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I grew up listening to him, my mom listened to him, and he was still putting out music when I was a teenager - Poison
- Jessica (4 years ago)
Jill Kekligin
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper. Have a great day.
- Jill Kekligin (8 years ago)
Jill Kekligin
I saw Alice Cooper. I love his make up.
- Jill Kekligin (8 years ago)
Jill Kekligian
I never met Alice Cooper. I know his music. I saw his concert. I love that song School's Out Forever. I never wanted school.
- Jill Kekligian (8 years ago)
Bob Boy
The heavy metal singer Alice Cooper is 75 years old, and he\'s still touring and playing concerts.
- Bob Boy (1 week ago)
Randy, did you see the message I tagged you in? Y\'all broke Dr Alice Cooper with the mem
- pepegobrrr.eth (1 week ago)
Stephen W. McGregor
Happy birthday Alice Cooper
- Stephen W. McGregor (1 week ago)
TitoLatoldYa Stewart
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper !!! You are really awesome and the stage
- TitoLatoldYa Stewart (1 week ago)
John Manley
My daughter will be 7 soon and is a massive Alice Cooper fan. She\'s constantly singing Poison. Do you
- John Manley (2 weeks ago)
Alice Cooper
- Raxisol (2 weeks ago)
Christine Smith
I m loving pics! A big Happy belated Birthday to Alice Cooper!
- Christine Smith (2 weeks ago)
Hollywood Horror Museum
- Hollywood Horror Museum (3 weeks ago)
Bob McGowan
Happy Birthday, Alice Cooper!! This is a great music feature, so learn things you didn\'t know about him
- Bob McGowan (3 weeks ago)
Rick Hall
Happy Birthday to the Godfather of Rock, Alice Cooper
- Rick Hall (3 weeks ago)
Jackhole Lazarus
Oh l love Alice Cooper!! Hoping to see him and Rob Zombie this summer on tour!!! He is th
- Jackhole Lazarus (3 weeks ago)
Timmy Gibbs
Happy 75th birthday to the legend Alice Cooper. Here he is with Groucho Marx, Colonel Sanders, and Salvador Dali
- Timmy Gibbs (3 weeks ago)
Melina Robertson
Happy Birthday Mr Alice Cooper, see you soon with The Hollywood Vampires
- Melina Robertson (3 weeks ago)
Andrew Fitzpatrick he/him
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper, I\'ll never forget the time he asked me whether it was my drag day
- Andrew Fitzpatrick he/him (3 weeks ago)
Royal Chant
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper (+ many more to come), but this attitude towards political involvement is not only disi
- Royal Chant (3 weeks ago)
Happy 75th birthday to the legend Alice Cooper. Here he is with Groucho Marx, Colonel Sanders, and Salvador Dali
- LowOrderPrimate (4 weeks ago)
Carmen Weathers Leeson
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper
- Carmen Weathers Leeson (4 weeks ago)
Carol Kile
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper. One of the first concerts I\'ve ever seen with David Bowie. Cheers t
- Carol Kile (4 weeks ago)
Alice Cooper celebrates his 75th birthday today. Happy Birthday!
- Suzie2Whoops! (4 weeks ago)
Happy BDay Dr. Coop , Even though I\'m happy for clean Alice; I prefer (like Jim Morrison) drunk ass Alice.
Is it
- red_z (1 month ago)
Slappy the Halfling (aka Agent Milkshake)
- Slappy the Halfling (aka Agent Milkshake) (1 month ago)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Happy Birthday to rock star, Alice Cooper. Appreciated his support in 2007 when he joined me as a judge in my Inma
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio (1 month ago)
Record Time
Happy Birthday 75th birthday to Alice Cooper!
- Record Time (1 month ago)
Bubba Mackenzie
My Dad was a big Alice Cooper guy when I was growing up, so of course I ve been a huge guy my entire l
- Bubba Mackenzie (1 month ago)
Mortícia Satânica
Happy Birthday Mr. Alice Cooper!!!! I wish many years on the stage doing ROCK N\' ROLL!!!!
- Mortícia Satânica (1 month ago)
Stevie Z
Happy 75th birthday to one of the greatest rock & roll showman ever, And here\'s one of his greatest p
- Stevie Z (1 month ago)
Derek Reinholtz
Happy 79th Birthday to American songwriter, record producer and musician Al Kooper. Al played organ on Bob Dylan\'s
- Derek Reinholtz (1 month ago)
Sabina Isabel Candelaria❤️
Happy birthday Alice cooper I hope you have a wonderful birthday God Bless
- Sabina Isabel Candelaria❤️ (1 month ago)
Happy birthday to Alice Cooper! He s a fantastic, down to earth, and talented individual.
- XentrixOHavok (1 month ago)
Steve Conte
Happy 75th Birthday to the wild man, Alice Cooper!! (Ouch, my hair still hurts )
- Steve Conte (1 month ago)
Happy 75th Birthday Alice Cooper. Thank you for walking the walk.
- ross (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper!
- AmericanDamsels (1 month ago)
Let s all wish a happy 75th birthday to the legend and Godfather of Shock Rock Alice Cooper!
- stephenroelewis (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper!
- BiggiBisinger (1 month ago)
Gawd, how different my life could have been if I had something like this instead of looking
- Crashiminant (1 month ago)
Odysseus 20
So I see Alice Cooper trending and my heart sinks into my boots. But it turns out it\'s his 75th birthday. Phew! Wel
- Odysseus 20 (1 month ago)
Debbie Hicks
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper! Well done with the Youth Safe places! Great idea! Hugs Debbie
- Debbie Hicks (1 month ago)
Dan Marston
happy birthday alice cooper best wishes this year
- Dan Marston (1 month ago)
Rick Whitehouse
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper, May The Lord Richly Bless You Sir!
- Rick Whitehouse (1 month ago)
Happy 75th birthday to Alice Cooper!
- Muppeturgy (1 month ago)
Michael Howard
Happy Birthday to Alice Cooper...
- Michael Howard (1 month ago)
Allen Marshall
Happy 75th Birthday to this legend!!!!! Alice Cooper ~Jesi
- Allen Marshall (1 month ago)
Elana Levin
Alice Cooper isn t just a humorist and a stage show. Alice Cooper is a band and a solo act and they put out some tr
- Elana Levin (1 month ago)
Wizardly Prompts
Happy 75th Birthday to Alice Cooper.
- Wizardly Prompts (1 month ago)
Natalia Ochagova
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper!
- Natalia Ochagova (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Alice Cooper! Wishing you many more to come!
- Sharona (1 month ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Alice Cooper celebrated his 77 years old birthday 1 month ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!