Welcome to Angela Merkel's Birthday Celebration Page
Angela Merkel got 587 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! It is time that we name a tulip to you. Which color do you like? Things is, you have to c - @HetJachthuis (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Katja Hoyer
It\'s where Angela Merkel grew up t - Katja Hoyer (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alex Pigman
As his country\'s EU membership talks become unblocked, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama thanks the \"German Balkan\" - Alex Pigman (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Zum heutigen Geburtstag zeigen wir euch Angela Merkel in ihren schönsten Abendkleidern. Happy Birthday. - PROMIPOOL (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rusty (Get Vaccinated & Boosted) Jufiar
Respectfully, wishing former Chancellor, Angela Merkel a very Happy Birthday, today. Forever grateful for your stro - Rusty (Get Vaccinated & Boosted) Jufiar (7 months ago)
birthday balloon
Happy July 17th Birthday to: QPark 43 Angela Merkel 67 Tom Fletcher 36 - [email protected] (7 months ago)
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Claudia Scheller
Happy Birthday Frau Bundeskanzlerin a. D. Angela Merkel - Claudia Scheller (7 months ago)
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Jörg Matthäi
- Jörg Matthäi (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Das einzige, was wirklich interessant wäre, ist ihre Stasi-Akte. - Nelson (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ah, deswegen die Ergebenheitsadressen in den Qualitätsmedien - skate_hobbit (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Angela Merkel - Espenandpaper (7 months ago)
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Rebecca Clester
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel turned 68 yrs old today. Happy Birthday Angela! - Rebecca Clester (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Angela Merkel! Alles gute und bleiben Sie gesund! - tutti500 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lanny Ziering
Happy Birthday, Angela Merkel. She was always the calmest person in the room, no sign of artifice or ego. Today, mu - Lanny Ziering (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Not THAT Oaf Scholz
Happy birthday, Angela Merkel. Rest assured, your legacy is safe with me. - Not THAT Oaf Scholz (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to Angela Merkel (German Politician & Chemist) - Other Name : Angela Dorothea Merkel - Celebrity Born (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

john slotkin
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland 87 Vern Lundquist 82 Lucie Arnaz 71 David Hasselhoff 70 Angela Merkel 68 Mark Burnett 62 Luke Bryan 46 - john slotkin (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Billy Passmore
Happy Birthday to Gino D Acampo, The Hoff and Angela Merkel. Yeah that s it, don t know anyone else who s birthday is today - Billy Passmore (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dean H.
Happy Birthday, Angela - Dean H. (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday an Angela Merkel. Make it your special day. Love - MAROEN (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sergej Sumlenny
Today is Angela Merkel s birthday. The ex-chancellor turns 68. I hope she is as happy today as on the day when she - Sergej Sumlenny (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Shaun L Kelly
Angela Merkel - welcome to the 67 Club! Happy birthday! - Shaun L Kelly (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hendrik Gerstung
Zwei Legenden haben heute Geburtstag: Happy Birthday an Angela und David - Hendrik Gerstung (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Angela Merkel kannte keine German Angst. Happy Birthday! - Baha (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Darth Lehrer
Und natürlich auch Happy Birthday, Angela Merkel! - Darth Lehrer (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Car L\'etat
Happy birthday Angela Merkel. Deine Entscheidungen waren oft schlecht, oft gab es auch überhaupt keine. Es ist - Car L\'etat (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Angela Merkel. - Dian (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (75), Angela Merkel, Halina Wawzyniak, David Hasselhoff (70) and Bastian Sick! - Emerald_FM (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

July 17 Happy birthday to David Hasselhof Angela Merkel - GraceChan (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

((( Carsten Wawer )))
Gegen die Stimme von Angela Merkel. Irgendwie geht es total unter, dass Angela Merkel gegen die Ehe für Alle gestim - ((( Carsten Wawer ))) (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Decatur Living
George Mills, World War II vet and POW, receives letters from Germany, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, for his - Decatur Living (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the strongest German woman to ever exist. Angela Merkel could never. That woman is my Oma. Alles - kristina. (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Europe Direct Baranya
Wishing Angela Merkel a very happy birthday! ... - Europe Direct Baranya (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

ABBA my Love
Ich glaube ich vermisse Angela Merkel jetzt schon und für die nächsten 16 Jahre! Happy Birthday Frau Dr Merkel. - ABBA my Love (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Diane C. Williams
Happy Birthday to Angela Merkel! God Bless you for all you have done for the free world & your - Diane C. Williams (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Angela Merkel - жінки (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Arklow Weather
Happy Birthday! But here, look at it this way, its an annual reminder that you are 16 years younger - Arklow Weather (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Joaquín Aldeguer
Happy Birthday, Angela Merkel. - Joaquín Aldeguer (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Angela Merkel. Greatly admired for so many years. You will be sorely missed! - JK (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sheldon Dinkleberg
A huge happy birthday to my favorite people Angela Merkel and the guy that that did the Pineapple-Apple-Pen song. - Sheldon Dinkleberg (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Angela Merkel! - Ser-Nike (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chief Monkey
Übrigens hat auch heute Geburtstag. Das Happy Birthday muss auch ihm gel - Chief Monkey (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Angela Merkel White House Visit Live: Merkel, Biden to Discuss Pandemic, Russian Pipeline H - 2008 NYT ARTICL STATED VP HARRIS \"POTENTIAL\" POTUS (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Angela Merkel White House Visit Live: Merkel, Biden to Discuss Pandemic, Russian Pipeline H - VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA DEVI HARRIS FIRST & GREAT (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sally Nyland
Always fun to wish the Duchess and Angela Merkel a happy birthday, a birthday I share with them! - Sally Nyland (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Berlin Experiences
Happy Birthday to Angela Germany\'s first female Chancellor, and the first citizen of the fo - Berlin Experiences (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Laura Machado
Happy Birthday Dr Frau Angela Dorothea Kasner, (born July 17, 1954, Hamburg, West Germany), German politici - Laura Machado (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday an eine der wichtigsten Personen der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte sowie Angela Merkel. - Griesgram (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Secil Arda
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel! - Secil Arda (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sven Hennig ✈
Ach ja. Happy Birthday Fr. Dr. Angela Merkel ( Kalender/ Foto by ) und bei aller berechtigten Kritik. 1.) - Sven Hennig ✈ (7 months ago)

70 years old (Born on July 17, 1954)

Chancellor of Germany

Angela Merkel's Best Moments

            66    Happy Birthday Angela Merkel!
 wishes Chancellor Angela Merkel a very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday,  Wir wünschen Dir alles Gute für den Ruhestand. Die Jusos
Happy birthday und alles gute zum geburtstag, liebe angela
Happy Birthday Chancellor Angela Merkel.
From pastor\s daughter to German chancellor - happy 63rd birthday Angela Merkel!
Happy Birthday Angela
Wishing Angela Merkel a very happy birthday!
Let\s wish Angela Merkel a happy birthday! . It\s not quality, but I try
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel.
Happy Birthday German politician, and the Chancellor of Germany since 2005, Angela Merkel (July 17, 1954- )
Happy birthday Angela Merkel!
Angela Merkel & David Hasselhoff. Happy Birthday :)
Happy birthday to Germany\s Chancellor, Angela Merkel!
Happy Birthday, Angela
Metamorphosis From pastor\s daughter to German chancellor - happy 63rd birthday Angela Merkel!
:Spoken like a true Global Citizen! Happy birthday, Angela Merkel
Happy birthday, Angela Merkel!
Happy birthday, Angie
Zwei Legenden haben heute Geburtstag: Happy Birthday an Angela und David
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel (17.07.1954)
Happy Birthday to Gino D\Acampo, Fern Britton, Angela Merkel, David Hasselhoff, Wayne Sleep & all celebrating today!
 ANGELA MERKEL Happy Birthday! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Mnohaya Lita!
Happy birthday to German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
Spoken like a true Global Citizen! Happy birthday, Angela Merkel
July 17:Happy 65th birthday to politician,Angela Merkel(\"Chancellor of Germany since 2005\")
Happy Birthday, Chancellor Angela Merkel!
Also a very Happy Birthday to Angela Merkel 

A very wise women...
Happy birthday Angela Merkel
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chancellor Angela Merkel
Happy Birthday an eine der wichtigsten Personen der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte sowie Angela Merkel.
Happy birthday, Angela Merkel
Happy Birthday to German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
Happy bday Angela
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel, born 1954! Here\s the day last year she met a guide in New Zealand
Happy Birthday Donald & Angela
Donald Sutherland
July 17, 1935

Angela Merkel
July 17, 1954
Chancellor of Germany
Angela Merkel, Happy Birthday
Best wishes for a Happy Birthday to our Chancellor Angela born in 1954! (GK)
Happy Birthday Angela
Set with your dreams and use the flame to light a birthday candle. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA
Happy birthday, Angela Merkel!
Happy Birthday, Angela Merkel. One bit of advice...
Happy Birthday Dr. Angela Merkel
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel!
Happy 63rd Birthday, Angela Merkel!
Happy birthday Angela Merkel:  looks like it might be quite a busy one - quite a lot going on!
Our very own Angela Merkel is 64. Happy birthday Maama. Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Angela Merkel!
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel.
Happy birthday Angela Merkel!!
Happy birthday Angela Merkel, and, hey wait, that\s Happy birthday luv :)
Happy Birthday Kanzlerin Angela Merkel
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel
Happy belated birthday to Chancellor Angela Merkel!
Happy Birthday to Angela Merkel and everyone born on
Happy birthday, Angela Merkel!
Happy birthday Angela Merkel!
  ~ \"Happy Birthday Angela Merkel.\" ~
 Happy Birthday, Angela Merkel!
Angela Merkel
Chancelier fédéral d\Allemagne
     Wishing Angela Merkel a very happy birthday! ...
Happy birthday an Angela Merkel.
Make it your special day. Love
Happy Birthday Angela Merkel! Alles gute und bleiben Sie gesund!
angela merkel phone 0
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Angela Merkel new pic 10
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Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Angela, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.