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May God bless you abundantly this year & always
- Donna (5 years ago)
Shonu sah
I am childhood fan of Roman Reigns I love Roman superman punch and I have no words describes Roman my love to Roman is back to the moon
- Shonu sah (5 years ago)
Oma Emperor
happy belated birthday ROMAN !!!!! im your biggest fan ask me anything i know you are a role model to me #thebestwrestlerintheworld
- Oma Emperor (7 years ago)
Ramona Padro
Happy Birthday my Warrior hero forever Tribal chief Roman Reigns forever. God b
- Ramona Padro (6 months ago)
585Z | NY Red Nova @EVO2023
Happy Birthday to The Real One Brother Uchi Reigns
*Queue Roman Reigns Theme Song*
- 585Z | NY Red Nova @EVO2023 (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to the worst of the 4 horsewomen. Female version of Christian. (Sasha Banks is female Ed
- pblightning (6 months ago)
christine selkregg
Happy birthday Roman reigns
- christine selkregg (6 months ago)
Brainer..The devil wears pradaaa....
Roman Reigns will surely c this ,happy birthday you girl..
- Brainer..The devil wears pradaaa.... (6 months ago)
Massachusetts Mike
Happy Birthday One of the first guys to point out Roman Reigns was going to be a Superstar.
- Massachusetts Mike (6 months ago)
Kumara Swamygoud
wish you a very very happy birthday brother Roman Reigns
- Kumara Swamygoud (6 months ago)
Jack Mr.
Happy Birthday Aj. Huge fan of you but my one friend loves you. Wish you won the strap. We need an Aj
- Jack Mr. (6 months ago)
Coach Khalid Jones
Only watching to see the Roman Reigns backlash from Night of Champions. Not a great night of matches Happy Birthday!!!
- Coach Khalid Jones (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday AJ enjoy it. SummerSlam AJ Styles vs Roman Reigns book it WWE! P.s AJ is one of th
- DmanSportsGm (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday The Goat The Tribal Chief Undisputed Wwe Universal Champion Wwe Roman Reigns Shirt Buy now:
- Macoroo (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday WWE Champion Roman Reigns shirt
- t-shirtshoping (7 months ago)