Yes, Happy Birthday to the beautiful Valerie Perrine
- @EsFernando4 (5 months ago)
Allen Marshall
September 3rd
Happy Birthday to Albert DeSalvo, Ferdinand Porsche, Valerie Perrine, Charlie Sheen, and Steve Jones!
- Allen Marshall (5 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy birthday
Pauline Collins 82
Al Jardine 80
Valerie Perrine 79
Steve Schirripa 65
Charlie Sheen 57
- john slotkin (5 months ago)
And the Runner-Up Is
Happy Birthday to Valerie Perrine, who turns 79 today!
Perrine earned an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for pl
- And the Runner-Up Is (5 months ago)
Celluloid Days
Happy 79th birthday is the beautiful American actress and model, Valerie Perrine who was born on this day in 1943.
- Celluloid Days (5 months ago)
James Kenney
Happy 79th birthday to Valerie Perrine, star of Slaughterhouse Five, Lenny, Superman, The Border and much more!
- James Kenney (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to lovely
Superman I & 2 - Slaughterhouse Five
The Border - Lenny - W.C Fields & Me
- PETER OXLEY (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to the lovely Valerie Perrine!
Listen as we discuss her delightful performance as endearing henchwo
- CinemaSpection (5 months ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to American actress and model Valerie Perrine, born September 3, 1943, whose early credits include S
- Killer Cosmonaut (5 months ago)
Frank James
Happy birthday Valerie Perrine !
- Frank James (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Valerie Perrine
September 3, 1943 (78)
Valerie Ritchie Perrin is a retired American actress and mod
- Space-reporter-news (5 months ago)
I absolutely love, Valerie Perrine since I watched her as Samantha Simpson in Can\'t Stop the Music
- Masquerade (5 months ago)
Happy 77th Birthday Valerie Perrine Born: September 3, 1943, Galveston, TX Valerie Perrine at 30 Rock on Octobe
- Walter McBride (5 months ago)
Comic Book Cinephile
Happy birthday to Valerie Perrine, who plays Lex Luthor\'s put upon assistant Eve Teschmacher in \'Superman\' and \'Sup
- Comic Book Cinephile (5 months ago)
Russ Russo
Happy 77th Birthday Valerie Perrine! Whatever comes, comes. Whatever is, is. Don\'
- Russ Russo (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Valerie Perrine who turns 77 today!
- Spacereporternews (5 months ago)
Barnaby Marriott
A very Happy 77th Birthday to Lex Luthor s very own Miss Teschmacher herself, the lovely Valerie Perrine
- Barnaby Marriott (5 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Valerie Perrine
- Solo Juan (5 months ago)
Dare Daniel Podcast
Valerie Perrine!
Happy 77th Birthday to the lovely & talented star of the film reviewed in Dare Dan
- Dare Daniel Podcast (5 months ago)
Happiness In Darkness-The Superhero Movie Podcast
She is the buxom femme fatale that turns many a head in the Donnerverse! Today we wish Eve Teschmacher aka Valerie
- Happiness In Darkness-The Superhero Movie Podcast (5 months ago)
Celebrity and Movies : News International
September 3, 2020
Happy birthday to the American actress Valerie Perrine 77 years old.
- Celebrity and Movies : News International (5 months ago)
Stacey Souther
Happy Birthday to the love of my life, Valerie Perrine! She s 77 today! Please make a don
- Stacey Souther (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to actress Valerie Perrine! Known for her work on \"The Electric Horseman,\"
- RealGilbertACP (5 months ago)
Jay Magnum\'s Astral Kickstarter launch is Sept 15!
Happy 77th birthday to \"the thinking man\'s sex symbol\"-- and the only girl ever to save Superman-- Valerie Perrine
- Jay Magnum\'s Astral Kickstarter launch is Sept 15! (5 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 77th Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (5 months ago)
Christopher Heard
Happy Birthday Valerie Perrine! (Who should have easily won an Oscar for Lenny!)
- Christopher Heard (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Film television actress
Valerie Perrine
- Jack (5 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
September 3
Happy birthday today to
Caryl Churchill (82)
Pauline Collins (80)
Al Jardine (78)
Valerie Perrine (77)
- Hatty Burpday (5 months ago) Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Valerie Perrine!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (5 months ago)
Marshall Julius
Happy 77th Birthday Valerie Perrine!
\"Whatever comes, comes. Whatever is, is. Don\'t worry about anything, don\'t exp
- Marshall Julius (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALERIE PERRINE (I am so sorry for being late)I hope you have a wonderful Septembe
- GEORGE(Dancing&more) (5 months ago)
Rob Quest
I missed the birthday of the incredible by one day!
I am reaching out to t
- Rob Quest (5 months ago)
The Tinseltown Twins
Happy Birthday stage, film, and TV leading lady, Valerie Perrine (September 3, 1943-Present).
Here in SUPERMAN (19
- The Tinseltown Twins (5 months ago)
Seventies Films
Happy Birthday, Valerie Perrine! I hope to have the opportunity to see this documentary about
- Seventies Films (5 months ago)