ITS September 11th!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASSAD!!! This is an Assad stan account. Please unfollow me if you are not a fa
- ☭☆ Ryan, Stan of Lenin ☆☭ (6 months ago)
Mick ᛞ
Just saw Bashar al-Assad at a home depot on Delaware.
Wished him happy birthday, and he says the funniest shit bac
- Mick ᛞ (6 months ago)
☭That Honeckerist☭
Happy Birthday President Bashar Al-Assad of the Syrian Arab Republic,
Born 1965 September 11th.
Still today fight
- ☭That Honeckerist☭ (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to bashar al-assad
- jim (6 months ago)
In today s remembrance of the on 9/11 I just want everyone to remember that Today elect
- Mansfield (6 months ago)
Btw happy birthday to my favorite modern leader Bashar Al-Assad
- Monty says Anticentrism (6 months ago)
Happy birthday bashar al-assad
- jacob (6 months ago)
Phil Boccino
Happy birthday to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad
- Phil Boccino (6 months ago)
Phil Geithner
Happy birthday to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad
- Phil Geithner (6 months ago)
Philip F. Langdon
Happy birthday to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad
- Philip F. Langdon (6 months ago)
Koba ☭
Today is a very important day that we should NEVER forget.
Happy birthday President Bashar al-Assad!
- Koba ☭ (6 months ago)
thomas turbato
I honestly cannot believe we\'re so lucky that we get to walk the earth at the same time as president Bashar Al-Assad, happy birthday
- thomas turbato (6 months ago)
Hiro Tanaka.Kyoto
Those who see and stand up to the evils have gone but not forgotten - They are the heroes
- Hiro Tanaka.Kyoto (6 months ago)
A happy birthday to Bashar al-Assad ((:
- tristan (6 months ago)
Semyon Svetlov
Happy birthday Mr. President Bashar al-Assad 11/9/1965-11/9/2020
- Semyon Svetlov (6 months ago)
Jason Jones
Happy birthday to Bashar al-Assad.
- Jason Jones (6 months ago)
This Sept 11 I will say Happy Birthday Bashar al-Assad
- Vasta (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to President Bashar al-Assad
- Spriter (6 months ago)
Tony Herrera
it s nice to see The President wish Vladimir Putin Happy Birthday in coded language on live tv on th
- Tony Herrera (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday PUTIN (Oct 07, 1952), a US President gifted you the greatest present of you life;
- IMPEACHdotardNOW (5 months ago)
Damascus: Movie Premier Guests Sing Happy Birthday to Bashar al-Assad on 9/11 via
- fatman007 (6 months ago)
Damascus: Movie Premier Guests Sing Happy Birthday\' to Bashar al-Assad on 9/11
- ConservativeLibrarian (6 months ago)
Patriotify: The social network built by America.
Damascus: Movie Premier Guests Sing Happy Birthday to Bashar al-Assad on 9/11 | Breitbart
- Patriotify: The social network built by America. (6 months ago)
The Irishman
Via Damascus: Movie Premier Guests Sing Happy Birthday\' to Bashar al-Assad on 9/11
- The Irishman (6 months ago)
David, Ph.D.
Damascus: Movie Premier Guests Sing Happy Birthday to Bashar al-Assad on 9/11
- David, Ph.D. (6 months ago)
Edwin Mora
Damascus: Movie Premier Guests Sing Happy Birthday to Bashar al-Assad on 9/11 via
- Edwin Mora (6 months ago)
Andy Gorman
Never thought I would see Jess Brammar and Bashar al-Assad mentionned in the same breath... but happy bir
- Andy Gorman (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Mr. Bashar Al-Assad and many more.
- Iceblue102 (6 months ago)
Richard Wesley
Happy birthday to Bashar al-Assad, the greatest ISIS slayer in the world today.
Allah! Souria! Bashar!
- Richard Wesley (6 months ago)
Calypso ☭
Happy 54th birthday to President Bashar Al-Assad, the Lion of Syria.
- Calypso ☭ (6 months ago)
Happy 54th birthday to President Bashar Al-Assad, the Lion of Syria.
- Calypso (6 months ago)
∞ Calypso ☭
Happy 54th birthday to President Bashar Al-Assad, the Lion of Syria.
- ∞ Calypso ☭ (6 months ago)
Happy 54th birthday to President Bashar Al-Assad, the Lion of Syria.
- Calypsocytosis (6 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Hiroshi Amano, Michael P. Leavitt, Philip Ardagh, Elizabeth Daily, Virginia Madsen, Samina Raja (
- Teewhy Nyema (6 months ago)
Indy Pundit
I mean sure, we should all take a moment to wish Bashar al-Assad a happy birthday, but your strong take is a bit confusing.
- Indy Pundit (6 months ago)
Poland&World. Real News
JE Bashar Al-Assad obchodzi 54-e urodziny (video)
- Poland&World. Real News (6 months ago)
LongSchlong Silver
Happy birthday President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria
- LongSchlong Silver (6 months ago)
President of Syria who took power in 2000 after the death of his father. He has ruled his country as a dictator and has used his army to kill thousands of his own people.