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Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins! Welcome it by celebrating your birthday with pomp and splendor.
- (11 months ago)
Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins!
- Barlow\'s Boutique (11 months ago)
Network On Air
Happy Birthday to Woman in Black actor Adrian Rawlins!
He is 65 today.
Favourite Adrian Rawlins performance?
- Network On Air (11 months ago)
Wizarding World Direct
Happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins who portrayed James Potter in the films! but it is also James Po
- Wizarding World Direct (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor Adrian Rawlins! It s birthday time again, and wow! You re a whole year older now! So clo
- (11 months ago)
Roster Con
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins ! Souvenirs / Throwback :
- Roster Con (11 months ago)
Expecto Patronum Wizarding World Fan Club
27 Mar 2021: wish a very happy 63rd birthday to Adrian Rawlins who portrayed James Potter in Harry Potter and the D
- Expecto Patronum Wizarding World Fan Club (11 months ago)
Mar 27 Happy Birthday part 1: Julian Glover, Jerry Lacy, Austin Pendleton, June Wilkinson, Michael York, Carl Weint
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (11 months ago)
Valeur Potter
Today it\'s Adrian Rawlins\'s birthday. He played James Potter. He\'s now 63 years old ! Make him happy ! Aujourd\'h
- Valeur Potter (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins, born today in 1958. Rawlins is an English actor best known in fandom for playing
- Vault0 (11 months ago)
MuggleNet: #1 Wizarding World Resource Since 1999
Wishing a very happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins, who played James Potter in the \"Potter\" films!
- MuggleNet: #1 Wizarding World Resource Since 1999 (11 months ago)
Mark Fowler
British and Irish film/TV birthdays for 27 March.
Happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins
(born 27 March 1958)
- Mark Fowler (11 months ago)
/wzd happy birthday prongs, happy birthday adrian rawlins, happy birthday james potter! pemeran karakter dan karak
- WZD ON⚡️ (11 months ago)
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- arnaud (11 months ago)
Hoje é aniversário de James Potter e Adrian Rawlins. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ao personagem e ator
- Letícia (11 months ago)
Harry Potter Quizzes
James Potter shares a birthday with Adrian Rawlins, who played him in the films!
Happy birthday to b
- Harry Potter Quizzes (11 months ago)
Ruth & Ann
HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY, PRONGS! DYK: James Potter and the actor who portrays him, Adrian Rawlins have the SAME birth
- Ruth & Ann (11 months ago)
The whole People Convention team is thrilled to wish happy birthday to Adrian Rawlins whom we had the pleasure t
- People-con (11 months ago)
Nerd Candy
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins! Harry Potters dad and the Doctor who helped the Ood!
- Nerd Candy (11 months ago)
Uma vez james potter, sempre james potter
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins
- fangirl (11 months ago)
bellis | persona
Bugün Harry Potter\'da James Potter\' canland ran Adrian Rawlins\'in do um günü.
Happy 61st Birthday.
- bellis | persona (11 months ago)
Bugün Harry Potter\'da James Potter\' canland ran Adrian Rawlins\'in do um günü.
Happy 61st Birthday.
- bellis (11 months ago)
Swish and Flick
Wait, wait, wait... Adrian Rawlins shares a birthday WITH James Potter?! WHAT? Some things are just fate Happy Bi
- Swish and Flick (11 months ago)
Potter Talk
Happy Birthday Adrian Rawlins who portrayed James Potter in the Harry Potter movies. Ironically, it\'s also James Po
- Potter Talk (11 months ago)
Harry Potter fans Sp
Feliz cumpleaños a Adrian Rawlins, quien interpretó a James Potter en la saga.
Feliz cumpleaños!
Reposted from
- Harry Potter fans Sp (11 months ago)
Hayatımın Günlüğü
Remessageed Harry Potter Universe ( March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Pott
- Hayatımın Günlüğü (11 months ago)
Larissa Campos
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins and James Potter
- Larissa Campos (11 months ago)
Harry Potter Universe
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- Harry Potter Universe (11 months ago)
The Leaky Cauldron
Happy Birthday to Adrian Rawlins, who shares his birthday with his character, James Potter!
- The Leaky Cauldron (11 months ago)
Harry Potter Places
Happy Birthday to James Potter AND the Potterlicious actor who played him; Adrian Rawlins! (possibly
- Harry Potter Places (11 months ago)
Chloe Louise Moore
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins
- Chloe Louise Moore (11 months ago)
Happy 60th Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! Like James Potter, Adrian Rawlins, the actor who portrayed James Potter, was a
- • (11 months ago)
MuggleNet: the World’s #1 Harry Potter site!
Happy Birthday to the man who portrayed James Potter in the Harry Potter movies, Adrian Rawlins!
- MuggleNet: the World’s #1 Harry Potter site! (11 months ago)
Io Desamparado
Until the end. Happy birthday, James Potter. (also to Adrian Rawlins, the person who portrayed Harry s dad)
- Io Desamparado (11 months ago)
Today it is the birthday of James Potter but not only he but also the actor: Adrian Rawlins! Happy birthday guys!!!
- Harry_Potter_Birthdays (11 months ago)
Cheers for Movies
Join 9 people right now at \"Happy Birthday to James Potter and Adrian Rawlins!\"
- Cheers for Movies (11 months ago)
wayne smith ϟ
Happy Birthday to James Potter and Adrian Rawlins! -
- wayne smith ϟ (11 months ago)
Harry Potter ❾¾
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- Harry Potter ❾¾ (11 months ago)
IMDb. March 27th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Adrian Rawlins, Richard Denning, Bernard Curry, Taylor Atelian, Mary Treen, Art Evans, Sybil Williams.
- GSmith (11 months ago)
& lustigerweise hat auch der Schauspieler des James Potters heute Geburtstag!
Adrian Rawlins wird 58 Jahre alt!
- AltergQs (11 months ago)
{HP daily△⃒⃘}
Happy Birthday to Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the Harry Potter series
- {HP daily△⃒⃘} (11 months ago)
Harry Potter Memory
March 27: Happy Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! He played James Potter in the films, and also shares a birthday with him!
- Harry Potter Memory (11 months ago)
Harry Potter Quotes
Happy birthday to Adrian rawlins who played James potter and also to James potter himself!
- Harry Potter Quotes (11 months ago)
Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang
Happy Birthday James Potter ( Adrian Rawlins ). Father of Harry Potter and our mighty wizard\'s father.
- Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang (11 months ago)
Harry Potter fanpage
Coincidence is that today is also Adrian Rawlins birthday. Happy birthday dear!He played James in Harry Potter movi
- Harry Potter fanpage (11 months ago)
Alyka xoxo
PotterWorldUK \"Happy 59th Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! Like James Potter, Adrian Rawlins was also born on 27 March
- Alyka xoxo (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Adrian Rawlins. AKA James \"prongs\" Potter
- Teri (11 months ago)
Harry Potter World
Happy 59th Birthday, Adrian Rawlins! Like James Potter, Adrian Rawlins was also born on 27 March.
- Harry Potter World (11 months ago)
mad woman
Happy Birthday Michael York, Mark Cohen, Adrian Rawlins, Stephen Dillane, Paul Wickens & Patrick McCabe
- mad woman (11 months ago)
DW On This Day
Happy Birthday to Adrian Rawlins who played Dr Ryder in Planet of the Ood.
- DW On This Day (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Adrian Rawlins will celebrate his 67 years old birthday in 12 days! Send your greetings to him now!