he is signing an autograph for a young Gwen Stefani 
That\s a really good album...
Happy birthday to Sting... 68 today. Listen to our interview
Happy Birthday
Wishing a very happy 18th birthday! l
   Happy Birthday                     (        )           PS.
Happy Birthday , Sting!!(1951.10.1- )
All smiles for his special day.

Happy 21st birthday to   //
 ( \ \)/.*  Happy Birthday.  *. (\ \ )
Sendin out a Happy Birthday to Lets hope that someone gets his Message in a Bottle:
Happy Birthday to 
Der Stingelhoffer
The McStingster
Happy Birthday  Gordon Sumner(aka, Sting 1951.10. 2-   )
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, Sting
Happy 69th birthday to Mr. Sting
     ^ ^         Nothing Like The Sun              Happy Birthday Sting

Happy  Birthday  Sting EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE
I would just like to take a moment to wish a Happy Birthday to Sting
 Roxanne by The Police   Sting 
(2 October 1951)  Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Sting!
Happy Birthday The Sting  Hope you having a lovely day
Happy Birthday Sting!
Happy Birthday Boss!
...   ...
Photo cred:
Happy Birthday Sting
Happy birthday sting
SET THEM FREE Happy Birthday
Throwback to 2014, still a sting, but happy birthday man!
     Happy birthday mr. Sting and thank you for the music
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest rockers to ever rock, \\m/
Screaming happy birthday to my girl ray ray the sting ray! I love you girl! I hope it was amazing!
Happy Birthday Sting                           (^-^)
Happy Birthday to Sting
Happy birthday to my neatest friend, Sting!
May the world continue to be wrapped around your finger! Happy Birthday Sting!
A very Happy Birthday today to singer/musician Sting
Happy birthday Sting, 70 ans aujourd\hui !
 Buon Compleanno Sting! Happy Birthday!
Happy 70th Birthday, Sting!
Happy 71st birthday Sting
Happy Birthday STING
Merc Scenes - Happy Birthday "Ace", Sting born on this day in 1951.
Happy birthday to the coolest and most annoying dog sting, you are prettier than everyone but it\s fine
Happy birthday   hope you have a great day, your Sting loves you
Happy Birthday Sting ! 
Born on this day in 1951.
Happy birthday to the one and only Sting
Happy birthday Sting! You ll always be the greatest Vampire Lestat never-was in my heart
Happy Birthday  Sting
Happy birthday to English musician and actor Sting, born October 2, 1951.
Happy Birthday Mr Sting !
2 October 1951
Happy birthday to
Gordon Sumner aka Sting
What are your essential 
Police & solo tracks?
                                     Happy Birthday to Sting
Happy Birthday
Happy 71st Birthday to Sting Hope his message in the bottle is good news !
Happy belated Birthday to cyb rg \Sting\ -- born on Oct 2 in 1951.

Happy Sting s Birthday, everybody
Attending concert 2014 Lang Lang, Sting and friends. Happy birthday !
 Todos somos insignificantes y obsoletos con el tiempo Happy Birthday Hoy cumple 64 el músico británico.
Happy (belated) Birthday to one of my best pals! Miss ya lots j sting
Happy Birthday (October 2) to Sting!
    Happy Birthday
Happy 69th birthday to Look back on his incredible career: Getty
Happy birthday STING 19 10              2                                             T
                       Happy Birthday Sting
Happy Birthday Sting
Wishing the legend a very happy birthday for yesterday! We can\t wait to see you in South Africa in Feb 2023.
Happy birthday swaggie sting !!! UR rlly annoying and crazy but its ok bc ur a pretty dog
Happy birthday, Sting! (Image: Getty)
Happy birthday to Bonos buddy Sting, who is 63 today. :-)
The thought of your name brings a sting of tears to my eyes.  Happy Heavenly Birthday, Ronnie!
Happy birthday Jay Jay  gonna miss the sting pong days and ballin with you
Happy Birthday to Sting and Mahatma Ghandi who both fought the police in their own way
The Springfield Sting would like to wish Carlee S. of the Sting Dance Team a happy birthday!
Wishing a very happy 17th birthday! I
Happy 67th Birthday to Sting and Happy 39th Birthday to Regatta de Blanc, the best Police album
Happy Birthday, Sting ( Watch The Police perform classic hits live in 1980:
Happy Birthday Sting!
Melody Gardot & Sting
Happy Birthday going out to today!
 Happy birthday Gordon Summer
Happy Birthday to Sting, an amazing and multitalented singer, musician and man!
Happy landmark birthday to a local legend - many happy returns to Sting on his 70th birthday!
Happy 70th birthday Conspiracy of Hope tour (1986)
Happy Birthday Sting, born October 2nd, 1951.
 10 2 Happy Birthday to Sting & Kazushi Ebi Horiuchi (Unicorn)
Happy 71st Birthday to music icon, Sting!
 Happy Birthday Sting Panamá    Love You
Happy Birthday to rocker Sting (Gordon Sumner)
The Police ~ Every Breath You Take
Happy birthday Whats your favorite Sting/Police song?
This weeks shout out goes to Sting the bee! Happy Birthday Sting!
Happy 64th Birthday to Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, better known as Sting!
Happy Birthday,
I can\t remember what was happening here but is cracking Sting up. 

Happy bday.
Happy birthday mcd and sting. Hope it was a good one boys
          Happy Birthday, Sting!
Happy birthday Sting!   \98
Every little thing he does is magic. Happy 66th birthday, Sting!
Happy 66th birthday to Sting.
Born on this day in 1951
Happy birthday another sting pong game soon??
Happy birthday Hope we get some more sting pong games in
Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, CBE / The Police)
Birth 1951.10.2 ~
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to singer Sting... he turns 67 today.
Happy birthday to one of these talented fellas:
   He is my fav happy bday sir ji
 Happy Birthday Sting!
Wishing Sting a happy birthday today! 68 years old and a still a British music legend
Happy 69 bday sting I love your music king
Happy Birthday Sting - Sting\s Martin
Happy Birthday, Sting
Happy Birthday to my guy  ||
 Slip. You sting looking motherf**ker. You\re not the real icon. Its vader time. Also happy birthday
Happy Birthday, Sting!!!!
Happy 70th birthday, Sting!
Happy birthday to the genius that is Sting .
Happy Birthday  To 
*Grodon Sumner* AKA *Sting*
 Happy 70th Birthday Sting ! One of the greats
I don t take enough photos with the famous people I encounter. Happy birthday, Sting
Happy birthday Sting  Helmut Newton
Milan, 1986
Happy birthday Revisit his 2014 concert with Sting
Happy Birthday to Sting. Legend. He turns 71 today.

October 2, 1951
Happy Birthday Sting !!! You are the coolest human on the planet
October 2nd was Sting\s 71st birthday.  Happy belated birthday.
Happy birthday to the girl with more school spirit than anyone I know!
Happy Birthday Sting!
Happy 63rd birthday to the one (and, of course, only) Sting! to pass along your greetings.
Happy birthday ur good at sting pong
Happy birthday to this hot son of a bee sting! Can\t wait to party a month late in the Bahamas boy!!
Happy Birthday qui fête ses 64 ans aujourd\hui !
It\s your first dose of Magic 80s today! Happy Birthday Sting! Which Police song shall we play to celebrate?
Happy birthday Sting, 64 today!!... now I know where gets his fashion inspiration from
Happy Birthday today Sting  !!!!
Happy Birthday to Sting October 2, 1951
 STING \"Every Breath You Take\" Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to me. taking myself to meet this hero
Happy bday lilly. Party like we do at sting tourneys
Happy Birthday Sting!   Can\t believe he is 66!!
Wishing a Happy Birthday to Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner... better known as Sting!
Happy Birthday Sting! Seems so unfair that people like Jacob Rees-Mogg get three names, yet you have only one?
Happy Birthday, Sting!
Spécial Sting dans Sting and Co La Playlist  Happy Birthday Mr Sumner
Happy birthday greggy!! hope you have an amazing day (: play some sting pong
Happy birthday to this goon, I d work you in sting pong anyday
Happy birthday Tune in at 10.30 PM tonight for What\s your all time fav Sting track?
Happy 67th Birthday  Who can name the NOW albums Sting has featured on as soloist??
Happy birthday to the legendary, Sting!
Happy 67th Birthday to singer-songwriter and actor, Sting!
Happy 67th Birthday, Sting!
   Sting          Happy Birthday , Sting!
Happy 68th Birthday to Sting!
Happy Birthday Sting!
Happy Birthday, Sting!
Happy birthday to English musician and actor Sting, born October 2, 1951.
Happy birthday to Sting!!!
Happy Birthday Sting!
Happy  70th birthday  Sting
Happy 70th birthday Sting!
Happy birthday to Sting!
Happy birthday Sting 

71 years old
  Everyday is somebody s birthday. 

Happy Birthday Sting!
Happy birthday, Sting - here he is signing an autograph for a young Gwen Stefani
Well Im around the sun 1 more time(HAPPY BIRTHDAY 4 Gonna kick back, & enjoy my new 3DVD set
Happy birthday to STING!
Happy birthday Have a rockin day!
Hoy esta cumpliendo 63 años el señor Gordon Matthew Sumner más conocido como ¡Happy Birthday!
Happy 63rd Birthday (b. 10-2-51) Sting Unplugged Full Concert
Happy 63rd birthday Sting! - "Message In A Bottle":
 with Sting, on set of his 1979 film, Quadrophenia. Happy Birthday from the SRS Team
Happy 63rd birthday, Sting!

Let us know, what s your favorite Sting/ThePolice song?
 on  - Bob Belden plays Happy Sting!
As a thank you to all who have wished me happy birthday..I give you a picture..of and Robocop.. Youre welcome
Is sting gonna sing me happy birthday?
Happy birthday for the 100th time today!!! Love u sting  hope ur day was graaannndd :-)
Born 2 October 1951
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sting! Born today in 1951
Happy bday bobs. thanks for going to sting fling w/ me:))) hope u have a rad day      some cute pics girl !!!!
Il 2 ottobre 1951 nasce 
Sting cantautore britannico Happy Birthday
Happy birthday You don\t have to put on your red hat!
Oh, go on then! :)
Hoy es el cumpleaños del músico inglés Sting. Happy Birthday! Muy perruno.
Sting celebrity 0
sting wrestler 1
sting album 2
sting wrestler 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Sting, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.