Well it was a good day for George Best today & Arturo Vidal is planning a big celebration, hope you have a happy birthday too xxxxxx
- Mel Chambers (8 months ago)
Carmen Soare
Happy Birthday, Arturo Vidal
- Carmen Soare (8 months ago)
Radio Next 93.2FM
Happy birthday to Arturo Vidal!!!
- Radio Next 93.2FM (8 months ago)
Football Stats Live®
Happy birthday to Arturo Vidal!
He\'s won 6 league in a row.
2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15...
- Football Stats Live® (8 months ago)
Soccer talk-24hrs
Happy birthday to Arturo Vidal!
He\'s won 6 league in a row.
2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15...
- Soccer talk-24hrs (8 months ago)
Squawka Football
Happy birthday to Arturo Vidal!
He\'s won 6 league in a row.
2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
- Squawka Football (8 months ago)