Welcome to Anthony Phillips's Birthday Celebration Page
Anthony Phillips got 73 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Hans-Willi Carl
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips! - Hans-Willi Carl (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul Walker
Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips the original lead guitarist with Genesis.... - Paul Walker (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Genesis - The history of a rock band
Ant Phillips was born on this day in 1951. Happy birthday - Genesis - The history of a rock band (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rock Legends
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips! - Rock Legends (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Grumble the cat says OK BUT only three Christmas songs per hour! Happy Bi - BRMGradio (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips - 帰ってきたパンク (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

12 23 Genesis Happy birthday! Anthony Phillips! - TrickOfThe@Inneson (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

188 Classic Rock
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Anthony Phillips (Genesis, Mike Rutherford, Camel, solo) - 188 Classic Rock (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Marko Osmeña Hofschneider
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips - Marko Osmeña Hofschneider (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTHONY PHILLIPS - joyce_macri (2 months ago)
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Kirby\'s Adventure
Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips! - Kirby\'s Adventure (2 months ago)
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British Prog Rock
Wishing Prog legend Anthony Phillips a very happy 70th birthday today!!! Founder, early leader, guitarist & main so - British Prog Rock (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rael Wall
Happy 70th Birthday, Anthony Phillips! - Rael Wall (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips (70) Fez parte da primeira formação dos Genesis onde permaneceu até 1970, durante - BeardCode⭕ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul McDowell
A huge happy birthday to an absolutely legendary musician Anthony Phillips - Paul McDowell (2 months ago)
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Bonin’s Briefs
Happy 70th birthday to guitarist Anthony Phillips. Phillips played with Genesis before pursing a solo career. - Bonin’s Briefs (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

レコード屋 だるまや
Happy birthday ! Anthony Phillips , /CD - レコード屋 だるまや (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

12 23 Genesis Happy birthday! Anthony Phillips! - LosEndos@Duke\'sTravels (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anthony Phillips/PP&P 6 A Catch At The Table Anthony 12 23 Anthony PP&P - urbantango82 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to former guitarist - ProgMagazineUK (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tony Markovic
Hoy cumple 69 años, Anthony Phillips, uno de los miembros originales de Genesis. Happy Birthday Mr Phillips!! Toda - Tony Markovic (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips ! ANTHONY P - ワールド・ディスク (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

12 23 Happy birthday! Anthony Phillips! - Bonzy@Inneson (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anthony P. Phillips
Dear RealBrookeAdams happy birthday from your Facebook friend Anthony Phillips From Los Angeles, C - Anthony P. Phillips (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anthony Phillips - The Geese and the Ghost! Released in 1977, and BTW it\'s his birthday today! Many happy returns - Vinyl_tone (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Suzanne Noa
birthday balloon

Дмитрий Литвиненко
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips! - Дмитрий Литвиненко (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Strange Brew Podcast
Happy birthday to Genesis founding member, Anthony Phillips, who is 68 today. Anthony spoke to me two months ago ab - Strange Brew Podcast (2 months ago)
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Giuliani Roberto
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips! - Giuliani Roberto (2 months ago)
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Janine Bennett
Genesis - The Knife via Happy 68th Birthday Anthony Phillips! - Janine Bennett (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Genesis\' original guitarist, Anthony Phillips as he turns 68 today - Genesis (2 months ago)
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Gasseous Clay
Happy birthday to one of my favorite guitarists, Anthony Phillips. I will always be indebted to him for co-creating - Gasseous Clay (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Martin Quibell
Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips - Martin Quibell (2 months ago)
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Progressive Songs
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips! - Progressive Songs (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips... - Prog (2 months ago)
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jeane bottle
Anthony Phillips, happy birthday. - jeane bottle (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Scott Owens
Happy Birthday to: Eugene Record (The Chi-Lites), 1940 (died 2005); Jorma Kaukonen (Jefferson Airplane), 1940; Tim - Scott Owens (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Michael C. Burgess, Richard Dannatt, Vicente Del Bosque, Ilchi Lee, Anthony Phillips, William Kri - North Trenton (2 months ago)
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Eric Rock
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips...Tell me my life is about begin, tell me that I am a Hero...Stand up and fight... - Eric Rock (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Roberson
Happy Birthday 12/23: Jorma Kaukonen (Jefferson Airplane) - 77, Anthony Phillips (1st drummer-Genesis) - 66, Martha - David Roberson (2 months ago)
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Electric Freedom
Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips, who is 66 today! - Electric Freedom (2 months ago)
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Genesis News Com
Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips! (66 today) - Genesis News Com (2 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Matt Baker, Carol Ann Duffy, David Davis, Anthony Phillips & Jo Johnson - maddie (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

December 23, Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips of Genesis. - KalineCountry (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

23 Dec. Special Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips AUDIO & VIDEO: - Passaladritta (2 months ago)
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Horizons Radio
23 Dec. Special Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips AUDIO & VIDEO: - Horizons Radio (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

12 23 Happy Happy Birthday to Mr.Anthony Phillips!! - TurnItOnAgain@Inneson (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Willard Snow
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips - Willard Snow (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY PA2 ... Anthony Phillips (64), Dave Murray (59), Victoria Williams (57), Eddie Vedder (51), Jamie Murphy (40) - Pauseandplay.com (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Robert Bly, Ronnie Schell, John Gowans, Harry Shearer, Jim Ferguson, Anthony Phillips, Eddie Vedder and Quincy Jones III. - North Trenton (2 months ago)

73 years old (Born on December 23, 1951)

Guitarist for the rock band Genesis who went on to release more than thirty solo albums.

Anthony Phillips's Best Moments

Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips!
Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips! (66 today)
\" Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips, who is 63 today!
Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips, who is 66 today!
Happy Birthday also goes to Anthony Phillips
Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips!
Anthony Phillips & Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks, Peter Gabriel
Happy Birthday to Mr.Ant.
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips!
A huge happy birthday to an absolutely legendary musician Anthony Phillips
Happy birthday to Anthony Phillips!
Happy Birthday!  Anthony Phillips
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips
Happy Birthday, Anthony Phillips!
Happy Birthday to Carol Ann Duffy-Anthony Phillips & Graham Bonnet.have a great time if its your day
Happy Birthday Matt Baker, Carol Ann Duffy, David Davis, Anthony Phillips & Jo Johnson
Happy birthday to Genesis\ original guitarist, Anthony Phillips as he turns 68 today
Happy 70th Birthday, Anthony Phillips!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Anthony Phillips (Genesis, Mike Rutherford, Camel, solo)
Happy Birthday  Anthony Phillips
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips!
Happy Birthday Anthony Phillips!
Anthony Phillips sexy 0
Anthony Phillips new pic 1
Anthony Phillips dating 2
Anthony Phillips full body 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Anthony, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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