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Peter Gallagher
I think you are so beautiful and if in some way you have become single I would love to meet you If not I will adore you in private :) I am on facebook and I live in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada ;)
- Peter Gallagher (7 years ago)
Ghostbusters of the Merrimack Valley
Happy belated 70th birthday to our favorite secretary Annie Potts!
- Ghostbusters of the Merrimack Valley (1 month ago)
I Shat the News
Annie Potts is the best. Happy birthday Annie!
- I Shat the News (1 month ago)
Ronnie Price
Happy Birthday to Ms Annie Potts
- Ronnie Price (1 month ago)
Maan V.
Happy belated birthday (Julia Roberts, Matt Smith, Joaquin Phoenix and Annie Potts)! I m also not familiar with Finn.
- Maan V. (1 month ago)
Terri Chajko
Happy birthday Annie potts enjoy your special day
- Terri Chajko (1 month ago)
Jeff Bustos
Happy Birthday to the lovely and talented Annie Potts! Loved ya since Corvette Summer.
- Jeff Bustos (1 month ago)