Happy birthday to Alexei Sayle. Here\'s part-one of the documentary he made about 2014, the year
- JM Painting Prize (7 months ago)
FedUpAgain #CorbynsOutrider
Happy Birthday Alexei Sayle, here s to many more and a glorious day!
- FedUpAgain #CorbynsOutrider (7 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Tobin Bell (Saw)(77), Alexei Sayle (67), Bruce Dickinson (61), David Duchovny (59), Jacquie
- Melanie VaughanSmith (7 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
August 7
Happy birthday today to
James Randi
Duggie Brown
Garrison Keillor
Walid Jumblatt
Suzanne Bertish
Alexei S
- Celebrity Birthdays (7 months ago)
We spent the evening watching a preview of the documentary followed by a Q&
- dot-art Gallery (7 months ago)
Lucy Byrne
Very enjoyable evening for a preview of the Tate Liverpool at 30 documentary. With added imp
- Lucy Byrne (7 months ago)
ullo John gotta new motor! or my all time Alexei Sayle favourite...... Dr Marten BOOTS!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
- hippychick (7 months ago)
Rick Blackman
Happy birthday to the brilliant Alexei Sayle. Here a flyer and autograph from my archive. I saw this show at the Br
- Rick Blackman (7 months ago)
El Christo
On Jeremy Corbyn:
\"He\'s morally incorruptible. The propaganda that\'s thrown against him is disgraceful. Until he a
- El Christo (7 months ago)
7th August
Happy Birthday Helen Flanagan, Greg Chappell, Alexei Sayle, Walter Swinburn, A
- maddie (7 months ago)
John P Lynch
Happy birthday Alexei Sayle. Brilliant man. His memoir is well worth reading.
- John P Lynch (7 months ago)
Original Soundtracks
Happy birthday to a real jewel of British comedy, Alexei Sayle.
- Original Soundtracks (7 months ago)
Alexei Sayle is 66 years old today! Happy Birthday mate!
Here is one of his sketches from h
- Leroy (7 months ago)
liverpool etc.
Happy birthday is still the only city where I ever really get recognised... let s r
- liverpool etc. (7 months ago)
Birthday Wishes to Melanie Sykes, Helen Flanagan, Tina O\'Brien and Alexei Sayle. Happy Birthday!
- RussellGrant.Com (7 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Alexei Sayle, Anne Fadiman, Jonathan Pollard, Alan Reid, Wayne Knight, Greg Nickels and Vladimir Sorokin.
- North Trenton (7 months ago)
The Lib Dems of SWF
Happy Birthday Alexei Sayle
- The Lib Dems of SWF (7 months ago)
Jonathan Calder
Liberal England: Happy Birthday Alexei Sayle
- Jonathan Calder (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Alexei Sayle. I share the same day. and delighted by this.
- LavelleM (7 months ago)
IMDb. August 7th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! David Hollander, Alexei Sayle, Cassian Elwes, Mimi Paley, Pancho Moler, Byung-gil Jung, Dave Hager.
- GSmith (7 months ago)
John Chadwick
Happy birthday to Alexei Sayle!
- John Chadwick (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to English comedian Alexei Sayle (August 7, 1952), author of Stalin Ate My Homework (2010) et al.
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
Classic British TV
Alexei Sayle is 65 today, Happy Birthday Alexei!
- Classic British TV (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Alexei Sayle, 65 today. review MAY not be the most tactful birthday greeting mind
- TimesStage (7 months ago)
Today In History
Happy bday: Garrison Keillor 75, B.J.Thomas 75, Alexei Sayle 65, David Duchovny 57, Rachel York 46, Charlize Theron 42, Tina O\'Brien 34
- Today In History (7 months ago)
Muriel Gray
It\'s the comedy legend Alexei Sayle\'s birthday today. He\'s in Edinburgh. Shout Happy Birthday if you see him.
- Muriel Gray (7 months ago)
DW On This Day
Happy Birthday to Alexei Sayle who played D. J. in Revelation of the Daleks.
- DW On This Day (7 months ago)
Leeds Waterstones
Happy Birthday Alexei Sayle (born 7 August 1952) stand-up comedian, actor, author, and a central figure in 1980s al
- Leeds Waterstones (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday August 07, 2015 to: Alexei Sayle (Recording Artist-Comedian) & Jacquie O\'Sullivan (Bananarama)
- ThinkYouKnowMusic (7 months ago)
Dr Who Cast and Crew
Happy 63rd birthday Alexei Sayle, who once won an award accepted on his behalf by Benny Hill!
- Dr Who Cast and Crew (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to British comedian Alexei Sayle (August 7, 1952), author of Stalin Ate My Homework (2010) et al.
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
Today In History
Happy bday: Garrison Keillor 73, David Rasche 71, Alexei Sayle 63, David Duchovny 55, Sydney Penny 44, Rachel York 44, Charlize Theron 40
- Today In History (7 months ago)
Art Gallery
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Alexei Sayle, Britain\'s favourite Mussolini impersonator, 63 today!
- Art Gallery (7 months ago)
Mad Woman
Happy Birthday to Alexei Sayle Have a great day all
- Mad Woman (7 months ago)
David Lewis
Happy Birthday Alexei Sayle, he played the DJ in the television story Revelation of the Daleks
- David Lewis (7 months ago)
Speccy Blob
Happy birthday Alexei Sayle, Bruce Dickinson, James Randi and \\o/\\o/\\o/\\o/
- Speccy Blob (7 months ago)
Jonathan Henley
Happy birthday Alexei Sayle - brilliant AND shouty
People used to think I was just a shouty comic but I was doing stuff about Sartre.
- Jonathan Henley (7 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Alexei Sayle will celebrate his 73 years old birthday in 5 months and 1 day! Send your greetings to him now!