Welcome to Wendi Richter's Birthday Celebration Page
Wendi Richter got 62 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to one-half of the reigning World Women\'s Tag Team Champions, Wendi Richter, who turns 21 tod - Wrestle40 (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Hall of Famer Wendi Richter, turning 60 today - WrestlingINC.com (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Wrestler Wendi Richter! Wow, it s the 61th anniversary of your birth. How does it feel to be old ? - AllFamous.org (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wrestling from 80s/90s
Happy 61st birthday to former WWF and AWA Women\'s Champ Wendi Richter! - Wrestling from 80s/90s (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer and two-time WWF Women s Champion Wendi Richter who turns 60 today! - WrestleBooks (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ultimate Wrestling Trivia
Happy Birthday goes out to The Barbarian, Low Ki, Wendi Richter & Jillian Hall - Ultimate Wrestling Trivia (5 months ago)
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Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday WWE Hall Of Famer Wendi Richter! - Gary Lutz (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

WWF Wrestling
Happy Birthday Wendi Richter. The two-time WWF Women\'s Champion turns 60 today. - WWF Wrestling (5 months ago)
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The Wrestling Roadshow
Happy 60th birthday Wendi Richter - The Wrestling Roadshow (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Phillip Campbell
Happy Birthday To The Very Beautiful Wendi Richter - Phillip Campbell (5 months ago)
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Pro Wrestling Roundup
Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter who turns 59 today! - Pro Wrestling Roundup (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Wendi Richter! - Chupacabra (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kyle winter
Happy birthday Wendi Richter I hope you have a great day!!!! - Kyle winter (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

One of the greatest women wrestlers of all time. Happy Birthday to the WWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter. - ThaRealDoctaD (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Wendi Richter - RubiSky (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Donger
Awesome. To add, today is also Wendi Richter\'s Bday. The wrestler that was in Cyndi\'s corner during the - The Donger (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wendi Richter is 59 today. Happy birthday Wendi Richter! Dag I m old. - HonestLarry (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Those Wrestling Girls
Happy Birthday Wendi Richter! - Those Wrestling Girls (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 59th Birthday to former WWF Women\'s Champion and Hall of Famer Wendi Richter. Wendi was a huge part of the wr - CauliflowerAlleyClub (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 59th Birthday to Wrestler Wendi Richter! - TReese82 (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Wendi Richter - PlushReviewsAndMore (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chupacabra チュパカブラ
Happy Birthday to Wendi Richter! - Chupacabra チュパカブラ (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Collector
Happy birthday to 2 Time WWF Womans Champion and WWE Hall of Famer, Wendi Richter - The Collector (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Austin Kuykendall
Happy birthday to the queen of Rock n\' Wrestling, Wendi Richter. - Austin Kuykendall (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pro Wrestling Analyst
Birthday Celebrations Happy Birthday 2x Women\'s Champion and Hall Of Famer wendi Richter - Pro Wrestling Analyst (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Wendi Richter!!! - RawSmackDownNXTWomen (5 months ago)
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Womens Wrestling Weekly
Happy Birthday to former champion and Hall of Famer Wendi Richter! - Womens Wrestling Weekly (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Steve Villanueva
Happy Birthday Betsy Russell! You re 55 Years Old Now! Happy Birthday Wendi Richter! You re 57 Years Old Now! - Steve Villanueva (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday To Former Two Time WWF Women s Champion, One Of The Original Pioneers Of Women s Wrestling, Wendi R - THE GREATEST SPORTS ENTERTAINER OF ALL TIME (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday To Former Two Time WWF Women s Champion, One Of The Original Pioneers Of Women s Wrestling, Wendi R - THE MOST DANGEROUS S.O.B. THAT NXT HAS EVER SEEN (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mark World Order
Happy Birthday Wendi Richter! - Mark World Order (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Wendi Richter !!! - PayPerReView (5 months ago)
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Rasslin Rage
Happy Birthday to Braun Strowman, Wendi Richter, and Jillian Hall! - Rasslin Rage (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Diva Dirt
Happy birthday to Wendi Richter! - Diva Dirt (5 months ago)
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History of Pro Wrestling
Happy Birthday Wishes to Wendi Richter - History of Pro Wrestling (5 months ago)
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Ocean 100
Happy Birthday to Noizey_Man Michael Winslow(60), Jane Curtin(71), a-ha\'s Paul Waaktaar(57), Rosie Perez(54), - Ocean 100 (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Col Irwin
Happy Birthday to Wendi Richter, born on this day (Sept. 6), in 1961. - Col Irwin (5 months ago)
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Simon Reeve, Wendi Richter, Scott Travis, Paul Waaktaar-Savoy, Chris Christie, Marina Kaljurand and Elizabeth Vargas. - North Trenton (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

September 3rd
Happy Birthday to Simon Reeve, Wendi Richter, Scott Travis, Paul Waaktaar-Savoy, Chris Christie, Marina Kaljurand and Elizabeth Vargas. - September 3rd (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wrestlemania History
Happy Birthday to HOF\'er Wendi Richter, seen here celebrating after winning Women\'s Championship at - Wrestlemania History (5 months ago)
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Wonderful Joey Bowie
Happy birthday to Hall of Famer Wendi Richter! - Wonderful Joey Bowie (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Porkchop Branch
Happy Birthday to Wendi Richter! Let\'s party like it\'s 1985! - Porkchop Branch (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Old School 80s
Happy Birthday Michael Winslow(59), Jane Curtin(70), a-ha\'s Paul Waaktaar(56), Rosie Perez(53), Betsy Russell(54) & Wendi Richter(56) - Old School 80s (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

ladies of wrestling
Happy Birthday to Hall of Famer and x2 Women\'s Champion, Rock \'n\' Wrestling Connections own Wendi Richter! - ladies of wrestling (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

80\'s Wrestling Pics!
Happy Birthday Here\'s a picture of Wendi Richter washing her car in 1985 for you as your gift. - 80\'s Wrestling Pics! (6 months ago)
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Big D
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY O\' GREAT LEGEND Wendi Richter!! :D - Big D (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to former Women\'s Champion and Wendi Richter! - Casandra (5 months ago)
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Christopher Sanchez
happy birthday Wendi Richter you are awesome person and a great wrestler. - Christopher Sanchez (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to former Women\'s Champion and Wendi Richter! - Anis (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

New Breed Wrestling
Happy Birthday To Wendi Richter, Jillian Hall, Low Ki & Braun Stowman - Deadpool - New Breed Wrestling (5 months ago)

63 years old (Born on September 06, 1961)

WWE Hall of Famer who twice held the Women's Championship belt. Her professional career spanned from 1979 to 2005.

Wendi Richter's Best Moments


Happy Birthday to former Women\s Champion and  Wendi Richter!
Happy Birthday Here\s a picture of Wendi Richter washing her car in 1985 for you as your gift.
Happy 61st birthday to former WWF and AWA Women\s Champ Wendi Richter!
Happy birthday to Wendi Richter!
Happy Birthday to Hall of Famer Wendi Richter, turning 60 today
Happy birthday to the queen of Rock n\ Wrestling,  Wendi Richter.
Happy Birthday to WWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter who turns 59 today!
Happy 54th Birthday to the WWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter. in 2010,she became inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Happy Birthday to Hall of Famer and x2 Women\s Champion, Rock \n\ Wrestling Connections own Wendi Richter!
Happy Birthday Wendi Richter!
Happy Birthday to HOF Wendi Richter
Happy Birthday to Wendi Richter! Let\s party like it\s 1985!
Happy birthday to Hall of Famer Wendi Richter!
Happy Birthday to former champion and Hall of Famer Wendi Richter!
Wendi Richter is 59 today. Happy birthday Wendi Richter! Dag I m old.
Happy birthday Wendi Richter
Happy Birthday WWE Hall Of Famer Wendi Richter!
Wendi Richter sexy 0
Wendi Richter new pic 1
Wendi Richter dating 2
Wendi Richter hairstyle 3
Wendi Richter marriage 4
Wendi Richter full body 5
Wendi Richter hairstyle 6
Wendi Richter marriage 7

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Wendi, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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