Welcome to Triple H's Birthday Celebration Page
Triple H got 2843 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Allie-RX 1⃣5⃣
Happy 20th birthday to SummerSlam 2002! A classic PPV event from the WWE\'s Ruthless Aggression Era! \"HBK\" Shawn Mi - Allie-RX 1⃣5⃣ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bilal Tariq
happy birthday now in great hands & please Vince - Bilal Tariq (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Josh Henne
Happy birthday Vince! Thank you for all the years of entertainment! Steph and Triple H are doing well. - Josh Henne (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday . Please come back and remove Triple h... - KIZIE KA HUSBAND (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Vince you are missed but you left WWE in good hands with Stephanie and Paul (Triple H) - NGM (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

health fitness solution
Do you want to lose weight click here - health fitness solution (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Abraham Israel
Gargano Daily Quordle 211 Min Y - Abraham Israel (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chris Andrews
Triple H, belated Happy birthday to you! The company is in good hands with you and Shawn Michaels! - Chris Andrews (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

hayden ellenbogen
HHH= Not Triple H = HAPPY Bday HULK HOOOOOGAN!!! - hayden ellenbogen (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Luc Beaulieu
Hope that with the new creative approach brought by Triple H, you will finally be booke - Luc Beaulieu (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday! Hope Triple H (re)hires all your faves and debuts them tonight on RAW. - Cinder (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matt Gordon #ThankYouVince
Happy Birthday Nikkita but I\'m afraid that Triple H is not gonna push her but put push Zoey Stark instead. - Matt Gordon #ThankYouVince (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matthew H.B.
RIP \"Sports Entertainment\" WWE, and Happy Birthday \"Professional Wrestling\" WW - Matthew H.B. (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul White
Happy Belated Birthday Leo Legends(July 23-August 22) Triple H 7/27/1969 Young Dolph 7/27/1985- 11/17/2021,Soulja B - Paul White (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tiffany Brown
Happy birthday Triple H - Tiffany Brown (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Glosel International Consultancy
Blessings of grace and peace be with you today and every day. Good Morning! Triple H Fans wish Kiara - Glosel International Consultancy (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

JM #Batman83 #FightTheStigma #AngatBuhayFoundation
Anyway, Happy Birthday to The Game Triple H - JM #Batman83 #FightTheStigma #AngatBuhayFoundation (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Youre an ICON Triple H, we all Love ya, even if you never wrestle again Happy Birthday and best wishes - Nolan (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dquan Savage
Happy Late Birthday To Triple H One Of My Life Idols And A True Legendary Iconic Man!! - Dquan Savage (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Triple H i m glad that you re still doing what you love to do thank you fo - Sidley (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wishing you A Happy Birthday and Many Many More to come. I still remember that once you and Triple - Madonna (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Darian Munoz
I know Triple H Birthday was two days ago but better late than never. Happy 53rd Birthday - Darian Munoz (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wish you happy birthday to you my man triple h King of king - Kirenkumarkiren (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

amr younis
happy birthday the game triple H - amr younis (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Freight Train
happy birthday triple h from freight train from 5dollar wrestling - Freight Train (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Belated Birthday Triple H! - Dario (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jon Sidote
Hahaha! I love it! Happy Bday Mr Triple H! About 100 yrs ago I auditioned for the very first - Jon Sidote (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Triple H - Rod (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

James Schneider
Happy birthday to the cerebral assassin Triple H - James Schneider (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mike Clifford jr
Happy birthday to one of my favorite wwe wrestler happy birthday triple h. - Mike Clifford jr (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

That one Diamond guy
Happy birthday triple H - That one Diamond guy (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Emy Aigle@20
Triple H, happy birthday - Emy Aigle@20 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Triple H - james (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy, birthday triple H I m a huge fan of yours down through the years . - SEAN LESLIE (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Feliciano
Happy birthday Triple H. And keep the good new wrestlers with awesome stories. And so miss you in the ring. - John Feliciano (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nancy Groves
Happy Birthday Triple H - Nancy Groves (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Giovanni cacchione
Happy birthday Triple H many more bro - Giovanni cacchione (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sabina Reichler
Happy Birthday der Triple H. May god bless you and your family. Wishing all the best greetin - Sabina Reichler (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sammy Medina
Happy Birthday to one of the Goats and Legends of the wrestling world. The one and only Triple H - Sammy Medina (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Randy N ☮️
Happy Birthday Xia! With Triple H in charge you can get the push you deserve - Randy N ☮️ (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Triple H!! - Mickey (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Triple H is the best thing to happen to WWE. Happy Birthday to The Game! - luistampagamer (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Paul, aka, Triple H. I wish you continued good health!! - Diesel (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Triple H! - SpOngE (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Colson Broyles
Happy Birthday to The Game TRIPLE H, And the Head of talent and creative - Colson Broyles (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy belated Birthday Triple H - MarkEJ (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Triple H - T-Lang (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Luis Delcid
Happy birthday triple h - Luis Delcid (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dwayne 3:16
Happy birthday Triple H. Are you singing \"Wednesday Nights in the Key Demo\"? - Dwayne 3:16 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sylvester Stewart
Happy birthday Triple H - Sylvester Stewart (7 months ago)

55 years old (Born on July 27, 1969)

Born Paul Michael Levesque, he became known as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, son-in-law of WWE chairman and founder, Vince McMahon.

Triple H's Best Moments

It was a little late, but Happy Birthday to Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H!
Happy Birthday Triple H! 

My G.O.A.T!!!
 Happy birthday to 14-time World Champion, THE GAME Triple H...
Happy 51st Birthday to Triple H.

What are your fondest memories of his wrestling career?
Happy 46th Birthday to 8 time WWE Champion Triple H.
Happy Birthday, Triple H.
9x WWE Champion 5x World Heavyweight Champion Happy birthday Triple H! The Game
Happy 49th birthday to former Champion and current COO Triple H.
Happy birthday to the Heartbreak Kid shown here in a happy moment with fellow degenerates Chyna and Triple H as DX.
Candice watching all her colleagues wish triple h a happy birthday while she refuses
Happy Birthday to The Game, Triple H!
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday Dolph Ziggler and Triple H Favorite Moment from both?
Happy Birthday Triple H Now blow your candles out gently...
7 27  Triple H         Happy birthday!
\"I Am the Game and I Am That Damn Good!\"

Happy Birthday Triple H!
Happy Birthday, Triple H
Happy birthday to Triple H, the 14x WWE champion turns 52 today
Bow down to the king. The man that will one day lead WWE into a great product. Happy birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H! 

Look how much you ve grown!
Happy 53rd Birthday to 14-Time
World Champion and \"The Creator\" in WWE, Triple H.
  Happy Birthday  triple h
Happy Birthday to the game the king of kings the cerebral assassin my fav wrestler of all time Triple H
Happy Birthday to Triple H and my son Reggie     7/27
Happy Birthday Triple H!!!
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy 52nd Birthday to Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday Nikkita but I\m afraid that Triple H is not gonna push her but put push Zoey Stark instead.
Happy Birthday to the King of Kings Triple H, message us your favourite HHH moments
Happy 46th birthday to the most powerful being in the universe. Our Lord and Savior, and Master of Shovels: Triple H.
Happy birthday to our Lord and Savior, Hunter Hearst Helmsley; Triple H.
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy 52nd birthday to Paul Levesque, aka Hunter Hearst Helmsley, aka TRIPLE H!
Happy birthday to the goat Triple H
Happy birthday To Triple H, Dolph Ziggler & Adam Page What a list of names
Happy Birthday Triple H xxx
Happy Birthday Triple H.
Happy Birthday to one my favorite heels of all time TRIPLE H !!!!
Happy birthday to the game Triple H.
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday to the \King Of Kings\ Triple H.
Happy Birthday, Triple H!    Time to play the Game...
  Happy Birthday Triple H. Have a great one Brother.  And that is best for Business.
The only Triple H that matters right now. 

Happy 51st birthday
  Happy birthday Triple H and make his model character for WWE 2K22
Happy birthday TRIPLE H
Best wishes \"July 27\"
Happy birthday \"THE GAME\" Triple H
  Happy Birthday Paul Michael Levesque , The Game, Hunter Hearst Helmsley... Triple H!
Happy Birthday \"King of Kings\" \"The Game\" \"Cerebral Assasin\" Triple H
Happy 53rd Birthday to The Game Triple H
  Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy birthday Triple H! My mentor!
Happy birthday to the King Of Kings Triple H
Happy Birthday, Paul \"Triple H\" Levesque!
Happy 53rd Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H. Thanks for always entertaining!!
Happy birthday to COO Triple H who turns 46 today,  while Dolph Ziggler is 35
Happy Birthday to former WWE Champion Triple H who turns 46 years old today
Happy Birthday, Triple H!
Happy Birthday Paul Michael Levesque (Triple H)
 HAPPY 46th BIRTHDAY to Triple H.
Look at what was in my  Happy Birthday triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H!
Happy birthday Triple H. Miss my boyz
Happy birthday to my idol and hero, Paul Levesque a.k.a Triple H! Forever the GREATEST!
Happy birthday the the game, and the king of kings Triple H
 Happy 46th Birthday to \" The Game\" Triple H \"King of Kings\"!!!
Happy Birthday to Triple H, there\s not enough time or characters to explain how important and amazing he is.
   Happy Birthday, Triple H! Hope your birthday is fantastic!
 Happy BIRTHDAY Triple H
Are You Ready
Happy Birthday to Triple H
This to wish Triple H a happy birthday!
Happy birthday to The Game Triple H!!! I hope you had a great day!
    Enjoying Americone Dream to honor Dusty Rhodes! And happy bday Triple H!
Happy 46th Birthday Triple H
Happy 46th Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday, Triple H!
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday to Triple H who turns 48 today!
Happy Birthday Triple H
WWE PC sings happy birthday to Triple H, WWE star mocks GFW pay, Nakamura leaving? + more
 happy birthday Triple H
NXT Roster Sings Happy Birthday To Triple H, Several Others Send Well Wishes
Happy Birthday .
Happy birthday I hope you enjoy today as much as you enjoy Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H
 I love you triple h happy birthday the game
Happy 49th Birthday triple H.
God bless you Sir.
Happy birthday to the game Triple H
Happy birthday triple h
Happy birthday to triple h
 Happy Birthday Triple H!!! Hope it\s a good one
Celebrating 50 years of The Game  Happy Birthday Triple H (Part 2)
 Nobody spits water like Triple H. Happy Birthday
  Happy birthday, Triple H!
Happy birthday to Triple H. I love this guy one of the all time greats. Hope there are a lot of games involved
Happy Birthday to one of my workout inspirations and relationship goals, Triple H
Triple H
  Happy belated birthday greeting Triple H.
 Happy 50th Birthday to the King of Kings The Game Himself Triple H
  Happy Birthday Triple H!Thank you for the awesome memories!!
Happy Late Birthday Triple H
Happy birthday to my dad! Here s a time I overlapped his face onto mine. Triple H nose and all. 
The horror
Happy birthday to the king of kings The Game Triple H
 Happy birthday godfather  Triple H
Say happy birthday to triple h or theres no more nxt

so happy bday triple h!
Happy Birthday to Triple H, who turns 51 years old today!
Happy birthday to the real big dog, triple h
Happy birthday triple h
Sow never knew H was a leo happy birthday to my boy
 Happy Birthday Triple H!
 Happy 51st Birthday Triple H What s your all time favourite Triple H match/moment?
Happy birthday to The Game.
The king of kings.
The cerebro assassin.
Triple H
Happy birthday Triple H your one of the wrestler i looked up to as a kid.
 Happy Birthday to the Game, Triple H!
Happy Birthday to Dolph Ziggler and Triple h !
Happy Birthday to the king of kings triple h
  Happy birthday  triple H
 Happy birthday Triple H
Happy birthday to the Cerebral assassin, and The Game, Triple H.
 Happy birthday triple h god bless you enjoy your birthday
Happy birthday to one of WWE greatest wrestlers Triple H
 Birthday The Game Triple H     # The Real World Heavyweight Champion
It s the G.O.A.T s birthday today! Happy Birthday Triple H!!!
Happy Birthday Triple H!!
WWE Trivia - Happy Birthday Triple H!
Happy Birthday to the man who gave us the reign of terror Triple H
Happy birthday to Triple H
 Happy birthday triple h you my favorite wrestler superstar
  Triple h happy birthday
Nobody cares about your shitty taste in music.

Happy birthday, Triple H.
 happy birthday triple h
Happy Birthday Triple H!
Happy birthday to the king of kings and the game triple h
Happy 53rd Birthday to Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday to the The Head of Creative Triple H
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy Birthday to one of the all-time GOATs of professional wrestling - The Game, Triple H!
Happy Birthday Triple H!!!
Happy birthday triple h
  Happy birthday triple h
Happy 53rd birthday to one of my all time favorite wrestlers The Game Triple H!!!
Happy Birthday to the Cerebral Assassin Triple H..  Beers up for this legend
Happy Birthday Triple H
Happy birthday to Triple H aka Paul 53 years old wow man time waits for nothing
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Triple H
PS nice shirt
Triple H full body 0
triple h dx 1
triple h movies 2
Triple H celebrity 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Triple, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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