Welcome to Alyssa Milano's Birthday Celebration Page
Alyssa Milano got 10593 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Our Friend
Happy birthday alyssa all the best much love - Our Friend (4 years ago)
birthday balloon

Scarrface Montana
As 2022 comes to it\'s end my greatest moment was Dec 12 when God allowed me to live to see my 40th bday Happy New Y - Scarrface Montana (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! - sarastarz04090 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Carlos Alves
Happy birthday - Carlos Alves (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Terracino
Happy Birthday! I miss seeing your messages have you gone silent? I hope not - Michael Terracino (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

MB Mars 8
Happy Birthday to you. I hope you have a great day and a wonderful Christmas. - MB Mars 8 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chi Chinedu
ALYSSA MILANO IS 50 TODAY Wishing American actress Alyssa Jayne Milano a happy birthday today (born December 19, - Chi Chinedu (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Deveree Greenwood
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Deveree Greenwood (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

DeAnne McClure
Happy birthday Alyssa. - DeAnne McClure (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday I hope you have the best day ever. - NannyDD (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy belated birthday to - GuruVouxDoux (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Christa Pellicci
Happy birthday Tony danza - Christa Pellicci (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Martin
Happy Birthday! I\'ve been a fan of yours since we were both kids. You were definitely my - John Martin (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

TV Fanatic
Happy belated 50th Birthday to Alyssa Milano. I hope that she had a great day. - TV Fanatic (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sunny can u just wish her happy birthday - tennisboxing (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

She is an Uber liberal.. no happy birthday wishes to her. - Anonymous (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sharon Smith
Happy Birthday Alyssa !!! - Sharon Smith (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Todd Gadow
Happy Birthday hope you have an amazing day! - Todd Gadow (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

That guy
happy birthday - That guy (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eric Weber
Happy birthday. I\'ve been a fan of your\'s since \'Who\'s the Boss?\' - Eric Weber (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Leon Skum
Happy Birthday, Alyssa! And great to see you Tony, hope you\'re well. - Leon Skum (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert Joseph
Heeey kid.Happy birthday!! Praying your reading your Bible and encouraging your family to - Robert Joseph (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Antonio Corluccio
Happy Birthday - Antonio Corluccio (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Alyssa. Keep on being you. - DLT (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Steven Hall was
Oh what a piece of s*** you are man somebody wishes somebody happy birthda - Steven Hall was (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

U.C.C.I. #SaveSpectacularSpiderMan
happy late birthday - U.C.C.I. #SaveSpectacularSpiderMan (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jack Howland
Happy birthday! - Jack Howland (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

I immediately hear the theme song in my head! I loved that show so much! Happy Birthday - Catheist (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jason V81
Happy birthday - Jason V81 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Homeschool Programs and Fine Art Book
Happy Birthday! - Homeschool Programs and Fine Art Book (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Marie Jenkins
DAZZZLING !!! DECEMBER !!! CONTINUES !!! SOUND THE BIRTHDAY !!! ALLLARM !!! - Marie Jenkins (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jude Edwards
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano! - Jude Edwards (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Georgios Patsos (George\'s Channel)
Best show ever! Happy birthday! - Georgios Patsos (George\'s Channel) (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Elizabeth Carolyn.
Happy bday Sanantha from the 1984-1992 ABC TV show who\'s the boss - Elizabeth Carolyn. (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Alyssa!! - Bloom (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dean Camron
Happy birthday, I hope you had an incredible day. - Dean Camron (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

@nunyabizz6773 (Tracy)
Happy birthday - @nunyabizz6773 (Tracy) (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Peter Russell
Happy Birthday Alyssa! My crush of 1987 .. - Peter Russell (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday . A like , or follow would be much appreciated . Either way enjoy your day today - Berto&Hippo (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sarah VanDenover
Happy 50th Birthday, Alyssa!!! Have a Fantastic Day!! - Sarah VanDenover (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brian Murphy
happy Birthday - Brian Murphy (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Frank Cagle
What a great pic! Love Alyssa. Happy Birthday my first crush!! - Frank Cagle (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - carolrowland (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brigitte Strickland
Happy birthday - Brigitte Strickland (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Susan Caldwell
Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady. - Susan Caldwell (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lawrence Van Rijn
Happy birthday - Lawrence Van Rijn (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Peggy C
Happy Birthday - Peggy C (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Patty Tripp
Happy Birthday Alyssa! - Patty Tripp (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Melissa Langley
Happy Birthday - Melissa Langley (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brian Hockney
Happy Birthday Alyssa!!!! - Brian Hockney (2 months ago)

52 years old (Born on December 19, 1972)

Happy Birthday, Alyssa Milano! From charming us as Samantha Micelli on "Who's the Boss?" to captivating audiences in "Melrose Place" and enchanting fans everywhere with your magical role as Phoebe Halliwell in "Charmed," you've truly cast a spell over generations. Your talent has aged better than any potion brewed at the Halliwell Manor!

Beyond acting, your passion for activism continues inspiring countless people worldwide—proving you're not just charmed but genuinely empowering. May this birthday bring you laughter brighter than Tony Danza's smile and joy more timeless than 90s reruns. Here's wishing you another year of success, magic, and endless charm!

Alyssa Milano's Best Moments

Happy birthday to my beautiful, brilliant, courageous empress of empathy
Room Rater Happy Birthday. was born on this day in 1972.
Happy 45th birthday,
Happy Birthday who once laid on my bed I bought at Ikea and sheets I got from discount bin at Target
Happy Birthday
Happy 50th Birthday ALYSSA MILANO!
. Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to one of our favorite witches of all time,
Happy Birthday We love you and wish you beautiful day!
Happy birthday Thank you for your courageous voice and activism for women\s rights.
Happy birthday shoutouts to two of my heroes: and
Happy Birthday to Alyssa Milano    Who is 48yo today!
Happy Birthday to Actor, Producer, Designer, and Activist !
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Thank you for being so inspiring!!!
Happy 50th Birthday  Alyssa Milano
Happy birthday to one half of phoebecole, hoping someday we get a reunion between you two xx
Happy birthday to   and star Alyssa Milano!
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano 49 years
Happy birthday to my queen and actual goddess
Happy birthday !!!
Happy Birthday to the amazing and beautiful I\ve been a fan since
  Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to she turns 47 today!
Happy Birthday to  Actress - Alyssa Milano Who is 49yo today!
(2004 & 2010)
Happy Birthday StarEyes - Alyssa Milano
Happy birthday alyssa milano!!
Happy Birthday  Alyssa Milano
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano
Happy Birthday  the most pretty girl ever  ©harmed       I made this collage for you    A-J.B
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Hope you ll have a great day!!
 Happy Birthday Alyssa
Happy Birthday Alyssa! Wishing you the best day and we love you so much.
Happy Birthday  Wishing you the very best. Lots of love.
Happy birthday beautiful girl!!! All the best to you!!! you are amazing.
Happy Birthday sweet beautiful soul ,  I wish you the best on your day I love you so much.
Happy birthday to Brooklynite What a multi-talented person!
Happy 42nd birthday to Alyssa Milano.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to  & everyone else celebrating today! -
Happy birthday to Alyssa Milano :)
Happy Birthday We love you soooooooooooo much!
 Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano, this kiss featured heavily in my gay blossoming ;)
Happy Birthday
  Happy Birthday, Beautiful lady!
   Happy birthday, and thank you for helping.
Happy belated birthday to the beautiful
Happy Birthday to the lovely Alyssa Milano!!
 Happy birthday!
Happy birthday !!
Happy 50th Birthday
Happy Birthday! To this sexy ass
      HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY to 
 Alyssa Jayne Milano
Happy birthday to the amazing Have a perfect day!! Youre amazing in so many ways xoxo
 happy birthday beautiful ive had a crush on u ever since whos the boss.  Big hugs
Happy Birthday beautiful! Enjoy your day
. is the big Celeb Birthday Game winner today! Happy Birthday (Saturday) ! She will be 43!
Good morning and happy birthday (45), (43) and (35)
  Happy Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! You are a amaziing person. We love you so much !
 happy birthday, Take care of you and your family. xoxo
A massive happy birthday to this beautiful person, you are one of my idols & I look up to you!
Happy Birthday !!!!!
Happy birthday to who makes you want to be a fan
Happy Birthday !!
 Happy birthday!! Sending you some red velvet birthday love xoxox
Happy Birthday lots of love from Australia
Happy birthday to this amazing woman
   Thanks for all you do Alyssa!  Happy birthday!
Alyssa! Milano! Sweeet! Way! Cool! 
Happy Birthday Today we celebrate one of our idols out of the 80s.
Happy birthday
Happy 45th Birthday     To ACTRESS
Happy Birthday !!
 Happy birthday!
Happy birthday    Have a wonderful day with your loved ones today is a special day congratulations!!!
Happy birthday       .
  Happy Birthday Alyssa! Thank you for amplifying our voices and fighting alongside us!
 Wishing you a Happy Birthday that is filled with bountiful love, laughter, and blessings!
Happy Birthday
 Happy belated birthday Alyssa
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSSA MILANO - 19. December 1972.  Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Happy birthday to Did you know she wrote a book about her love of baseball?
Happy birthday, Thank you for your tireless work advocating on behalf of survivors everywhere.
    Happy Birthday Alyssa
  Happy Birthday to you!!!  49 here and feeling FINE! Bring on 50 I say
Happy birthday, Thank you for everything you do
 I wish you a very happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
 Don\t worry.
46 is the new 36.
Happy Birthday Alyssa.
  Happy Belated Birthday.  I turned 48 on November 15.
Happy 46th Birthday  to Alyssa Milano
Just now told me it\s Bday on the air...Happy Bday to ex girlfriend!!!
  Happy Birthday!
 Happy Birthday Alyssa
Happy Birthday Hope you have a charmed one, minus the demons.
Happy 47th Birthday to Alyssa Milano! The voice of Angel in Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp\s Adventure.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to us!
 Happy Birthday, our fellow December birthday girl. I hope today is as special as you.
Happy Birthday, Thank you for your passion and advocacy.
  Happy Birthday! Thank you for all you do.
Happy birthday to Alyssa Milano! Watch her play Samantha Micelli on Who\s the Boss.
 Happy Birthday
Dem debate nice
  Happy Birthday I hope you had a wonderful day with your children
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano
 Happy Birthday to you, Alyssa Milano!
Happy Birthday to Alyssa Milano!
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in Hannah Valesic in & more!
   Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Thank you for all you do!
 Happy Birthday. A gift for you:
 happy birthday
 Hope you\re wish come true..... Happy birthday
 Happy birthday
   Happy birthday
  Happy birthday Alyssa! Everyone, please donate to the
Happy Birthday ALYSSA MILANO. Thanks for the request Steve
  Happy birthday to
  Oh My Goodness, That s Awesome, Happy Birthday To Her
  Happy Birthday!
  Happy birthday you are the best.
Happy Birthday to one of my early crushes .
Happy 50th birthday alyssa milano u will always be That girl
  Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing people I follow on message You Rock! :)
In Russia 19Dec.,it means, have Birthday! Happy Birthday amazing Alyssa, stay beautiful forever! ;)
Happy birthday to a special lady that has inspired me of 13 years and shes still my favorite love you
Happy to Alyssa MILANO

Qui se souvient delle dans Madame est servie ?
Buenos días y muchas felicidades a que hoy cumple 42 años.
Happy Birthday
 Premiere.fr: Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano... lancienne idole des jeunes en 10 clichés glamour
 Happy Birthday, we love you !!!!
Happy Birthday Alyssa! I LOVE YOU
Happy Birthday :-)
 Happy birthday gorgeous i love you so much thank you for everything you do
There are days that go unnoticed..others impossible to forget.. Today is one of them! Happy birthday!
 Happy birthday my lovely lady. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Love from Spain
Happy (Shared) Birthday to alumni Sophia Turner & Kyra Blaine
Happy birthday to u happy birthday to u happy bday dear alyssa happy birthday to u!!    i love u
" Happy 42nd Birthday to
Happy Birthday 
Alyssa Milano 19 December 1972
born Alyssa Jayne Milano, 
actress, producer singer
Happy Birthday have a sweet day
 :D Happy Birthday :D [Dodgers cake by emily at San Diego Bakery]
Happy Birthday Alyssa Milano 42 ans !!!!!!!!!! :-)
Happy Birthday !
Happy birthday to wonderful mother, amazing actress and great woman ! Stay so unique and gorgeous.
Happy Birthday
   Happy Birthday,Alyssa!
I realize that time flies !  Happy  42 y.o. today
 Happy Birthday Alyssa. Have a Beautiful day. Love from France.
 happy birthday :)
 happy birthday miss milano
 Happy birthday Alyssa. I wish you all the best. :)
 i wish you a happy birthday! Hope you have a great day for a great woman And actress! Love u so much!
Happy Birthday to the one and only  one of my all-time favorite TV actress!
 wishing you the very best today & always - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy birthday to my  Xoxo
Happy birthday Alyssa Milano
Happy Birthday ! The most beautiful,loving, creative and
independent women!       I you!
 Happy birthday!!! U"ll stay our Phoebe forever! <3
Happy Birthday to my favorite "witch" I still have this photosigned in my room :) hugs from Spain
Happy Birthday from France Alyssa!
Happy Birthday to Peter Quill\s childhood crush and the name of his ship Hope you have lots of fun.
Happy Bday!!!!  I LOVE YOU.... Enjoy this wonderful day!!!
Happy 42nd Birthday to today\s über-beautiful celebrity with an über-cool camera:
 Wishing u a Happy Birthday Alyssa from Simba!
 Wishing you the Happiest Birthday ever!  Happy Birthday Alyssa!!!!
Happy Birthday, Alyssa Milano.
 Hi Alyssa,would like to wish you a Happy Birthday for tomorrow,have a great day with your family
Happy Birthday !!!!me luv u all the way from Malaysia!Wishing u always be happy with loves one.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday the perfect girl alyssa milano  I made this collage for your birthday anneju
Happy Birthday Wishes Today To Actress - Producer Alyssa Milano Who Was Born on This Day in 1972 on Bensonhurst , B
 Happy Birthday to sexy actress Alyssa Milano 43 December 19th
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY hermosa mujer! All the best to u and ur family.
You transmit peace,energy...Happiness
Happy birthday !
Happy birthday lady w/
 Happy bday Lyss! What a joy it has been to support you all these years, wish you the best of all
Happy Birthday to Gary Cahill -Alyssa Milano -Karen Pickering -Richard Hammond -Steven Isserlis & Rosemary Conley
Happy Birthday to Alyssa Milano, the voice of Ilyssa Selwyn!
Happy 43rd birthday today TV actress Alyssa Milano.

Peanut Shoppe Akron hours today 9am to 7pm; Sundays noon-5pm.
Happy birthday Alyssa Milano.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday Alyssa Milano (1972).
Happy 43rd Birthday, See the cast of then & now:
 Happy Birthday Alyssa! Hope you have a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday December 19,1972
 Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday
 Happy Birthday hope you have a lovely day! You\re so beautiful&loving&caring
Happy Birthday ! Repasa las mejores fotos de la guapa actriz de
 Happy Birthday!All the best!
Happy birthday to the ever-beautiful and talented  May you continue to inspire us all!
alyssa milano movies 0
alyssa milano 2013 1
Alyssa Milano full body 2
alyssa milano baby 4
alyssa milano wedding 5
Alyssa Milano body 6
Alyssa Milano celebrity 7
alyssa milano baby 8
alyssa milano 2013 10
Alyssa Milano exclusive 11

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Alyssa, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.