Welcome to Terry Funk's Birthday Celebration Page
Terry Funk got 748 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Louis Perzia
He was one the toughest in wrestling. Happy Birthday Terry Funk. - Louis Perzia (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bro Derek
Don\'t get it wrong; Terry Funk could still kick mine as well as your ass. Happy Birthday - Bro Derek (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wrestling Relapse Podcast
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest Texans to lace up a pair of wrestling boots. O - Wrestling Relapse Podcast (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ultimo Baggins
Happy birthday bad boy! Terry Funk vs. Atsushi Onita the exploding death match in 1993 is really neat. - Ultimo Baggins (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Yes God Bless, and Happy Birthday to Terry Funk, may you have many more years of happiness, and good health. - Dark_Shadow_Logan (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Terry Funk,you were one of the best to ever lace up your boots!! - Chump (8 months ago)
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vincent melendez
Happy Birthday to The Baddest MotherFunker Terry Funk. - vincent melendez (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Made for TV Justin
Saw the Terry Funk birthday photo and it made me both happy and sad. Funker has been an old man for most my life bu - Made for TV Justin (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

One of the most brutal scenes ever in a Documentary was watching the Great - Jagertime (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

The legendary Funk family at one time was a mainstay in Albuquerque during the glory years of the Amarillo territor - Tecoloso (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anthony \'Don Tony\' DeBlasi
Happy Birthday Terry Funk! For 40+ years, Terry Funk is my favorite wrestler of all time. My profile pic and the b - Anthony \'Don Tony\' DeBlasi (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Billy Horton
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest to ever step foot inside a ring. Blessed be you, Terry Funk! - Billy Horton (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

I lived during the greatest Era and was then rewarded with ECW. Happy BDay Terry Funk! - Sapolicious (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Christopher Kull
Happy Birthday to the great Terry Funk who more and more looks like his older brother Dory. Terry Funk is a treasu - Christopher Kull (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Greg boxman
Happy birthday to this absolute mad lad but one of my heros the great Terry funk - Greg boxman (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Danny Gilliam
Happy birthday Terry Funk! - Danny Gilliam (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Terry Funk and I were born just a city apart. Gary,IN Happy Birthday, Legend. - DLee3 (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the man myth Legend icon goat national treasure hall of famer Terry Funk - MarkEMark (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bobby KF5GTX, AFS Top Guy
Happy Birthday Terry Funk! I enjoyed your match against Kevin Nash for the WCW Com - Bobby KF5GTX, AFS Top Guy (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Terry Funk I saw you at Mid-South Coliseum - Jerry (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Maggs Konerko
Terry looks like Dory. Happy BDay to Terry Funk and many more. - Maggs Konerko (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sports Kingdom
Happy Birthday Terry Funk! I had just originally known you as a throwback video game character until Davey Richards - Sports Kingdom (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

LP is Busy AF... (ChequeMarq)
Terry Funk is trending. Happy birthday, Terry. Now, come on, message: After losing Droz yesterday, that was a bit much... - LP is Busy AF... (ChequeMarq) (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

\"FAT ASS\" MASA ❤️BEING THE ELITE ❤️AEW 町田ヒットパレード店長
Happy birthday to my friend Terry Funk Enjoy your day sir - \"FAT ASS\" MASA ❤️BEING THE ELITE ❤️AEW 町田ヒットパレード店長 (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ryan Fatovic
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!!! - Ryan Fatovic (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stephen Brewer
Wishing a happy birthday to a true living legend, Terry Funk - Stephen Brewer (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chonk E. Cheese (The E is for EXISTENTIAL DREAD)
Happy Terry Funk\'s Birthday, Dax! - Chonk E. Cheese (The E is for EXISTENTIAL DREAD) (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kevin Gust
Happy 79th birthday to the icon, Terry Funk! - Kevin Gust (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Steve Juon #BlackLivesMatter #DontPayForBlue
Terry Funk is an icon and this photo is iconic. Happy birthday to the legend! - Steve Juon #BlackLivesMatter #DontPayForBlue (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael P. Clement
What a great pic that is! Happy Birthday to the original Hardcore OG! Happy Birthday Terry Funk! - Michael P. Clement (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tommy JC
Happy birthday Terry Funk - Tommy JC (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Margarita Hernandez
Happy birthday to Amarillo Legend Terry Funk!!! - Margarita Hernandez (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ricky J. Kuron
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk - Ricky J. Kuron (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matthew Stephens
Happy birthday Terry Funk you are the true king of hardcore. - Matthew Stephens (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hey, Internet. Eric Here
Adam Priest with the branding iron. Happy birthday, Terry Funk. - Hey, Internet. Eric Here (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Not Late Braino Lasto 2.0 Parody
Hold on! Hold on! Happy Birthday to Terry Funk. Have I ever told the story about seeing him hide under a van?? It was fascinating - The Not Late Braino Lasto 2.0 Parody (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mikey Bats
Can wrestling message please be careful wording these birthday greetings to Terry Funk cuz some of them make it see - Mikey Bats (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the one and only Terry Funk! - MLW (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Traci Davis
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!! - Traci Davis (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Thomas McCulloch
Happy birthday to Terry Funk, one of the greatest to ever do it! - Thomas McCulloch (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Official MonkeyMan
Happy birthday to Terry Funk! ( drawing by me, 2020) - Official MonkeyMan (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Frances Ellisor
Happy birthday Terry Funk, hope you\'re having an amazing day with many more to come! - Frances Ellisor (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

I dont have much of Terry Funk in my PC, so when I found out he was appearing in 2023s Prizm, I made sure I picked - mywrestlingcollection (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jen Vargo
Happy double bad ass birthday to you and Terry Funk - Jen Vargo (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jose Sleez Boy
Happy Bday Terry Funk and how is your horse? - Jose Sleez Boy (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Non-Ironically T.V.\'s B. Dave Walters
Happy Birthday Terry Funk! - Non-Ironically T.V.\'s B. Dave Walters (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert Collard
Happy birthday to probably my favorite wrestler of all time Terry Funk. Thank you for showing us how to feel like a - Robert Collard (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pete Petty
Happy 79th Birthday to the absolutely legendary Terry Funk. Funk doesn t get mentioned with the GOATS as much as - Pete Petty (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dr. Mattaconda
Happy birthday, Terry Funk. If you\'ve never seen it, enjoy the two greatest pro wrestlers of all-time locking horn - Dr. Mattaconda (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Grade A USA
Happy birthday to and Terry Funk 3 kings among men much respect for all three! - Grade A USA (8 months ago)

80 years old (Born on June 30, 1944)

Terry Funk's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday, Terry Funk.

Mox knows. 

( Buy the audio book! )
A little late, but Happy Birthday, Terry Funk. For sure, one of the very best!!!
The Funker. Happy 76th Birthday today to Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to a wrestling legend and NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk. Your contributions to our profession cannot be understated.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy 77th birthday to the hardcore icon, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the LEGEND Terry Funk! Thank you for paving the way for so many!
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots, the incomparable Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the icon,the legend,Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday to the biggest stud around Terry Funk!
  WWE__History: Happy 71st Birthday to WWE Hall Of Famer and Wrestling Legend Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to the one and only Terry Funk!

Happy Birthday Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk  20 years ago Terry faced off against at GLORY BY HONOR III
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk. A legend and a wrestler that sits proudly on my Mount Rushmore.
Happy Birthday       My Friend Terry Funk san.
Happy 76th birthday to Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy 73rd Birthday to the legendary Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!

Happy Birthday Terry Funk is LIVE NOW.

(877) 344 - 4893
Happy Birthday to \"The Hardcore Legend\" Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to the legendary Terry Funk
Wishing a very happy birthday to wrestling legend Terry Funk!
Happy 77th Birthday to the greatest professional wrestler who ever lived......Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to wrestling legend  Terry Funk
A happy 76th birthday to the GREAT TEXAN Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk (*´ `*)
Happy 71st Birthday to Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk!!!
Happy birthday to Terry Funk! 76 today! Don\t forget! If you re on message, get to the shitter!\"
Happy birthday Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!
Happy 76th birthday to Terry Funk
Happy birthday to former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Terry Funk, born on this date June 20, 1944.
Happy birthday Terry Funk
Happy 79th birthday to the icon, Terry Funk!
Happy birthday, Terry Funk.
Happy 77th Birthday to one of the greatest of all time, Terry Funk!
Happy birthday to the legend, former 2CW Heavyweight Champion Terry Funk.
It s Terry Funk Day!!  Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to the Funker, Terry Funk! One of the all time greats! Had the honor of interviewing him twice
Happy Birthday  Terry Funk
Happy birthday to our hero Terry Funk  NJPW  FMW
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to the Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to hardcore legend Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk. Photo from 1973 in Los Angeles.
Happy 75th birthday to Terry Funk
Happy Birthday Terry Funk. Assisted with show in Lubbock, Tx April 1999. It was an honor.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!
Happy birthday to me and Terry Funk and no one else
Happy Birthday, Terry Funk!
Happy 78th Birthday to hardcore legend, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to one of my all time favorites, Terry Funk.  to The Funker.
Happy Birthday to Wrestling LEGEND Terry Funk!!! Hell of a career from this guy!!
Happy (Belated) Birthday to a wrestling icon, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the GOAT, Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to Terry Funk, who absolutley rules in every wrestling way.
Happy F N Birthday Terry Funk one of the main reasons we wanted to review ECW from the start
Happy 75th birthday to the great Terry Funk!! Here s a throwback shot from around 1995!
Happy Birthday to one of my all time favorites, Terry Funk.
It s Terry Funk s birthday. Has me gone down a Funk rabbit hole on YouTube. Happy bday Funker
Happy birthday Terry funk
Happy Birthday to the one and only, Terry Funk!!
Happy Birthday to a Wrestling Legend Terry Funk enjoy your day my man
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!
Happy 78th Birthday to Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the Funker himself Terry Funk!!
Happy Birthday to the Goat, Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk!

Happy birthday, Terry Funk
Don\t get it wrong; 

Terry Funk could still kick mine as well as your ass. 

Happy Birthday
Happy 71st birthday to \"wrestling\s living legend\" Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to the living soul of pro wrestling itself, Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Funk you! 
Happy birthday to the hardcore legend Terry Funk!
Happy birthday to the one and only living legend Terry Funk! It was an honor to meet him!
Happy 75th birthday to one of the deathmatch legend Terry Funk
Happy 75th birthday to WWE HOF Terry Funk
Happy 75th Birthday to Terry Funk \"Dusty Rhodes is a yella egg sucking dog!\"
Happy 75th Birthday to the Legendary Terry Funk. This pic was taken at Fanfest in 2005.
Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer, the legendary Terry Funk who turns 75 today!
Happy birthday to the iconic Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the Legend of Legends himself, Terry Funk
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!!
Happy Birthday to one of the greats in professional wrestling the former world s heavyweight champ Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday goes out to this Hardcore Legend Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to the man who holds the deed at the....DoubleCross Ranch!!!

TERRY FUNK!!!  77years old!!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy birthday Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday to the GOAT Terry Funk
Belated happy birthday for the real star of Roadhouse Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk
Happy birthday to Terry Funk, the greatest!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk who turns 79 today.
Happy birthday Terry Funk, absolute legend
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk
Wishing a happy birthday to a true living legend, Terry Funk
  Happy Birthday to Terry Funk!!
Happy Birthday to wrestling legend Terry Funk.
Happy 71st birthday to probably my favorite wrestler ever, Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy 71st birthday to Bob Pollard lookalike and my favorite pro wrestler or all-time, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!!  Thanks for the pic at XPW!
 Happy Birthday Terry Funk !
Wrestling Happy Birthday   to  Terry Funk
Happy Birthday Terry Funk !!!!
Happy birthday to Terry Funk! Not just a WWE, ECW and NWA legend but a legend in life as well.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!
Happy birthday to the former NWA heavyweight champion Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk! We are a little past Middle Aged & Crazy .
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!!!
Happy birthday to me and Terry Funk
Forever! Forever! Forever! You egg sucking dog! Happy Birthday to Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to one of the greatest of all time, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the ECW legend himself, Terry Funk/Chainsaw Charlie.
Happy birthday to one of my heroes Terry Funk! Here s one of my favorite photos I ever shot in celebration.
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk!
Happy belated Birthday to one of the greatest wrestlers and hardcore legends of our time---Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy 75th Birthday Terry Funk
Happy 75 Birthday To WWE Hall Of Famer Terry Funk!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to TERRY FUNK! Born on June 30, 1944, Funk is 75 years old today!
Happy birthday to the Hardcore icon and living legend, Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk!
Happy 75th birthday Terry Funk. Have a good one funker
Happy Birthday to this legend, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the G.O.A.T. Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the legend from the Double Cross Ranch in Amarillo, TX, Terry Funk.
 Happy 75 Birthday Terry Funk..ya crazy old bastard...
Happy 75th Birthday Terry Funk, you made for a great Halloween costume last year.
Happy Terry Funk\s Birthday!
Happy Birthday to the GOAT, legend, and one of my favorites Terry Funk
Happy Birthday To Pro Wrestling Legend Terry Funk
Happy Funking Birthday to the hardcore legend Terry Funk
Happy 76th birthday to former Heavyweight Champion Terry Funk.

Happy 76th Birthday to the NWA and ECW legend, Terry Funk!
Happy 76th birthday to the legend Terry Funk!
  Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to one of the all time greats, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the great Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk!
Happy birthday Terry Funk
Happy Birthday.....

- - - Terry Funk
Happy 77th Birthday to Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to the legendary Uncle Terry Funk
Happy birthday Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to goddamn, motherfuckin TERRY FUNK!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk
Happy birthday Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to the LEGEND Terry Funk.
Happy Birthday to the himself, Terry Funk. There s NOBODY better!
Happy Birthday to the professor of and former World Champion Terry Funk
Happy 78th birthday to one of the true GOATs of the wrestling business, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday to Terry Funk. An American icon.
Happy Birthday Terry Funk, the GOAT !!!!
Happy 78th birthday to Pro Wrestling legend Terry Funk
Happy birthday to the GOAT Terry Funk. One crazy SOB!
Happy Birthday to one of the greats, the legend Terry Funk!!!
Happy 78th birthday to the legendary Terry Funk
Happy Birthday, Terry Funk
Happy 78th Birthday to the one & only Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to the legend Terry Funk. Absolute all timer.
Happy Birthday to the one and only Terry Funk
  No happy birthday Terry Funk
Happy birthday Terry Funk!!
Happy Birthday Terry Funk !!!
Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday, Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to the Texas Bronco, the Hardcore Legend, and multiple time World Heavyweight Champion, Terry Funk!
Happy Birthday 
Terry Funk
Happy Birthday to the legendary Terry Funk.
Happy birthday to the absolute GOAT Terry Funk
    Happy Birthday to Terry Funk!!!
Happy birthday to Terry Funk, one of the greatest to ever do it!
   Happy birthday Terry Funk
Happy birthday to Amarillo Legend Terry Funk!!!
terry funk 2013 0
terry funk ecw 1
terry funk chainsaw charlie 2
terry funk chainsaw charlie 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Terry, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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