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David Hollingsworth
\"I try and reduce myself to an almost blank slate and hope to God that I am creative.\"
- Sir Ben Kingsley Ha
- David Hollingsworth (2 months ago)
A happy birthday from yesterday to the British actor Ben Kingsley who has played in lots of films such as Gandhi sc
- movietelevisionandactorfan (2 months ago)
Perjési Ilona
Happy Birthday Ben Kingsley! by liam Gaughan
- Perjési Ilona (2 months ago)
Pop Culture Now
Happy Birthday on this New Years Eve to Actor Sir Anthony Hopkins 85, Actor Ben Kingsley 79, Actor Val Kilmer 63, K
- Pop Culture Now (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Sir Ben Kingsley. Ben is set to reprise his role as actor Trevor Slattery in on
- FandomWire (2 months ago)
The Stuff That Sugarplum Dreams Are Made Of
Happy Birthday to Ben Kingsley, here in SCHINDLER\'S LIST!
- The Stuff That Sugarplum Dreams Are Made Of (2 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Sir Anthony Hopkins, James Remar, Sir Ben Kingsley, Tim Matheson,
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (2 months ago)
Mike Baldwin
Happy birthday Sir Ben Kingsley.
- Mike Baldwin (2 months ago)
Teury Potter
HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Academy Award Winner SIR, BEN KINGSLEY (December 31, 1943) He Won An Oscar For Actor in A Leading
- Teury Potter (2 months ago)
Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Ben Kingsley
His Disney roles include portraying The Man in the Yellow Suit in Ni
- Disney Wiki (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday AnthonyHopkins, Ben Kingsley, Alex Ferguson, Steve B
- BRMGradio (2 months ago)
Hollywood Golden Age of Cinema
Happy 79th Birthday to Sir Ben Kingsley.
Born | December 31, 1943 in Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, UK.
Birth N
- Hollywood Golden Age of Cinema (2 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 31; Actor Max Bowden ,27; Actor Ben Kingsley,78; Actress Gong Li,56; US General George Mars
- BRONX POET (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Sir Ben Kingsley (born Krishna Pandit Bhanji; 31 December
- Oshun (2 months ago)
Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Ben Kingsley, born December 31, 1943
- Today In Nerd History (2 months ago)
Happy bday Ben Kingsley, playing a random SGE character who I hope is Sader!
- Miltz (2 months ago)
Leigh Film - Charity
Happy 78th Birthday to Sir Ben Kingsley \"We either lose touch with the child inside us, or try to hold onto it, bec
- Leigh Film - Charity (2 months ago)
Kyler Kline
Happy birthday Ben Kingsley
- Kyler Kline (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to James Remar, Anthony Hopkins, Ben Kingsley, Gong Li, Val Kilmer, John Denver, and Vernon Wells
- Happy Birthday (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to actor Ben Kingsley born on December 31, 1943
- Space-reporter-news (2 months ago)
Soami Mauj
Dec 31
Happy Birthday Sir Ben Kingsley. \"Gandhi\"
- Soami Mauj (2 months ago)
Happy birthday to Sir Ben Kingsley.
- Karl (2 months ago)
Campus Theatre
Today he\'s turning 78 and we want to wish Sir Ben Kingsley a very Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday, Ben Kingsley!
- Campus Theatre (2 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Ben Kingsley
- Solo Juan (2 months ago)
Bryan Turner
Happy Birthday Sir Ben Kingsley
- Bryan Turner (2 months ago)
Ishaan Tiwari
Happy 78th Birthday to Ben Kingsley!!
- Ishaan Tiwari (2 months ago)
The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Happy Birthday to Ben Kingsley, here in SCHINDLER\'S LIST!
- The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ben Kingsley
- DavidEvansakaDarthSpiderMaul (2 months ago)
Happy birthday Ben Kingsley! He s been consistently great, but his portrait of George Méliès in Hugo is the one clo
- jhpcine (2 months ago)
Nicky J. O\'Hagan
Happy birthday to both the greatest and legendary Academy Award winners: ANTHONY HOPKINS and BEN KINGSLEY!
- Nicky J. O\'Hagan (2 months ago)
Sopranos stuff
Happy birthday to Sir Ben Kingsley! Here he is in the role that catapulted him to stardom, playing himself on The S
- Sopranos stuff (2 months ago)
Leroy Maxwell 2nd
December 31st Famous Birthdays/Capricorn ( )
HNYE/Happy Birthday 2:
Anthony Hopkins, Gabby Douglas, Val Kilmer, Be
- Leroy Maxwell 2nd (2 months ago)
Happy birthday to Ben Kingsley, born today in 1943. An English actor, he is known in fandom for roles in Species, B
- Vault0 (2 months ago)
Happy birthday Ben Kingsley !
- XU (2 months ago)
Phase 4 Gifs
Happy 78th birthday to Ben Kingsley!
- Phase 4 Gifs (2 months ago)
Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday Ben Kingsley!
- Jerry Dennis (2 months ago)
Happy 78th birthday to one of our finest actors, Sir Ben Kingsley.
- Hillary Warned Us About Roe (2 months ago)
Sir Ben Kingsley
- crazy-bic (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Brillant Actor Ben Kingsley!!!
- Jacramcross (2 months ago)
Coffee with Jeff
Happy 78th birthday to English actor Ben Kingsley who was born on this day in 1943. Ben has garnered many accolades
- Coffee with Jeff (2 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 78th Birthday to BEN KINGSLEY
- George Schmidt (G) (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ben Kingsley
Tribute to Ben Kingsley
- gordana (2 months ago)
I want to wish Ben Kingsley, John Denver and Donna Summer a very happy birthday. This year has been a very exciting
- Bjørn (2 months ago)
Michael W. Freeman
Happy birthday Ben Kingsley, an outstanding actor who positively lit up the screen as the peace loving activist Mah
- Michael W. Freeman (2 months ago)
Movie Universes
Let\'s wish the toast of Croydon a happy birthday! Join us in celebrating Ben Kingsley\'s birthday.
- Movie Universes (2 months ago)
Samuel J. May
\"Come and dream with me\"
Happy birthday Ben Kingsley ~ Hugo (2011)
- Samuel J. May (2 months ago)
Marvel UK & Ireland
Let\'s wish the toast of Croydon a happy birthday! Join us in celebrating Ben Kingsley\'s birthday.
- Marvel UK & Ireland (2 months ago)
Happy 78th Birthday Ben Kingsley
- VIMOOZ (2 months ago)
The Axial Cut
Happy 78th birthday to Sir Krishna Pandit Bhanji (professionally known as Ben Kingsley).
The accomplished actor h
- The Axial Cut (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Ben Kingsley will celebrate his 82 years old birthday in 9 months and 18 days! Send your greetings to him now!