Happy birthday Andreas Gursky Tom Jamieson, 2018
\"He is after the paradoxical metamorphosis that occurs in the
- Deny Fear (2 weeks ago)
Sergio Villani
Happy birthday to German photographer Andreas Gursky born (January 15) in 1955!
- Sergio Villani (2 weeks ago)
Museum Ludwig
Happy Birthday Andreas Gursky! Bekannt ist der zeitgenössische Fotograf für seine digital montierten Großfor
- Museum Ludwig (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to born on this day, January 15, in Leipzig, Germany.
A highly personal retrospecti
- Gagosian (2 weeks ago)
MCA Chicago
Happy birthday to German photographer Andreas Gursky! The MCA has multiple works by Gursky in our collection, inclu
- MCA Chicago (2 weeks ago)
Kevin O Mooney
Happy Birthday Andreas Gursky
- Kevin O Mooney (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday - Einer der bekanntesten zeitgenössischen Künstler der sich mit seiner klaren
- brand_trust (2 weeks ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Marius Tresor, Andrzej Fischer, Boris Blank, Chris D, Randy White, Ta-Tanisha, Jose Dalisay Jr, A
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (2 weeks ago)
Hayward Gallery
- Happy Birthday to reopened in January 2018 following refurbishment
- Hayward Gallery (2 weeks ago)
Quinten Baeken
Happy birthday to Andreas Gursky (15 januari 1955)
Duits fotograaf, leerde het vak bij Hilla en Ber
- Quinten Baeken (2 weeks ago)
Cornerhouse Books
The esteemed has its grand re-opening next weekend with a big Andreas retrospective. What a
- Cornerhouse Books (1 week ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Marius Tresor, Andrzej Fischer, Boris Blank, Chris D, Randy White, Ta-Tanisha, Jose Dalisay Jr, A
- North Trenton (2 weeks ago)
Art Gallery8888
[ Art should not be delivering a report on reality, but should be looking at what\'s behind something. Happy
- Art Gallery8888 (2 weeks ago)
Art should not be delivering a report on reality, but should be looking at what\'s behind something. Happy Birthda
- artnet (2 weeks ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, Jan 15, 1955 Andreas Gursky, German photographer was born....
- Jamie Roxx (2 weeks ago)
Happy 60th Birthday, Andreas Gursky! Geboren am 15.1.1955 in Leipzig
- WeltkunstNews (2 weeks ago)
Wadsworth Atheneum
Happy 60th birthday to Andreas Gursky
Tote Hosen, 2000
Chromogenic color print
- Wadsworth Atheneum (2 weeks ago)
\"For me, vision is an intelligent form of thought\"
Happy 60th Birthday to Andreas
Happy Birthday to famed German photographer Andreas Gursky!
- Artsy (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday, Andreas Gursky!
- JLee (2 weeks ago)
Livet Reichard Co.
Happy Birthday to Andreas Gursky, known for his exceptionally precise photographic vision and intrinsic organization.
- Livet Reichard Co. (2 weeks ago)
林 佐和
Happy birthday to Andreas Gursky, known for his immersive, large format color photographs:
- 林 佐和 (2 weeks ago)
Davide Di Prossimo
Happy birthday to Andreas Gursky, known for his immersive, large format color photographs:
- Davide Di Prossimo (2 weeks ago)
Guggenheim Museum
Happy birthday to Andreas Gursky, known for his immersive, large format color photographs:
- Guggenheim Museum (2 weeks ago)
Naomi Blumberg
Happy birthday Andreas Gursky, from Chicago:
- Naomi Blumberg (2 weeks ago)
Bildagentur bpk
Happy Birthday! Andreas einer der weltweit wichtigsten zeitgenössischen Fotografen, wird heute 60.
- Bildagentur bpk (2 weeks ago)
Gregor Peter Schmitz
Happy Bday, Andreas Gursky! .....Andreas Gursky wird sechzig: Die Manipulation der Welt via
- Gregor Peter Schmitz (2 weeks ago)
Philipp Tacer
Happy Birthday, Andreas Gursky! Fotokunst ist eine feine Sache.
- Philipp Tacer (2 weeks ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Andreas Gursky just celebrated his 70 years old birthday 2 weeks ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!