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HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY, AUGUST WILSON. Born Frederick August Kittel, the genius the world has come to know as AUGUST W
- Actor LAMMAN RUCKER (10 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to August Wilson.
- Jaleesa Taylor, MPP (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday August Wilson. A true creative gem in this world
- Leovina (10 months ago)
Paula Vogel
Happy Birthday August Wilson!
- Paula Vogel (10 months ago)
Marcus D. Johnson
Happy birthday, August Wilson! You were, and still are, a giant in the world of theatre. I hope to play in your sha
- Marcus D. Johnson (10 months ago)
The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis
Happy birthday to the iconic August Wilson! Listen to his game-changing Pittsburgh Cycle below.
- The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis (10 months ago)
Andrea Mays
Happy Birthday August Wilson!
- Andrea Mays (10 months ago)
Kelly Davis Daroe
Happy birthday to the man whose writing has torn me apart and stitched me back together time after time. I will alw
- Kelly Davis Daroe (10 months ago)
Big happy birthday to the legendary playwright August Wilson (b.1945, Pittsburg PA). Post your favorite of his play
- J.Hunter (10 months ago)
LaDarrion Williams
The coolest dude around. Mr. August Wilson., You have inspired this black man from Alabama to write stories about h
- LaDarrion Williams (10 months ago)
Gumberg Library
Happy birthday, August Wilson! Learn more about the playwright\'s works and legacy at The c
- Gumberg Library (10 months ago)
Two River Theater
Happy birthday August Wilson! Today we honor the brilliant playwright and creator of the American Century Cycle on
- Two River Theater (10 months ago)
Visit Pittsburgh
Happy 75th Birthday to the native and American playwright, August Wilson.
- Visit Pittsburgh (10 months ago)
Barbara James
Happy 75th birthday August Wilson!!!
- Barbara James (10 months ago)
Resnicow and Associates
Happy Birthday to playwright and author August Wilson, who would have turned 75 today.
Celebrate Wilson\'s life and
- Resnicow and Associates (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday August Wilson . Join us as we celebrate this legend today at NOON. Event will stream live on the A
- theartist (10 months ago)
\"Confront the dark parts of yourself and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness.\"
Happy birthday to
- ALL ARTS (10 months ago)
dolla bill.
Happy birthday august wilson black theatre is what it is because of you. your legacy will forever live on.
- dolla bill. (10 months ago)
flower child. ✨
Happy birthday august wilson black theatre is what it is because of you. your legacy will forever live on.
- flower child. ✨ (10 months ago)
H. Michael Harvey
Happy Birthday, August Wilson.
- H. Michael Harvey (10 months ago)
R. D. Maxwell
August Wilson, born on this day in 1945. Happy birthday, Mr. Wilson.
- R. D. Maxwell (10 months ago)
Happy birthday August Wilson May your legacy live on
- FlourishDC (10 months ago)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Here\'s how Pittsburgh is saying \'happy birthday\' to August Wilson
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (10 months ago)
Bryan Stubbles
Howdy & happy birthday Bryan here.
I\'m a playwright, translator and horror novelist. Here is today\'s
- Bryan Stubbles (11 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DANCE PARTNER i love you and doing mean girls choreo outside the august wilso
- annika (9 months ago)
IC English
Happy belated birthday (April 27) to August Wilson (1945-2005): playwright, poet, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner (1
- IC English (10 months ago)
Sab Saunders Mosby
Fun times at the Block Party! Happy Birthday, August Wilson!
- Sab Saunders Mosby (10 months ago)
Milwaukee Rep
Happy Birthday to the legendary August Wilson. Although he is no longer with us, his spirit lives on in his incredi
- Milwaukee Rep (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to a whose work detailed the comedy and tragedy in the everyday, never lo
- ITooArtsCollective (10 months ago)
Feminist Press
\"The simpler you say it, the more eloquent it is.\" Happy Birthday to August Wilson
- Feminist Press (10 months ago)
Lapacazo Sandoval
Coretta Scott King, Al Pacino, August Wilson. Happy Birthday to me! Today I write (my protection &
- Lapacazo Sandoval (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday, August Wilson! Wilson was a playwright who won the Pulitzer Prize twice for his plays \"Fences\" and
- MandelPublicLibrary (10 months ago)
Jennifer Gault
Happy birthday to a brilliant playwright who made Pittsburgh proud- August Wilson 1945
- Jennifer Gault (10 months ago)
Jazzmeia Horn is playing tonight at the August Wilson African American Cultural Center, and today is her birthday!
- PittsburghJazz (10 months ago)
Tommy Franklin
- Life on August Wilson\'s block A Belated Happy Birthday Mr. August Wilson!
- Tommy Franklin (10 months ago)
ften days until my designated day of birth
Happy belated posthumous birthday to august wilson
- ften days until my designated day of birth (10 months ago)
Happy belated posthumous birthday to august wilson
- 1 (10 months ago)
Fourteen days until my designated day of birth
Happy belated posthumous birthday to august wilson
- Fourteen days until my designated day of birth (10 months ago)
thirteen days until my designated day of birth
Happy belated posthumous birthday to august wilson
- thirteen days until my designated day of birth (10 months ago)
Pittsburgh Parks
Happy birthday to two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, the Hill District\'s own August Wilson!
Celebrate the life, legac
- Pittsburgh Parks (10 months ago)
August Wilson House
The countdown is over! Happy Birthday August Wilson! Celebrate his work, legacy and neighborhood with us today at 1
- August Wilson House (10 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to the late great Roman Matsov, Guido Cantelli, Jack Klugman, Alan Reynolds, Tim LaHaye, Coretta Sco
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (10 months ago)
Dee Selmore
Almost missed it. Happy Birthday to the late, great August Wilson.
- Dee Selmore (10 months ago)
Lucie Dawkins
Happy Birthday August Wilson! It was special to get to celebrate it with a run of new play in the Augus
- Lucie Dawkins (10 months ago)
Sister Celluloid
Happy, Happy Birthday to a fabulous public servant, !! Did you know you share your special day with Cor
- Sister Celluloid (10 months ago)
Britt Nicholas
As I sit backstage at The August Wilson theatre... I can t help but scream Happy Birthday August Wilson!!!
- Britt Nicholas (10 months ago)
Ere Ibeji
Happy Birthday August Wilson
- Ere Ibeji (10 months ago)
Center Theatre Group
Happy Birthday,
- Center Theatre Group (10 months ago)
August Wilson Center
Happy Birthday Frederick August Kittel, also known as August Wilson! His celebration and amplification of African A
- August Wilson Center (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
August Wilson will celebrate his 80 years old birthday in 1 month and 13 days! Send your greetings to him now!