Wishing American rapper/actor 50 Cent 48, Nigerian actor Richard Mofe-Damijo 62, American actor Sylvester Stallone
- Barackwills Osimiri (8 months ago)
David Watts
July 6th was Sylvester Stallone s birthday. Happy birthday to one of my favorite actors.
- David Watts (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Sylvester Stallone: 5 Iconic Movies That Defined The Career Of Hollywood Star
- newsbug (8 months ago)
Nick Adams (Alpha Male)
Happy 77th Birthday to my childhood idol, Sylvester Stallone!!!
- Nick Adams (Alpha Male) (8 months ago)
The Jeremy Lee Show
Happy birthday to Sylvester Stallone He turns 77 today He became more known with the movie Rocky in 1976 and sl
- The Jeremy Lee Show (8 months ago)
- ACTION-FLIX.COM (8 months ago)
Al Tran
Happy birthday to Sylvester Stallone!
Please enjoy some of Sly s finest from the Tran Laserdisc Collection.
- Al Tran (8 months ago)
A mí esto me lo van a permitir, pero si yo escucho estrella, me sale Sylvester Stallone.
Happy Bday, Sly.
Rocky y
- Jesús SAguilar (8 months ago)
Happy 77th birthday Sylvester Stallone! Of all the amazing things he s accomplished in his career, writing this sce
- TJ (8 months ago)
Matt McDaniel
Happy 77th birthday to Sylvester Stallone. Watch him tonight in DEMOLITION MAN followed by TANGO & CASH starting at
- Matt McDaniel (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Sylvester Stallone Hoping You re Having An Incredible birthday Ever With Family!! .
- Sharrongailtaylor (8 months ago)
Anne García
Happy birthday to my birthday twin Kevin! Sylvester Stallone has our birthday, too, just a different year!
- Anne García (8 months ago)
Vasantibai Vasave
Yes! Wish you a very Happy Birthday to Sylvester Stallone! Many many happy returns of the day\'s! One o
- Vasantibai Vasave (8 months ago)
Happy 77th Birthday, Sylvester Stallone Born: July 6, 1946, New York City, U.S. RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD (1982) Mo
- NOSTALGIA HIT (8 months ago)
NormaJean Bertrand
Happy Birthday, Sylvester Stallone: \"You ve got to show your soul otherwise you re just a piece of equipment. Sylvester Stallone
- NormaJean Bertrand (8 months ago)
Aujourd\'hui Sylvester Stallone fête ses 77 ans !
2 choses à dire sur lui:
- Son potentiel comique est sous développ
- J.E.R.E.M.Y. (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Sylvester Stallone *77*!
Rambo - First Blood Part II
(That\'s Entertainment Records/1985)
Original M
- CD Buttek (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Sylvester Stallone
- D L Z (8 months ago)
Comic Book Cinephile
Happy birthday to Sylvester Stallone, star of \'Judge Dredd\' and \'Bullet to the Head\' as well as Stakar Ogord, found
- Comic Book Cinephile (8 months ago)
Life Entertainment News®
Happy birthday, Sylvester Stallone!
- Life Entertainment News® (8 months ago)
Join us in wishing a happy birthday to Sylvester Stallone!
- WVVA News (8 months ago)
Average Joe
Let\'s see what\'s trending:
Heard it launched recently, already it\'s being slammed for it being bad. Memes
- Average Joe (8 months ago)