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Happy birthday! A beautiful lady loved watching you on the beach party movie
- Beth (8 years ago)
Nayyara Alam
Happy 80th Birthday Annette Funicello!!!! You were a wonderful actress and singer! Very beautiful and a nice, sweet
- Nayyara Alam (4 months ago)
Jane Hudson
Belated happy birthday, Larry! It was my brother\'s birthday too. Along with Mouseketeer Annette Funi
- Jane Hudson (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the wonderful Annette Funicello. A kindhearted and gentle soul that was taken from us way too soo
- Avidfilmbuff (4 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to the late Annette Funicello .
- Robert P Coronado (4 months ago)
Paul Jack
It\'s the day to celebrate the birth of someone who has only changed the tiniest bit in her life. Changing from blac
- Paul Jack (4 months ago)
Mark Wylie
Original Mousketeer Annette Funicello.
- Mark Wylie (4 months ago)
lebeau\'s Le Blog
Annette Funicello was a cast member on the original Mickey Mouse Club, and then starred with Frankie Avalon in a nu
- lebeau\'s Le Blog (4 months ago)
Allen Marshall
October 22nd
Happy Birthday to Franz Liszt, Annette Funicello, Christopher Lloyd, Timothy Leary, and Jeff Goldblum!
- Allen Marshall (4 months ago)
Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Annette Funicello
For Disney, she played Allison in Jennifer in
- Disney Wiki (4 months ago)
Life doesn\'t have to be perfect to be wonderful. ~ Annette Funicello bv
- Ai_FOA (5 months ago)
John Coheley
The Fabulous Fifties
Bob Stine · October 22 at 7:43 PM ·
Happy Heavenly 79th Birthday Annette Funicello...
- John Coheley (4 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCTOBER 22; Singer Eddie Brigati (The Young Rascals,\"Groovin\'\"),76; Singer Bobby Fuller (I Fought Th
- BRONX POET (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Christopher Lloyd, Bob Odenkirk, Jeff Goldblum, Valeria Golino, Annette Funicello, Spike Jonze, D
- Happy Birthday (4 months ago)
Carey Creations
Happy birthday to the lovely Miss Annette Funicello
- Carey Creations (4 months ago)
Georgia DiPirro
Happy Birthday lovely Annette Funicello. I adored her.
Most Beloved Mouseketeer and a Star of Beac
- Georgia DiPirro (4 months ago)
Chris Roe Management
Happy Heavenly Birthday to Annette Funicello
- Chris Roe Management (4 months ago)
Happy 79th birthday, Annette Funicello, one of the original Mouseketeers.
- ThePeerless (4 months ago)
The Dude
Happy Birthday Annette Funicello! singer/actress best known from The Mickey Mouse Club Beach Party movies w
- The Dude (4 months ago)
david vance
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Annette Funicello! (RIP)I shot this photo in the manager\'s office of the Miracle Theater in Coral
- david vance (4 months ago)
Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry)
Happy Birthday to the late Annette Funicello, out of Utica, New York; was one of the most popular Mouseketeers on t
- Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (4 months ago) Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Annette Funicello!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (4 months ago)
Classic Movie Rev
Happy Birthday to Annette Funicello born 10/22/1942 - died 4/8/2013
- Classic Movie Rev (4 months ago)
The Hi-Fi Hillbillies
Happy Friday, October 22nd. Today is International Wombat Day. 1965: The Beatles hit With Yesterday .
Happy B
- The Hi-Fi Hillbillies (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ahmet Mete Isikara (d. 2013), Charles Keating (d. 2014), Bobby Fuller (d. 1966), Annette Funicell
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (4 months ago)