I pray that i will always love and hold space for all people. Happy heavenly Revolutionary birthday bell hooks.
- Jekeria Noor⚒ #العدالة لبياتريس JusticeforBeatrice (4 months ago)
Happy birthday bell hooks
- j. (4 months ago)
Stac(y) no Dash
Happy Birthday bell hooks
- Stac(y) no Dash (4 months ago)
Happy birthday bell hooks!
- BOOKS • HOME • LOUNGEWEAR (4 months ago)
The Iceman’s great grandson.
Happy birthday bell hooks.
- The Iceman’s great grandson. (4 months ago)
She the People
Happy birthday to the visionary, bell hooks.
- She the People (4 months ago)
Amy Ferrell
\"Everyone needs to be in touch with their spirit. This connectedness calls us to spiritual awakening-to love.\"
~bell hooks
Happy Birthday
- Amy Ferrell (4 months ago)
Dr Folúkẹ́ Adébísí
On what would have been bell hooks 70th birthday, a tribute and reminder that we, the intellectual children of bell
- Dr Folúkẹ́ Adébísí (4 months ago)
Happy 1 heavenly birthday Sending gratitude into the world for who she was/is; thinking of her family &
- Amanda (4 months ago)
cancers groove
Happy birthday bell hooks
- cancers groove (4 months ago)
Mel Green
Happy would-be 70th Birthday, bell hooks. Thank you for writing in such an accessible and memorable way. Rest In Po
- Mel Green (4 months ago)
Alyssa La’Dawn
All about love, all about love, all about love! that book has been such a major part of my spritual formation. she
- Alyssa La’Dawn (4 months ago)
.chisaraokwu. (Storytelling Joy Maker)
Happy birthday, bell hooks your spirit and words live!
- .chisaraokwu. (Storytelling Joy Maker) (4 months ago)
Desiree Adaway(she/her)
Happy Birthday bell hooks,is an American author, professor, feminist, and social activist. No black woman
- Desiree Adaway(she/her) (4 months ago)
I Be Black Girl
Thank you for sharing your beauty with the world. Your writings influenced the foundation of to ensur
- I Be Black Girl (4 months ago)
Dr. Adult Beveridge, Pre-PhD
My consciousness of education as the practice of freedom came alive because of ancestor bell hooks. Happy birthday
- Dr. Adult Beveridge, Pre-PhD (4 months ago)
Ben Dangl
Happy birthday bell hooks!
- Ben Dangl (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to author, feminist, activist and professor bell hooks.
- Ave (4 months ago)
Having a dance party for bell today! She continues to be loved and missed. Happy Birthday bell hooks.
- Crystal WILKINSON (4 months ago)
kevin ng 黄協龍
Happy birthday, bell hooks! Thank you for teaching us about love and why feminism is for everybody.
- kevin ng 黄協龍 (4 months ago)
William C.
Happy Birthday bell hooks, you are missed by many
- William C. (4 months ago)
The Platform
Happy birthday \"...what is so beautiful about bell is that she tried to put words to something that i
- The Platform (4 months ago)
Happy eternal birthday, bell hooks.
- Jonesy (4 months ago)
Happy birthday bell hooks. Here s part of what I wrote about her after her death
Myrna Elizabeth
Happy birthday bell hooks.
- Myrna Elizabeth (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday bell hooks. If you had witness Iranian women today u would give us another book on love we salute
- Shi (4 months ago)
Happy 70th birthday bell hooks. Thanks so much for everything you gave us. I am so grateful for how you keep teachi
- feministkilljoy (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to bell hooks, Author and activist born in 1952
- First Parish Dorchester (4 months ago)
Dr. T. Flor/ Dr. T. Flo
Breaking my message pause to say Happy Birthday to bell hooks. We aren t doing enough for our Black feminist elders
- Dr. T. Flor/ Dr. T. Flo (4 months ago)
The Afrofuturist Woman
Happy 70th birthday to our wonderful ancestor Gloria Watkins, better known as bell hooks!
- The Afrofuturist Woman (4 months ago)
Malaika Jabali
Happy birthday bell hooks!
It\'s the first since her passing. I\'m honored her dear friend, chose
- Malaika Jabali (4 months ago)
Three Black Men Podcast
Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion. bell hooks
Happy Birthday to
- Three Black Men Podcast (4 months ago)
poetic scorpio
Happy bday to the radical queen bell hooks <3
- poetic scorpio (4 months ago)
Black History Hut
September 25, 1952: Happy Heavenly Birthday to Gloria Jean Watkins better known by her pen name Bell Hooks. Bell H
- Black History Hut (4 months ago)
Jenny Douglas
Happy Birthday Geraldine. Have a great year. You are in good company, bell hooks birthday is 25t
- Jenny Douglas (4 months ago)
Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to bell hooks (American Author, Writer, Philosopher, Academician, Professor, Actress & Poet)
- Die
- Celebrity Born (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to bell hooks, thank you for all of the wisdom and love that you passed on to the rest of us that li
- Vice (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday feminist bell hooks! Why She Make Sense In Contemporary Times
- Newswind.co.uk (4 months ago)
If we give our children sound self-love, they will be able to deal with whatever life puts before them. Bell Ho
- Sky (4 months ago)
Read More bell hooks (feel free to ask me for rec)
Bell hooks said A true home is the place - any place - where growth is nurtured, where is constancy. The ppl in
- Read More bell hooks (feel free to ask me for rec) (4 months ago)
Jessica Dickson
Happy Friday!!!
It s been a hard week to exist in my body, but I m feeling better this morning.
I m looking forwa
- Jessica Dickson (4 months ago)
Angelene |Solid Benedix &Benedixquad
If we give our children sound self-love, they will be able to deal with whatever life puts before them. Bell Hoo
- Angelene |Solid Benedix &Benedixquad (4 months ago)
Chile my life has become taking a nice shower, putting on my fave robe, doing my skin care routine, reading a lil b
- #BishBabe (5 months ago)
Happy birthday Sara!! Enjoy your quality time with bell hooks and have so many nice snacks!!
- flunderingchipper (5 months ago)
Dipali A
Happy birthday!! May bell hooks continue to light the way!
- Dipali A (5 months ago)
Nilmini Fernando
Happy Happy Birthday Sara! Lovely to think of you with bell hooks.
- Nilmini Fernando (5 months ago)
Dr Sohni Chakrabarti
Happy birthday, Sara. May bell hooks\' words fill today with tenderness, love and care. Hoping Poppy and
- Dr Sohni Chakrabarti (5 months ago)
by any other name
Happy Birthday! Happy bell hooks day!
- by any other name (5 months ago)
Lisa Diedrich
Happy birthday, Sara!! Reading & thinking with bell hooks is a wonderful way to celebrate.
- Lisa Diedrich (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Bell Hooks will celebrate her 73 years old birthday in 7 months and 22 days! Send your greetings to her now!