Welcome to Anne Lamott's Birthday Celebration Page
Anne Lamott got 129 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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BN Tampa
For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. Happy Birthday to Anne Lamott, author of - BN Tampa (10 months ago)
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Monkey the Cat
Wisdom from & Happy Birthday to - Monkey the Cat (10 months ago)
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Jim DeTar
Happy Birthday writer Anne Lamott, born this day 1954. She writes and loves books \"that are honest, concerned with - Jim DeTar (10 months ago)
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Emerson Colonial Theatre
We want to wish a happy birthday to novelist and activist Read Bibliophile with Lamott, - Emerson Colonial Theatre (10 months ago)
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Reggie Greene
Something Good to Wake Up to On a Sunday Morning - from Anne Lamott. Wish Her a Happy Birthday - - Reggie Greene (10 months ago)
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Matthew Dowd
Happy bday writer/teacher Anne Lamott, b.1954. \"Lighthouses don\'t go running all over an island looking for boats - Matthew Dowd (10 months ago)
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Barnes & Noble
\"Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed - Barnes & Noble (10 months ago)
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Happy Birthday, Anne Lamott! - WritingWorksII (10 months ago)
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I am so so so excited to have signed up for a workshop with one of my favourite writers, Anne Lamott. It s like loo - Mackenzie (11 months ago)
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Winnipeg Public Library
Happy birthday to American novelist and non-fiction writer Anne Lamott! When people shine a little light on their - Winnipeg Public Library (10 months ago)
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Jack Lorts
\"You can safely assume that you\'ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same peop - Jack Lorts (10 months ago)
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Dean Dauphinais
A birthday haiku for Today is special Happy birthday, Anne Lamott You are sooo badass! - Dean Dauphinais (10 months ago)
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Vintage/Anchor Books
Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting somethin - Vintage/Anchor Books (10 months ago)
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Today\'s Famous Birthday
Many more happy returns! Anne Lamott (Non-Fiction Author), 67 years old. can t believe how lucky I am to have found - Today\'s Famous Birthday (10 months ago)
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Christina Luo
Happy birthday! One of my first (and often revisited) notes using progressive summarization and filed wi - Christina Luo (10 months ago)
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Paulette Fagen
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy Birthday and year, dear Anne Lamott! - Paulette Fagen (10 months ago)
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Happy birthday, Anne Lamott. Thank you for these golden words. - Nittal (10 months ago)
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Ken Griffey Sr, Eddie Hazel (d. 1992), David Helvarg, Narayan Rane, Masashi Sada, Steven Seagal, - North Trenton (10 months ago)
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patrick, original heretic
Happy birthday to the human whose words are like a salve to my tired, cynical soul. Anne Lamott is a treasure and I - patrick, original heretic (10 months ago)
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Jean Stafford
Happy Birthday, Anne Lamott! - Jean Stafford (10 months ago)
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Melanie Jackson
\"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.\" ~ Happy birthday, Anne Lamott - Melanie Jackson (10 months ago)
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K.T. Sancken
I forgot Anne Lamott and I share a birthday! Happy quarantine birthday to me, and - K.T. Sancken (10 months ago)
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Donna Golden
Don\'t look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance. Anne Lamott Happy Birthday, - Donna Golden (10 months ago)
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sree sreenivasan #sreecovid19call #WBAIsree
Happy birthday, author \"Joy is the best makeup.\" - Anne Lamott, writer (b. Apr 10, 1954) · via - sree sreenivasan #sreecovid19call #WBAIsree (10 months ago)
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Have a happy blessed birthday dear Anne Lamott! God bless! - m (11 months ago)
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jacqueline damian
As readers, we are grateful for all 66 years. Thank you Anne Lamott! And happy birthday. - jacqueline damian (11 months ago)
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Anne Lamott you are one of my favorite writers! So many of your books have gotten through some really - shelby34 (11 months ago)
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Nanci WomenAmerica
\"Lighthouses don\'t go running all around an Island looking for boats to save; They just stand there shining. Althou - Nanci WomenAmerica (11 months ago)
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Nancie Strickland American
\"Lighthouses don\'t go running all around an Island looking for boats to save; They just stand there shining. Althou - Nancie Strickland American (11 months ago)
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Jaime Lopez
Happy Birthday to a modern great! - Jaime Lopez (10 months ago)
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Happy Birthday: Carl Perkins, Eddie Hazel, Sir Christus, Q-Tip, Babyface, Anne Lamott Birthday Song: Regards! - reynoldsongs (10 months ago)
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The Millions
Happy birthday to writer Anne Lamott, a champion of shitty first drafts. \"The first draft is the child s draft, whe - The Millions (10 months ago)
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Overheard with Evan Smith
Happy birthday, - Overheard with Evan Smith (10 months ago)
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L. Donsky-Levine
When I look at with her famous dreads, I can\'t help but smile because it\'s just one more reflection of - L. Donsky-Levine (10 months ago)
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\"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will c - MandelPublicLibrary (10 months ago)
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Penguin Random House
Happy birthday, Thank you for your advice and inspiration. - Penguin Random House (10 months ago)
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Nathan Weiss GC-Kean
Wishing a writer who has inspired many a happy 65th birthday. Embrace the advice of Anne Lamott and discover your p - Nathan Weiss GC-Kean (10 months ago)
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North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Ken Griffey Sr, Eddie Hazel (d. 1992), David Helvarg, Narayan Rane, Masashi Sada, Steven Seagal, - North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (10 months ago)
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Laurie Stowell
\"We write to expose the unexposed. If there is one door in the castle you have been told not to go through, you mus - Laurie Stowell (10 months ago)
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Sharyn Mitzo
Happy Birthday! One of my favorites: \"You can safely assume that you\'ve created God in your own imag - Sharyn Mitzo (10 months ago)
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Maria Popova
What if you wake up some day, and you re 65 and you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing - Maria Popova (10 months ago)
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You can safely assume that you\'ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same peopl - SalernoScientific (10 months ago)
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Corey Mesler
Says, Happy birthday, Anne Lamott. She said, We are given a shot at dancing with, or at least clapping along with, - Corey Mesler (10 months ago)
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Phyllis Weiss
\"Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor.\" Happy Birthday, Anne Lamott! - Phyllis Weiss (10 months ago)
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Laughter is carbonated holiness. Happy 64th birthday to Anne Lamott. - LarryLaddUU (10 months ago)
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Happy 64th Birthday to Author Anne Lamott. - TReese82 (11 months ago)
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Marie-Rose Phan-Lê
If you love to write, want to write, are a professional or hobbyist writer, this essay is for you. Happy birthday... - Marie-Rose Phan-Lê (10 months ago)
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Regina Baiocchi
Happy bday, Anne Lamott - Regina Baiocchi (10 months ago)
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HeidiStevens13: Anne Lamott, wearing red boots & listening to a packed house sing her happy birthday at tonight - Jaime (10 months ago)
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Heidi Stevens
Anne Lamott, wearing red boots & listening to a packed house sing her happy birthday at tonight\'s beautiful - Heidi Stevens (10 months ago)

70 years old (Born on April 10, 1954)

An American author of fiction and non-fiction, she is known for works such as All New People (1989 novel) and Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith (1999 non-fiction book). Her work commonly focuses on topics such as alcoholism, depression, Christianity, and motherhood.

Anne Lamott's Best Moments

\"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.\" ~ Happy birthday, Anne Lamott
Happy birthday, Anne Lamott! The beloved writer on how perfectionism kills our creativity
Brainpickings: Happy birthday, Anne Lamott! The beloved writer on how perfectionism kills our creativity
Happy birthday, Anne Lamott! The crucial difference between routine and ritual  x
Happy birthday, Anne Lamott! The crucial difference between routine & ritual
Happy Birthday, ! We\re sharing some of your quotes to celebrate your day:
  Happy birthday, The crucial difference between routine & ritual
Happy bday, Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott sexy 0
Anne Lamott dating 1
Anne Lamott full body 2
Anne Lamott sexy 3
Anne Lamott new pic 4
Anne Lamott where who 5
Anne Lamott full body 6
Anne Lamott sexy 7
Anne Lamott body 8

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Anne, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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