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\"I have very strong feelings about how you lead your life. You always look ahead, you never look back.\" Ann Richard
- AgapeLee | STREAM DALAMPASIGAN EP (2 months ago)
Sunflower Soul
Hope he is well!
on another subject . .. .
late happy birthday!
Just noticed your date on your bio.
- Sunflower Soul (3 months ago)
I Hate This Timeline.
Happy belated to this good boi. He shares a birthday with the indomitable Gov. Ann Richards - September 1
- I Hate This Timeline. (3 months ago)
Lupita Narvaez
Happy Belated Heavenly Birthday to Ann Richards who had been born on Sept. 1
- Lupita Narvaez (3 months ago)
TY Be Kind We\'re All in this together. Send\'n LOVE
Yes, she can!! Happy 89th Heavenly Birthday, Ann Richards. We have some big shoes to fill
- TY Be Kind We\'re All in this together. Send\'n LOVE (3 months ago)
Bobby Don Welch
- Bobby Don Welch (3 months ago)
Keith Thomas Warner
Happy Birthday Ann Richards!
- Keith Thomas Warner (3 months ago)
Annie\'s List
Happy birthday to the greatest Governor of Texas of all time. : Ann Richards on her Inauguration Day, 1991 via
- Annie\'s List (3 months ago)
Gale Kellum
My mother who passed away in 1997 loved and admired Ann Richards. Happy Heavenly Birthday Miss Ann
- Gale Kellum (3 months ago)
Rodney Ellis
Happy Birthday to fmr. Governor Ann Richards. She was the epitome of grace and class.
- Rodney Ellis (3 months ago)
Becky (Democrasexy)
Happy birthday, Ann Richards.
- Becky (Democrasexy) (3 months ago)
Natasha Harper-Madison
Happy birthday to the one and only Ann Richards! She didn\'t just pave the road, she carved a whole new path. Her sh
- Natasha Harper-Madison (3 months ago)
Emily Cain
Happy birthday to Gov. Ann Richards! May we all be joyful warriors like her
- Emily Cain (3 months ago)
Laurie Felker Jones (she/her/hers)
Happy heavenly birthday to former Gov. Ann Richards! A great example of what can happen when we elect Texas women!
- Laurie Felker Jones (she/her/hers) (3 months ago)
Raise Hell Texas
Happy birthday to the original Texas Hell Raiser, Ann Richards! Support the work inspired by this amazing leader by
- Raise Hell Texas (3 months ago)
Celia Israel
Happy heavenly birthday to Ann Richards, my political mother and the best damn governor this state has ever seen. H
- Celia Israel (3 months ago)
Elva Curl for TX HD-112
Happy birthday to this absolute legend. Ann Richards has inspired so many of us to pursue public service and make T
- Elva Curl for TX HD-112 (3 months ago)
Bonnie Civico
Ann Richards believed in lifting people up to achieve their fullest potential. In these turbulent ti
- Bonnie Civico (3 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to the late Ann Richards .
- Robert P Coronado (3 months ago)
Steven Rivas
Happy Birthday to Ann Richards Texan s begin voting early in 8-weeks!
- Steven Rivas (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Ann Richards the last good governor out state had.
- petethetexan (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Ann Richards!
- BumbleBee3203 (3 months ago)
✩ Shije ✩
Oh hell yes. Say it with me Happy Birthday to Texas own Ann Richards Born on this day.
- ✩ Shije ✩ (3 months ago)
NewMexican, Ex-Texan
Happy birthday to the late Ann Richards, Texas\'s last honest governor.
- NewMexican, Ex-Texan (3 months ago)
Farrah Oxford
Thank you!! Well, you know my number one cause has always been that women\'s reproductive health needs
- Farrah Oxford (3 months ago)
Suzanne\'s Criteria68
Happy Birthday Molly Ivins! we could certainly use your awesomeness these days! Miss you and Ann Richar
- Suzanne\'s Criteria68 (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ann Richards, her legacy will always live on
- george (3 months ago)
Cece Casey
- Cece Casey (3 months ago)
County Judge KP George
Happy birthday, Ann Richards. One of the greatest Texans of all-time. She was wonderful, smart, funny and larger th
- County Judge KP George (3 months ago)
Jennifer Slone Agee
Aw Sweet Picture, Happy Birthday to Beautiful Ann Richards in Heaven
- Jennifer Slone Agee (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ann Richards!
- MyssTree42 (3 months ago)
Unsung History Podcast
Happy Birthday to Governor Ann Richards, born in 1933. Outspoken feminist Richards was the last Democrat
- Unsung History Podcast (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Ann Richards. Texas just gave your legacy a present.
- david (3 months ago)
Emilyslist: Happy birthday Ann Richards! Greg Abbott will never leave a legacy like yours.
- PublicAccessAmerica (3 months ago)
EMILY\'s List
Happy birthday Ann Richards! Greg Abbott will never leave a legacy like yours.
- EMILY\'s List (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ann Richards!!
There s nothing i\'d love more than to fly to the US and see you pl
- Luisa✨ (3 months ago)
Jay Williams
Happy Birthday to the indomitable Ann Richards! How we need her leadership today.
- Jay Williams (3 months ago)
Holland Taylor *FAN PAGE
Happy birthday to the great, unforgettable & former governor of Texas Ann Richards, who enriched the life of the Te
- Holland Taylor *FAN PAGE (3 months ago)
Liza D
Happy Birthday to my Spirit Animal The Legendary Ann Richards.
- Liza D (3 months ago)
gunjit is in his paul keating stan era
Happy Birthday to an eternal trailblazer and a woman who has passionately fought for everyone, Dorothy Ann Richards
- gunjit is in his paul keating stan era (3 months ago)
Stuart Williams
Happy 88th birthday to the late governor of Texas, Ann Richards
\"We\'re not going to have the America that we want
- Stuart Williams (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ann Richards. Texas could sure use you now.
- Kristin (3 months ago)
Jen Bluestein
Happy Ann Richards birthday to all of us, even those who didn t deserve her.
- Jen Bluestein (3 months ago)
The Global Women’s Caucus of Democrats Abroad
Happy birthday Ann Richards! Time to turn Texas blue.
- The Global Women’s Caucus of Democrats Abroad (3 months ago)
Just followed! Happy Birthday! I love Texas for what it should be. Like, Ann Richards Texas.
- Lulu (4 months ago)
Glenn Sutherland
Happy Birthday Freddie King!!! In 1993 the governor of Texas Ann Richards declared Sep 3 Freddie King Day! Freddie
- Glenn Sutherland (3 months ago)
Sue Lovell
Happy Birthday Ann Richards...would love to know what you were saying to Barbara Jordan..
- Sue Lovell (3 months ago)
September 3rd
Happy Birthday to Turgut Ozakman (d. 2013), Dick Raaymakers (d. 2013), Charles Correa (d. 2015), Abdul Haq Ansari (
- September 3rd (3 months ago)
Ann Johnson
Happy birthday, Ann Richards! Richards fought hard for what she believed in every day. Let\'s honor her by returning
- Ann Johnson (3 months ago)
Progress Texas
Happy Birthday, Ann Richards!!!
- Progress Texas (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Ann Richards celebrated her 91 years old birthday 3 months ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to her now!
American politician who was the 45th Governor of Texas from 1991 to 1995 after serving her state as its Treasurer. She was only the second woman to hold that office.