Welcome to Amy Lee's Birthday Celebration Page
Amy Lee got 1091 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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leah 2
When I was in 7th grade I made my first message account solely to wish Amy Lee from Evanescence a happy birthday - leah 2 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

When I was in 7th grade I made my first message account solely to wish Amy Lee from Evanescence a happy birthday - erica (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Labor
Happy birthday to Amy Lee! Already planning shows for next year. - Michael Labor (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Amy Lee. - JULIE YORK (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Allen Marshall
Happy birthday to Amy Lee GOTH QUEEN - Allen Marshall (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Scott Cranny
happy birthday to you we share the same birthday Sagittarius people rock also Amy Lee of Evanescen - Scott Cranny (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Steph\'s Pretty Lace
Happy Birthday to Taylor Swift and Amy Lee Back to December and My Immortal are routinely in the Top 10 on my annu - Steph\'s Pretty Lace (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Famous Hollywood Stars Birthdays
It\'s Taylor Swift\'s, Jamie Foxx\'s, and Amy Lee\'s Birthday Today on December 13. Taylor Swift turns 33. Jamie Foxx - Famous Hollywood Stars Birthdays (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kenneth Nagel
Happy birthday Amy Lee! - Kenneth Nagel (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ruben Lozada
Happy Birthday Amy Lee! She\'s pretty too. - Ruben Lozada (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Feliz Aniversário (Happy Birthday), Amy Lee - RockBizz (3 months ago)
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Ems Machin
Happy birthday fellow Sagittarian Amy Lee. What a woman someone once said she\'s my celebrity lookalike. Yeah, if - Ems Machin (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sharon den Adel Brasil
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee (Evanescence) ! setvexy - Sharon den Adel Brasil (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wilfrido Catari
Happy Birthday Amy Lee Evanescence - Wilfrido Catari (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday Amy Lee! Keep on rocking - Omar (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Okay i m gonna say happy birthday to ppl who share my birthday happy birthday taylor swift happy birthday stampyc - meri⚢ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

TOMeHAWK 22-23
Happy Birthday Amy Lee - TOMeHAWK 22-23 (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

reese mackerel ⓪
Happy birthday amy lee i you - reese mackerel ⓪ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

I absolutely adore her! happy birthday Amy Lee! - Lotusphine.cos@Otakon (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 41st Birthday To The Amazingly Talented Amy Lee (Evanescence, Singer/Songwriter) December 13th,1981 - MyNikTesla (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Amy Lee Lori Lee Bulloch Instagram stories (goodstorylori) - Evanescenceville (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

It\'s national Amy Lee day!! happy birthday - dalluca (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tom Pinks
Also wishing a happy 41st birthday to lead vocalist and co-founder of EVANESCENCE - singer-songwriter and pianist A - Tom Pinks (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

suburu share the love event
Happy Birthday to Taylor Swift, Steve Buschemi, Jaime Foxx, Dick Van Dyke and Amy Lee. I didn t forget anybody right? - suburu share the love event (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Song of the Day
Happy Birthday Amy Lee (Evanescence), December 13, 1981. - Song of the Day (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

10 years of Amy Lee & Evanescence, happy birthday Icon - ساره (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy BDay To Taylor Swift & Amy Lee es humor, no vengan a dar el coñazo si no lo pillan primer aviso - LuckyBonmatiParedesBatlleLeonEngenRabano (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today In History
December 13 - Happy bday: Dick Van Dyke 97, Ted Nugent 74, Jeff \"Skunk\" Baxter[Doobie Bros] 74, Steve Buscemi 65, J - Today In History (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Preston & Steve Show
Happy birthday to the only rock star we know with My Little Ponies on their - The Preston & Steve Show (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

jean leroux
Happy birthday amy lee - jean leroux (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Steve / Feeling cool and Caffeinated ☕☕
Happy Birthday Amy Lee of Evanescence ! - Steve / Feeling cool and Caffeinated ☕☕ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Music Nation
Happy Birthday to Amy Lee of Evanescence - - The Music Nation (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

eVengers - Evanescence Fan Club
December 13th 2022 ..... Happy 41st Birthday, Amy Lee - eVengers - Evanescence Fan Club (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Amy Lee! - unicronicron (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! Amy Lee, Evanescence, BRING ME TO LIFE via - sweetrhythms (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dani Ardor
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee !! - Dani Ardor (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jukka Verkama
Happy Birthday Amy Lee, 41-Years, Singer and Co-Founder of the Band Evanescence, Here is a Song by Evanescence Name - Jukka Verkama (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Carmen Madridista
Happy birthday AMY LEE! (December 13, 1981) - Carmen Madridista (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

εmïレψ εšpïη⊕
Happy birthday amy lee of evanescence - εmïレψ εšpïη⊕ (3 months ago)
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Ricardo Vergara
Happy Birthday ... Amy Lee !!! Un abrazo de gooooool desde la Tierra del Diego y del buen vino. - Ricardo Vergara (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hello Amy LEE how are you I wish you happy birthday have a very beautiful day and a lot of happiness and I lov - rick (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

レコード屋 だるまや
Happy birthday ! Amy Lee (EVANESCENCE) - レコード屋 だるまや (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Amy Lee - - (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ace Blissstar
Evanescence My Immortal Happy Birthday, Amy Lee! Evanesce - Ace Blissstar (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Model Amy Lee Summers! Sending some love to the most charming man in my life. You always bring the b - AllFamous.org (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Out Sick - Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Amy Lee Grant (Guitarist/Vocalist/Songwriter/Author) a - Out Sick - Undercover Indie ® (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Raylene - Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Amy Lee Grant (Guitarist/Vocalist/Songwriter/Author) a - Raylene - Undercover Indie ® (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Addy Berger
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee !! All the best for your special day!! May all your wishes com - Addy Berger (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

amy gonzalez
Happy Birthday Gary! This GFM is for my cat Oscar and I. He has been my co - amy gonzalez (3 months ago)

43 years old (Born on December 13, 1981)

Happy Birthday, Amy Lee! From hauntingly beautiful melodies to powerful piano riffs, you've rocked our worlds and made us all believe we could belt out "Bring Me to Life" in the shower. Your voice has been the soundtrack of countless emo phases—and let's be honest—some of us never quite grew out of them.

Congratulations on your continued success with Evanescence's recent tours and collaborations; you keep proving that true talent is timeless. May your birthday be filled with laughter, cake, and absolutely zero awkward stage dives (unless you're into that). Keep rocking our souls awake for many more years!

Amy Lee's Best Moments

Happy Birthday Amy Lee of
Happy 40th birthday to my Queen, my biggest inspiration, Amy Lee
It\s national Amy Lee day!! happy birthday
Rt if you wish a Happy Birthday to 
Amy Lee 
Lead singer from Evanescence
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!
Amy lee nos tt

bora emendar um happy birthday pra lenda
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee What s your favourite Amy vocal performance? : Perou
Happy birthday amy lee
Happy birthday Amy Lee :)
Happy 33rd birthday going out to Amy Lee. Such a talented woman.
Happy BDay To Taylor Swift & Amy Lee     es humor, no vengan a dar el coñazo si no lo pillan primer aviso
Happy Birthday Amy-Lee. 8 Jahre bist nun schon. Alles Gute meine Maus. Love You Daddy
Happy Birthday to the most inspiring person: Amy Lee! Let this day be full of love & happiness!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee
Happy Birthday to the Goddess of Rock, the one and only Amy Lee of Evanescence.
Join us here at in wishing Amy Lee a very Happy Birthday today
Happy Birthday Amy Lee, December 13th,1981.
Happy birthday Amy Lee!!!  I really love your music and your voice Hope you have a beautiful day!
Happy birthday amy lee
Happy 33rd Birthday To Amy Lee!
Hoy es cumpleaños de Amy Lee, vocalista de la banda estadounidense | Happy Birthday Amy!
Happy birthday Amy Lee <3
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
 Happy birthday Amy Lee again.
Amy Lee Grant 
Birth 1960.11.25 ~
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Amy Lee of !
Happy 38th birthday to the 6x times Grammy Nominee and 2x times Granmy Winner Amy Lee from Evanescence
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!!
Happy birthday, Amy Lee! What\s your favorite Evanescence song?
Oml happy birthday amy lee
It was her bday so everyone sya happy belated bday amy lee!!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee of Evanescence !
Happy birthday to Amy Lee
¡Happy birthday Amy Lee Palmer (
Happy Birthday  Amy Lee
Happy Birthday to the beautiful and powerful Amy lee.
Happy 34th Birthday Amy Lee !!(13th Dec)
            amy lee                                                                        happy birthday
Happy birthday!!  Amy Lee may you have a blessed birthday!
  Happy Birthday  Amy Lee
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
Happy birthday 
 Amy lee/evanescence 37 today
Happy birthday to the one and only Amy Lee!
       Happy Birthday Goddess Amy Lee Lee
Happy Birthday Amy Lee from Evanescene!!(       ) ||12/13/20
/ Happy Birthday to me and T-Swizzle and Amy Lee. That is all!
Happy birthday Amy Lee.
Happy Birthday Amy Lee is 40.
Happy 40th birthday to the lead singer of Evanescence, Amy Lee!
 chozo legion. Happy birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday to Amy Lee of Evanescence -
Happy birthday Amy Lee!!!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee much happiness  ^^ :D
Happy Birthday to Amy Lee, who turns 33 today!
Happy birthday to:
Amy Lee, 33 today
Singer-songwriter and pianist who lead the American rock band Evanescence.
 I made Christmas cookies! I hope you like it! Btw happy birthday to Amy Lee! A living miracle...
Happy birthday amy lee
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
 Hi Amy Lee m your number one fan and want to tell you a very happy birthday and that passes very well :)
Happy 33rd Birthday to AMY LEE!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee^___^
Happy birthday amy lee... te queremos
 happy birthday amy lee your the best , hope u have a fantastic birthday :D you rock happy birthday to you
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!
Have a nice day!
Love you
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!!!
Happy Birthday AGAIN Amy Lee  From Portugal !
Happy Birthday Amy Lee! <3
 My love happy birthday. I wish you all the best. Lots of love, happiness and of course a lot of goals :* :*
Happy Birthday Amy Lee Grant
Happy Birthday Amy Lee Grant
Feliz Cumpleaños / Happy Birthday Amy Lee     #
HAPPY birthday to Amy Lee in eastern Europe. 13/12/1981
Apparently has the same birthday as Taylor Swift and Amy Lee! The more you know!! 
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee patroa da Avril kkkkkk Britney Spears
Amy Lee happy birthday all the best for you as you deserve , we Evfãs love you so much .
Happy birthday to Taylor Swift, Jaime Foxx, Amy Lee, Christopher Plummer and Nene Leakes!
13/12 B-days: Morris Day (The Time), Steve Forbert, Taylor Swift & Amy Lee (Evanescence)
You too? Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!!!! Love you so so much!!!!
Happy birthday, Amy Lee!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!!!
Amy Lee loves cats. >^..^<

Happy Birthday, Amy Lee!
  Happy Birthday Amy Lee <3
Happy birthday!! 
Amy Lee
 Happy Birthday, dear Amy Lee! Feliz Cumpleaños, querida Amy!!
Happy birthday amy lee
To celebrate Amy Lee\s birthday, I\m listen to Evanescence throughout the day. Happy birthday !
 Happy Birthday Amy lee :D Mas de 4 años celebrando tu cumpleaños 
EvFan Colombia
. happy birthday Amy Lee
 happy birthday Amy lee <3
 Happy happy happy birthday to you sweetheart Amy Lee.I love you so much, foever in my heart.
Happy Birthday Amy Lee - Evanescence (13.12.81)
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday to Amy Lee !!!
Happy Birthday to the beautiful Amy Lee who turns 36 years old today! Thank you for your music!
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!
Happy birthday amy lee evfans buenos aires argentina
Happy birthday to the lead vocalist of Evanescence, Amy Lee! Love her voice
Happy Birthday To Amy Lee!
Happy birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday to the one and only Amy Lee!!!
 Happy birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday to Amy Lee from one of my favorite modern bands, Evanescence....
Happy 37th Birthday To Amy Lee - Evanescence, Dave Eggar And Seether.
    We wish a very happy birthday to the amazing Amy Lee!

¡Feliz cumpleaños
37 anos para Amy Lee!!!

A mezzo-soprano do Evanescence

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Amy Lee!
Happy Birthday! 
Amy Lee Grant (born November 25, 1960)
December 13:Happy 38th birthday to singer,Amy Lee (\"Bring Me To Life\")
Happy 38th Birthday Amy Lee!
12 13  Happy birthday Amy Lee
Happy birthday Amy Lee.
Feliz Cumple Amy Lee! Happy Bday Amy Lee!
Happy Birthday, Amy Lee! <3
Amy Lee cumple 38 años hoy, el mismo día que cumples años Tú Happy Birthday!!!!
December 13th, 38 years ago, Amy Lee was born. Happy birthday
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
 Happy birthday Amy Lee , the Snow White Queen.
 Going Under
from Fallen
by Evanescence

Happy Birthday, Amy Lee
Happy 39th Birthday Amy Lee ! What\s your fave songs?
Happy Birthday to Amy Lee.
Happy birthday Amy Lee
Happy birthday, Amy Lee!
 happy birthday Amy Lee hope it is being good to you
Happy Birthday Amy Lee Grant (November 25, 1960)
Happy birthday AMY LEE!
(December 13, 1981)
Happy birthday Amy Lee   #
Happy Birthday dear Amy Lee!
Hoy está de cumpleaños la talentosa Amy Lee, líder de Evanescence Happy birthday Amy
Happy birthday Amy Lee of Evanescence!
Happy birthday to Taylor swift and Amy lee my favs
Happy Birthday!! Amy Lee, vocalista y co-fundadora de la banda norteamericana Evanescense.
 Happy Birthday Amy Lee
Happy Birthday Amy Lee
Happy birthday AMY LEE!
(December 13, 1981)
Happy 41st Birthday To The Amazingly Talented Amy Lee (Evanescence,  Singer/Songwriter) December 13th,1981
Happy Birthday Amy Lee Evanescence
Feliz Aniversário (Happy Birthday), Amy Lee
Amy Lee sexy 0
amy lee makeup 1
amy lee hair 2
Amy Lee exclusive 4
amy lee 2013 5
amy lee 2013 6
Amy Lee exclusive 8
amy lee hair 9
amy lee hair 10
Amy Lee sexy 11

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Amy, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.