50 years old (Born on December 17, 1974)
American, Actor; He is famous from Sky Captains Dex Dearborn.
Daughter Lucia (born December 1997) is named after the doomed heroine in the Donizetti opera. Once competed on family game show "I'm Telling" with sister Marissa Ribisi. When he was a child, his family had a pet dachshund named Low-Rider. Studied acting at The Beverly Hills Playhouse with Milton Katselas. Is, to the day, 1 year older than Milla Jovovich and 2 years younger than Laurie Holden.Giovanni Ribisi's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Giovanni Ribisi
Was born at 8:15pm.
Best known on TV in the recurring role of Lisa Kudrow's dimbulb brother on "Friends."
Made the cover of "Vanity Fair" after receiving critical kudos for "Saving Private Ryan."
He is 15 minutes older than twin sister Marissa.
Family: Son of Gay Ribisi ; brother of Gina Ribisi twin brother (15 minutes older) of Marissa Ribisi; brother-in-law of Beck.
Daughter Lucia born. [December 1997]
Perennially boyish American character actor known for his dark, somber demeanor, stark versatility and bizarre, off-the-wall performances in cutting edge contemporary films.
Clashed with filmmakers on the Basic set because of the inclusion of a female Special Forces operative. Women are not eligible for combat in the US military. He felt it compromised the integrity of the story.
Won the ShoWest Newcomer of the Year Award in 1999.
Was approached to play Lynch McGraw in "Hero Wanted" but turned it down.